

更新时间:2024-03-11 15:51:52作者:自考教育网



1. homestay的定义



2. homestay的含义


3. 同义词

除了homestay之外,还有一些类似含义的词汇,比如bed and breakfast(B&B)、guesthouse、farmstay等。它们都强调提供给游客更加亲密、温馨的住宿体验。

4. homestay的例句

a. I highly recommend choosing a homestay for your next trip, it's a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture.


b. Our homestay host was so welcoming and kind, we felt like a part of their family during our stay.


c. The homestay we stayed at was located in a small village, it was such a peaceful and authentic experience.




1. homestay是什么意思?


2. homestay怎么读?


3. homestay同义词及例句

- 同义词:homestaying、home hosting、home sharing

- 例句:During my trip to Japan, I chose to stay in a homestay to experience the local culture.


4. 选择homestay的好处

- 深入了解当地文化:与当地家庭一起生活可以让你更加深入地了解当地人的生活方式、传统和文化。

- 节省开支:相比于酒店或民宿,homestay通常价格更实惠。

- 提供个性化服务:与房东一起住可以享受到更加个性化的服务和照顾。

- 练习语言能力:与当地人交流可以提高你的语言能力,让你更加流利地使用当地语言。

5. 如何选择合适的homestay

- 浏览网站:可以通过网站如Airbnb、Booking等搜索并预订homestay。

- 阅读评价:在选择homestay时,可以阅读其他游客的评价,了解房东和住宿条件是否符合自己的需求。

- 考虑位置:选择距离旅行目的地近、交通便利的homestay,可以节省时间和精力。

- 与房东沟通:在预订之前,可以与房东沟通了解住宿细节和规定,以避免不必要的麻烦


1. homestay的意思


2. homestay的发音及读音


3. homestay的同义词

homestay最常见的同义词是“host family”(寄宿家庭)和“homestaying”(寄宿),也可以用“home accommodation”(家庭住宿)来表达相同的意思。

4. homestay的例句

- I prefer to stay in a homestay when I travel, as it allows me to experience the local culture more closely.


- Our school offers a homestay program for international students, where they can live with local families and improve their language skills.


- The homestay we stayed in was very cozy and the host family was extremely welcoming.


- Homestaying is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture and make meaningful connections with local people.



1. 家庭寄宿(family homestay)

示例:My parents are hosting a family homestay for international students.

2. 民宿(guesthouse)

示例:The couple runs a guesthouse that offers a homestay experience for travelers.

3. 寄宿家庭(host family)

示例:I stayed with a host family during my study abroad program in Spain.

4. 家庭旅馆(homestel)

示例:The homestel provides affordable accommodation options for backpackers.

5. 住家(boarding house)

示例:The boarding house offers a homestay option for students who prefer a home-like environment.

6. 寄宿处(lodging)

示例:The lodging options include hotels, hostels, and homestays.

7. 私人住宅(private residence)

示例:The private residence offers a unique homestay experience with the host family.

8. 家庭式酒店(family hotel)

示例:The family hotel offers both traditional hotel rooms and homestay options for guests.

9. 居家式住宿(home-style accommodation)

示例:Many students choose home-style accommodation, such as homestays, for their study abroad experience.

10. 家庭式旅舍(family hostel)

示例:The family hostel provides budget-friendly accommodations with the option of a homestay experience


1. 家庭住宿 (homestay)

2. 寄宿家庭 (host family)

3. 家庭式住宿 (home-style accommodation)

4. 住家体验 (living with a family)

5. 家庭寄宿 (family stay)

6. 家庭旅馆 (family inn)

7. 住家学习 (home-stay learning)

8. 寄宿生活 (boarding life)

9. 居家体验 (homestay experience)

10. 家庭接待 (family hosting)

1. What does homestay mean?

2. How do you pronounce homestay?

3. Synonyms for homestay

4. Examples of homestay



1. Homestay refers to a type of accommodation where travelers stay with a local family in their home.

2. It is pronounced as "home-stay", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Other words that can be used to describe homestay include host family, home-style accommodation, and living with a family.

4. Some examples of homestays include staying with a local family while studying abroad, or choosing to stay with a host family instead of a hotel while traveling.



1.Homestays offer a unique cultural experience for travelers, allowing them to immerse themselves in the local lifestyle and customs.

2.Staying with a host family can also provide opportunities for language practice and learning.

3.Homestays are often more affordable than hotels, making it an attractive option for budget travelers.

4.Host families can offer insider tips and recommendations for the best local attractions and activities.

5.Homestays can also be a safer and more secure option, especially for solo travelers, as they are staying with a trusted local family



