

更新时间:2024-03-11 15:50:15作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of homesick




除了homesick之外,还有一些同义词可以表达类似的意思。比如nostalgic、yearning、longing等都可以表示对家乡或过去生活的怀念和渴望。例如,“She felt nostalgic for her hometown when she saw old photos.”(她看到旧照片时感到对家乡的怀念。)

有时候我们也会用一些俚语来表达homesick这种感觉,比如说“homesickness blues”或者“homesick like a dog”。这些俚语都是指非常强烈的想家的感觉。例如,“I've been away from home for too long, I've got the homesickness blues.”(我离开家太久了,我开始想家了。)

Is homesick an idiom?


1. homesick的含义


2. homesick怎么读

homesick的发音为[hohm-sik],注意第一个音节读作长音[o],第二个音节读作[si]而非[sik]。如果你想在英文中表达自己对家乡的思念,可以说“I am homesick.”或者“I feel homesick.”

3. homesick同义词


4. homesick的例句


- I always feel homesick when I am away from my family.

- He has been living abroad for 5 years and he still gets homesick from time to time.

- She couldn't help but burst into tears, feeling homesick for her hometown

Usage and examples of homesick

1. Definition of homesick

Homesick is an adjective that describes the feeling of longing or nostalgia for one's home or family while being away from them. It is a combination of the words "home" and "sick", indicating a strong emotional attachment to one's home.

2. How to pronounce homesick

Homesick is pronounced as "hohm-sik" with the stress on the first syllable. The "e" in "homesick" is not pronounced, making it sound like "homesic".

3. Synonyms for homesick

- Nostalgic: feeling sentimental or wistful about one's past.

- Yearning: a strong desire or longing for something.

- Pining: feeling a deep longing or craving for something.

- Longing: having an intense desire or yearning for something.

4. Examples of using homesick in sentences

- After moving to a new city, I felt homesick for my family and friends.

- Being away from my country for so long, I often feel homesick and miss the familiar sights and sounds.

- Whenever I see pictures of my hometown, I can't help but feel homesick.

- My sister went abroad to study and she often calls me crying because she's feeling homesick.

- Even though I've been living in this city for years, I still get homesick during holidays.

5. Tips for dealing with homesickness

- Stay connected with loved ones through phone calls, video chats, or letters.

- Surround yourself with familiar items from home such as photos, favorite books, or even food.

- Explore your new surroundings and try to find things that make you feel at home.

- Don't be afraid to reach out to others who may also be feeling homesick. You can support each other through this difficult time.

In conclusion, homesickness is a common emotion experienced by many people who are away from their home or loved ones. It is important to acknowledge and address these feelings in order to cope with them effectively. By understanding the meaning of homesick and using some coping strategies, one can overcome this feeling and enjoy their new environment

Antonyms and synonyms of homesick


1. Homesick - 不想家的 (Not homesick)

2. Content - 满足的 (Satisfied, fulfilled)

3. Adventurous - 冒险的 (Bold, daring)

4. Independent - 独立的 (Self-sufficient, self-reliant)

5. Excited - 兴奋的 (Thrilled, exhilarated)


1. Nostalgic - 怀旧的 (Reminiscent, longing for home)

2. Yearning - 渴望的 (Longing, craving)

3. Pining - 思念的 (Missing, longing for)

4. Melancholic - 忧郁的 (Sad, gloomy)

5. Wistful - 留恋的 (Regretful, sentimental)


1. She was feeling homesick and couldn't wait to go back to her hometown.

2. He was content with his new life in the city and didn't miss his hometown at all.

3. The adventurous traveler never felt homesick as he was always exploring new places.

4. Being independent and living on her own made her less homesick.

5. The excited teenager couldn't wait to leave for college and experience a new adventure

Explanation of homesick

Homesick, a feeling that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It is a word that carries a heavy weight, and can evoke a range of emotions. But what exactly does it mean? How do you pronounce it? And are there any other words that can be used to describe this feeling?

Let's dive into the world of homesickness and find out more.

1. What does homesick mean?

Homesick is an adjective that describes the feeling of longing for one's home or family while being away from them. It can also refer to the longing for a familiar place or environment. This feeling is often accompanied by sadness, nostalgia, and a sense of displacement.

2. How do you pronounce homesick?

The correct pronunciation for homesick is "hohm-sik". The "e" in the middle is silent, so it should not be pronounced as "home-sick".

3. Synonyms for homesick

There are several words that can be used as synonyms for homesick, such as nostalgic, yearning, longing, or pining. These words all convey a similar feeling of missing something or someone dearly.

4. Examples of using homesick in a sentence

- After moving to another country for work, I started to feel homesick and missed my family and friends back home.

- Whenever I see pictures of my hometown, I get hit with a wave of homesickness.

- Being away from home for so long made me realize how much I took it for granted. Now I feel incredibly homesick.

So next time you're feeling homesick, remember that it's completely normal and something we all go through at some point. Just make sure to stay connected with your loved ones and create new memories wherever you are to ease the longing for home.

In conclusion, homesickness is more than just missing your physical home; it's also about missing the people and memories that make it feel like home. But with the right mindset and support, you can overcome homesickness and create a new sense of home wherever you are




