

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:50:31作者:自考教育网




首先,hold作为一个动词,最基本的意思是“拿着”、“抓住”。比如,“She held the baby in her arms.”(她抱着婴儿。)另外,hold也可以表示“保持”、“维持”。比如,“Can you hold this position for a few more minutes?”(你能维持这个姿势几分钟吗?)


除了这两个基本意思外,hold还有许多其他的含义。例如,“拥有”、“掌握”,“支撑”、“承载”,“容纳”等等。比如,“He holds a PhD degree.”(他拥有博士学位。)“The bridge can hold up to 200 cars at a time.”(这座桥每次能容纳200辆车。)

此外,hold也可以表示“举行”、“召开”。比如,“The meeting will be held next Monday.”(会议将于下周一举行。)还可以表示“保留”、“延迟”。例如,“I'll hold the tickets for you until tomorrow.”(我会为你保留票到明天。)





1. hold的发音及意思


2. hold的同义词


3. hold的例句

(1) He held the book tightly in his hands.


(2) The child held onto his mother's hand.


(3) She could not hold back her tears.


(4) The police tried to hold back the crowd.


4. hold的用法及搭配

(1) hold something:抓住某物

例如:She held the baby in her arms.


(2) hold somebody/something tight:紧紧地抓住某人/某物

例如:He held her tight and refused to let go.


(3) hold on to something:抓牢某物

例如:Hold on to the railing when you go up the stairs.


(4) hold back:阻止;控制

例如:He tried to hold back his anger.


(5) hold up:举起;支撑

例如:She held up her hand to ask a question.


5. hold的常见短语

(1) get a hold of:获得;掌握

例如:I need to get a hold of some more information before making a decision.


(2) have/keep a hold on:对...有影响力;控制住

例如:The company has a strong hold on the market.


(3) take hold of:抓住;控制

例如:He took hold of her arm and pulled her away from the danger.


(4) lose one's grip/hold on:失去对...的控制

例如:The government is losing its grip on the economy.


6. 不同含义下的hold


(1) 持有;拥有

例如:He holds a PhD in physics.


(2) 保留;保持

例如:We should try to hold onto our traditions and values.


(3) 举行;召开

例如:The meeting will be held next Monday.


(4) 坚持;支持

例如:I will always hold onto my dreams.


7. hold的常见误用


(1) hold on to something:这个短语通常用来表示“抓牢某物”,但是有时候也会被误用为“等一下”或“保持联系”的意思。正确的表达应为hold onto。

(2) take hold of something:这个短语通常用来表示“抓住某物”,但是有时候也会被误用为“理解”或“掌握”的意思。正确的表达应为get a hold of。

(3) have a hold on something:这个短语通常用来表示“对...有影响力”,但是有时候也会被误用为“拥有”或“控制”的意思。正确的表达应为have/keep a hold on


1. hold的意思是“抓住,握住”,也可以表示“拥有,控制”等含义。

Hold on to the railing while walking down the stairs. (走下楼梯时抓住栏杆)

I hold a master's degree in psychology. (我拥有心理学硕士学位)

2. hold的读音为/həʊld/。

How do you pronounce "hold"? (你怎么读"hold"?)

3. hold的同义词包括grasp, grip, clutch等。

He firmly grasped my hand and didn't let go. (他紧紧抓住我的手不放)

4. 例句:

- Can you hold this bag for me while I tie my shoelaces? (我系鞋带时你能帮我拿一下这个包吗?)

- The company holds a majority share in the market. (该公司在市场上占据多数股份。)

- She couldn't hold back her tears when she heard the news. (她听到消息后无法控制自己的眼泪。)


1. hold on:等待,坚持

例句:Please hold on for a moment, I'll be right back.(请稍等一下,我马上回来。)

2. hold back:抑制,阻止

例句:She had to hold back her tears when she heard the sad news.(当她听到这个悲伤的消息时,她不得不忍住眼泪。)

3. hold up:支撑,耽搁

例句:The strong pillars held up the roof of the building.(坚固的柱子支撑着建筑物的屋顶。)

4. hold off:推迟,拖延

例句:They decided to hold off the meeting until next week.(他们决定将会议推迟到下周。)

5. hold out:坚持,维持

例句:The soldiers held out against the enemy attack for three days.(士兵们抵抗了敌人的攻击三天。)

6. hold over:延期,推迟

例句:The court case has been held over until next month due to new evidence.(由于新证据出现,法庭案件被推迟到下个月。)

7. hold down:压制,控制

例句:He had to work hard to hold down his emotions during the funeral service.(在葬礼仪式期间,他不得不努力控制自己的情绪。)

8. hold in:抑制,收缩

例句:She had to hold in her laughter during the serious meeting.(在严肃的会议期间,她不得不抑制住笑声。)

9. hold onto:紧握,保留

例句:He held onto his dreams despite all the challenges he faced.(尽管面临着各种挑战,他仍然坚持自己的梦想。)

10. hold dear:珍视,重视

例句:She holds her family dear and always puts them first.(她珍视自己的家人,并始终把他们放在第一位。)


1. Grasp

- Definition: to hold something tightly with your hands or arms

- Example: She grasped the rope tightly as she climbed up the mountain.

2. Clutch

- Definition: to hold onto something tightly, especially because you are afraid or in pain

- Example: The child clutched onto her mother's hand as they crossed the busy street.

3. Grip

- Definition: to hold something firmly with your hand or hands

- Example: He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he drove through the storm.

4. Embrace

- Definition: to hold someone or something in your arms, especially as a sign of love or affection

- Example: The couple embraced each other after being apart for a long time.

5. Grapple

- Definition: to hold onto something and struggle with it, especially in a physical fight

- Example: The wrestler grappled with his opponent for control of the match.

6. Cling

- Definition: to hold onto someone or something tightly, usually because you don't want to let go

- Example: The child clung onto his favorite toy as his mother tried to take it away.

7. Support

- Definition: to hold up or keep from falling by being underneath or against something; also used figuratively

- Example: The pillars support the roof of the building.

8. Maintain

- Definition: to keep holding onto something; also used figuratively

- Example: He maintained his grip on power despite facing numerous challenges.

9. Sustain

- Definition: to keep going and not give up; also used figuratively

- Example: She sustained her lead in the race until the very end.

10. Retain

- Definition: to continue holding onto something; also used figuratively

- Example: The company retained its top position in the market despite tough competition



