

更新时间:2024-03-11 15:44:06作者:自考教育网


The meaning of "homeless"

1. "Homeless"的意思是什么?



2. 如何正确读音"homeless"?


3. "Homeless"的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- Many people in the city are homeless and struggle to find a place to sleep at night.


- The organization provides shelter and support for homeless individuals in the community.


- She became homeless after losing her job and couldn't afford to pay rent.


How to pronounce "homeless"



2.意思:那么,“homeless”是什么意思呢?它是一个形容词,指没有家可归的、无家可归的。比如,在城市里经常可以看到一些无家可归的人,在英语中就可以说成“homeless people”。



- Many people in the city are homeless and have to sleep on the streets.


- The government is working on solutions to reduce the number of homeless people in the country.


- She volunteers at a shelter for homeless youth every weekend.


Usage and examples of "homeless"

1. Meaning of "homeless"

Homeless refers to a person or group of people who do not have a fixed, permanent, and adequate place to live. This can include individuals living on the streets, in shelters, or temporarily staying with friends or family. The term is often used to describe those who are unable to afford housing or have been forced out of their homes due to various reasons such as poverty, natural disasters, or conflicts.

2. Pronunciation of "homeless"

The word "homeless" is pronounced as /ˈhoʊmləs/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "h" is silent and the "o" is pronounced like the "o" in "hot". The second syllable has a short and soft vowel sound like the "u" in "cup". You can also listen to the correct pronunciation on online dictionaries or language learning platforms.

3. Synonyms for "homeless"

- Displaced: This word refers to someone who has been forced out of their home.

- Unhoused: This term is used to describe people without a home.

- Roofless: It means lacking shelter or a roof over one's head.

- Houseless: Similar to unhoused, it describes someone who does not have a house.

- Itinerant: This word refers to someone who travels from place to place without a permanent home.

4. Examples of usage

- Many homeless people struggle with finding shelter and basic necessities every day.

- The city government has implemented programs to help reduce the number of homeless individuals living on the streets.

- After losing her job and being unable to pay rent, Sarah became homeless and had to rely on shelters for temporary housing.

- The organization provides support for homeless families by offering them food, clothing, and access to medical care.

- Despite facing many challenges, John managed to turn his life around after being homeless for several years.

In conclusion, "homeless" is a term that refers to individuals without a fixed and adequate place to live. It is pronounced as /ˈhoʊmləs/ and can be used interchangeably with other words such as displaced, unhoused, or roofless. Examples of usage can help provide a better understanding of the term and its impact on individuals and communities

Phrases using "homeless"

1. "Homeless" means without a home or a place to live. It can also refer to someone who is living on the streets or in temporary shelters.

例句:The city has a large population of homeless people who struggle to find shelter every night.

2. Synonyms for "homeless" include "unhoused," "displaced," and "roofless."

例句:After the natural disaster, many families were left displaced and homeless.

3. To be "homeless" is to be without a permanent residence.

例句:She lost her job and soon became homeless, sleeping in her car for months.

4. Someone who is "homeless" may also be referred to as a "vagrant" or a "drifter."

例句:The park was filled with vagrants and drifters looking for a place to rest.

5. The term "homelessness" refers to the state of being without a home.

例句:The government needs to address the issue of homelessness and provide support for those in need.

6. A common phrase used to describe someone who is homeless is "down on their luck."

例句:He used to have a successful career, but now he's down on his luck and living on the streets.

7. Another phrase that can be used is "living rough," which means living in uncomfortable or difficult conditions without proper shelter.

例句:The homeless man had been living rough for years before finally finding help at a local shelter.

8. If someone is described as being "streetwise," it means they have experience and knowledge about living on the streets.

例句:After years of being homeless, he had become streetwise and knew how to survive in any situation.

9. The term "couch surfing" refers to staying temporarily with different friends or acquaintances instead of having a permanent home.

例句:When she lost her apartment, she had to resort to couch surfing until she could find a new place to live.

10. A common phrase used to describe the struggle of being homeless is "living hand to mouth," which means barely having enough money or resources to survive.

例句:The homeless shelter relies on donations and volunteers to help those living hand to mouth on the streets

Synonyms for "homeless" with examples

1. What does "homeless" mean?

- Definition: without a home or a place to live

- Example: The city has a large population of homeless people living on the streets.

2. How do you pronounce "homeless"?

- Pronunciation: HOHM-lis

- Example: She works at a shelter for the homeless.

3. Synonyms for "homeless"

- Definition: alternative words or phrases with similar meaning to "homeless"

- Example: Some synonyms for "homeless" include:

- Unhoused

- Displaced

- Roofless

- Itinerant

- Vagrant

4. Examples of synonyms for "homeless"

- Unhoused: The government is working on providing housing for the unhoused population.

- Displaced: Many families were displaced due to the natural disaster.

- Roofless: He lived as a roofless wanderer, moving from place to place.

- Itinerant: The itinerant musician traveled from city to city, performing on the streets.

- Vagrant: The city has strict laws against vagrants sleeping in public places.

In conclusion, "homeless" refers to someone without a home or place to live and can be pronounced as HOHM-lis. Some synonyms for this word include unhoused, displaced, roofless, itinerant, and vagrant. These words can be used in different contexts and situations to describe individuals who do not have a permanent residence

In conclusion, "homeless" refers to a person or group of people who do not have a place to live. It is pronounced as "HOHM-lis" and has synonyms such as "displaced", "unhoused", and "vagrant". As an editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the word "homeless". If you found this article helpful, please consider following our page for more informative content. Thank you for reading!


