

更新时间:2024-03-11 15:19:19作者:自考教育网



What does "hollow" mean?

1. 概念解释


2. 发音及读音


3. 同义词


4. 例句


- The tree trunk was hollow, so we could hide inside it.


- He gave a hollow promise to help us, but never followed through.


- She felt hollow inside after the loss of her best friend.



How do you pronounce "hollow"?

Are you feeling a bit confused about the pronunciation of "hollow"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky to say, but fear not, I'm here to help you out!

First things first, let's break down the word. "Hollow" is spelled with an "h" at the beginning and ends with a "w". The stress is on the first syllable, so it's pronounced as "HAH-loh". Now that we have that cleared up, let's take a look at some examples of how it's used in sentences.

"Hollow" is an adjective that describes something that is empty or has a hole in it. For example, "The tree trunk was hollow inside." It can also be used to describe someone who seems insincere or lacking in depth. For instance, "Her apology felt hollow and insincere."

If you're still having trouble with the pronunciation, try saying it slowly and exaggerating the sounds. You can also use online resources like Google Translate or websites that provide audio pronunciation guides.

Now that you know how to pronounce "hollow", let's take a look at some synonyms for this word. Some similar words include empty, vacant, void, and cavernous.

So next time you come across the word "hollow", don't be intimidated by its spelling or pronunciation. Just remember to stress the first syllable and think of something empty or insincere. Happy practicing!

Usage and examples of "hollow"

1. What does "hollow" mean?

- "Hollow" is an adjective that describes something that is empty or has a space inside.

- It can also refer to something that lacks substance or depth, such as a hollow promise or a hollow victory.

2. How do you pronounce "hollow"?

- The word "hollow" is pronounced as [hol-oh] with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "hollow"

- Some synonyms for "hollow" include empty, vacant, void, shallow, and meaningless.

4. Examples of usage:

a) The tree trunk was hollow inside.

b) She felt a hollow feeling in her chest after the breakup.

c) His words sounded hollow and insincere.

d) The team's victory felt hollow without their star player.

e) The abandoned house had a hollow and eerie atmosphere

Phrases with "hollow"

1. "Hollow out": to remove the inside of something, leaving it empty or with a hollow space. Example: The woodpecker hollowed out the tree trunk to make its nest.

2. "Hollow victory": a victory that is not satisfying or meaningful because it was achieved without much effort or competition. Example: Winning the game against an inexperienced team felt like a hollow victory.

3. "Hollow promise": a promise that is not sincere or likely to be fulfilled. Example: The politician's speech was full of hollow promises that he had no intention of keeping.

4. "In the hollow of one's hand": within one's control or power. Example: The CEO held the company's fate in the hollow of his hand.

5. "Hollow feeling": a feeling of emptiness, sadness, or disappointment. Example: After her best friend moved away, she was left with a hollow feeling in her heart.

6. "Hollow-eyed": having deep, sunken eyes due to exhaustion, illness, or sadness. Example: After days of studying for exams, he showed up to class looking hollow-eyed and drained.

7. "Hollow laughter": insincere or forced laughter used to cover up true feelings. Example: She let out a hollow laughter when her boss made an unfunny joke in an attempt to please him.

8. "Hollow threat": a threat that is not meant seriously and has no real consequence if ignored. Example: My parents always made hollow threats about taking away my phone if I didn't do my chores.

9. "Echoing hollow": something that has no substance or meaning and only repeats what has already been said before. Example: The politician's speech was just an echoing hollow of his previous speeches with no new ideas.

10. "Hollowed cheeks": having sunken cheeks due to weight loss or illness. Example: After weeks of being sick, she emerged with hollowed cheeks and a pale complexion

Synonyms of "hollow" with examples

1. Meaning of "hollow"

- Definition: having a hole or empty space inside

- Example: The tree trunk was hollow, so we could hide inside it.

2. How to pronounce "hollow"

- Pronunciation: /ˈhɒləʊ/

- Example: She pronounced the word "hollow" with a British accent.

3. Synonyms of "hollow"

- Alternative words: empty, vacant, void, cavity, gap

- Example: The vase was hollow inside, with enough space to hold a bouquet of flowers.

4. Examples using synonyms:

a) The abandoned house was empty and hollow, with no sign of life inside.

b) The vacant lot was filled with hollow spaces where buildings used to stand.

c) The void in her heart could only be filled by the love of her family.

d) He carved out a cavity in the wood to make room for his secret treasure.

e) There was a gap between the two buildings where they could see the sky.

5. Other words related to "hollow"

- Related terms: hollowness, hollowed-out, hollowness

- Example: The hollowness of his promises became evident when he failed to keep them.

6. Different ways to use "hollow"

a) Adjective form: She felt a hollow sensation in her stomach when she saw him.

b) Verb form: He used a hammer and chisel to hollow out the pumpkin for Halloween.

c) Adverb form: They walked through the forest and heard their footsteps echoing hollowly.

7. Idioms using "hollow"

a) Beat someone at their own game - To defeat someone using their own methods.

Example: She beat her opponent at his own game by playing smarter than him.

b) Make your hair stand on end - To frighten or shock someone greatly.

Example: The horror movie made my hair stand on end.

c) On the heels of - To follow closely behind something.

Example: The success of her first book came on the heels of her second book's release.

8. Conclusion:

In summary, "hollow" can be used to describe something that is empty or has an empty space inside. It can also be used in various forms and idioms to convey different meanings. Remember to practice using these synonyms and idioms in your conversations to improve your English vocabulary!

In conclusion, "hollow" is a versatile word that can be used to describe something that is empty, lacking substance or depth, or having a concave shape. It can also be used in phrases to convey different meanings. So the next time you come across the word "hollow", remember its various definitions and usage.


