

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:56:07作者:自考教育网



1. hole的定义



2. hole的含义


3. hole的同义词


4. hole的例句

(1) The mouse ran into a small hole in the wall.


(2) She used a drill to make a hole in the wood.


(3) The key doesn't fit in this keyhole, maybe there's something blocking the hole.


(4) The telescope has a lens with a diameter of 4 inches and an aperture of 2 inches.


(5) The doctor found a cavity in her tooth and filled it with a filling.


(6) The bullet went through the window, leaving a small hole in the glass.




1. “There is a hole in my sock.” 这句话的意思是“我的袜子上有个洞”。在这里,“hole”指的是一个小洞或孔。

2. “The golf ball went into the hole.” 这句话的意思是“高尔夫球进入了洞”。在这里,“hole”指的是高尔夫球场上的球洞。

3. “I fell into a deep hole and couldn't get out.” 这句话的意思是“我掉进了一个深坑,无法爬出来”。在这里,“hole”指的是一个深坑或陷阱。



1. hole的意思


2. hole的读音


3. hole的同义词


4. 双语例句

1) There is a small hole in the wall. (墙上有一个小洞。)

2) The mouse escaped through a tiny hole in the floor. (老鼠从地板上一个小小的洞逃走了。)

3) She found a hole in her sock and had to throw it away. (她发现袜子上有个洞,不得不扔掉它。)

4) The golf ball went straight into the hole. (高尔夫球直接进入了洞。)

5) He dug a deep hole in the ground to bury his treasure. (他在地上挖了一个深深的坑来埋藏他的财宝。)

6) The ship sank after hitting an iceberg and leaving a large hole in its hull. (船撞上冰山后沉没,在船体上留下了一个大洞。)

7) We need to fill in all the holes in the wall before painting it. (我们需要在刷墙之前把所有的洞都填上。)

8) The detective discovered a hole in the suspect's alibi. (侦探发现了嫌疑人的 co alibi 中的漏洞。)


1. Hole in the ground - 地洞,地坑

例句:The dog dug a deep hole in the ground to bury its bone.

2. Black hole - 黑洞

例句:Scientists are still trying to understand the mysteries of black holes.

3. Mouse hole - 鼠洞

例句:The cat was waiting patiently outside the mouse hole, hoping to catch a mouse.

4. Keyhole - 锁眼,钥匙孔

例句:She peered through the keyhole to see if anyone was inside the room.

5. Bullet hole - 枪眼,弹孔

例句:The detective examined the bullet holes in the wall for any clues.

6. Wormhole - 虫洞

例句:According to science fiction, wormholes can be used for time travel.

7. Pothole - 坑洞,路面凹陷

例句:The car hit a pothole and got a flat tire.

8. Glory hole - 空穴,净水孔

例句:The plumber had to fix a leak in the glory hole of the sink.

9. Rabbit hole - 兔子洞,迷宫般的事物或情况

例句:After reading Alice in Wonderland, she felt like she had fallen down a rabbit hole.

10. Holey cheese - 有洞的奶酪,指瑕疵品或不完美的事物

例句:I won't buy that shirt, it has holes all over it like holey cheese!


1. 穴 (xué) hole

例句:There was a small hole in the wall. (墙上有一个小洞。)

2. 洞 (dòng) opening

例句:The keyhole was too small for the key. (钥匙孔太小,钥匙进不去。)

3. 孔 (kǒng) aperture

例句:The camera lens has an adjustable aperture. (相机镜头有可调的光圈。)

4. 凹陷 (āo xiàn) depression

例句:The car's tire got stuck in a deep hole on the road. (汽车轮胎陷入了路上的一个深坑。)

5. 空隙 (kòng xì) gap

例句:There was a small hole in the fence, allowing the dog to escape. (篱笆上有一个小缝隙,狗从那里逃走了。)

6. 破洞 (pò dòng) tear

例句:There was a large hole in his shirt after it got caught on a nail. (他的衬衫被钉子挂住后,出现了一个大洞。)

7. 缺口 (quē kǒu) gap, break

例句:The earthquake caused a huge hole in the ground, leaving a large gap in the landscape. (地震造成地面出现了一个巨大的洞,留下了一道大缺口在景观中。)

8. 窟窿(kū long) cavity

例句:The dentist filled the hole in my tooth. (牙医给我的牙补了一个窟窿。)

9. 漏洞 (lòu dòng) loophole

例句:The contract had a lot of loopholes that allowed the company to get away with not paying their employees. (合同中有很多漏洞,使得公司可以逃避支付员工的工资。)

10. 坑 (kēng) pit, hollow

例句:The kids dug a hole in the sand at the beach and played in it. (孩子们在海滩上挖了一个沙坑,玩耍其中。)


