
hold off是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:41:46作者:自考教育网

今天我们要来谈论一个英语中常见的短语——hold off。它到底是什么意思呢?或许你已经有了一些猜测,但是让我们一起来探究一下吧。hold off,这个词组的拼音是[həʊld ɒf],它怎么读呢?在本文中,我们将为你详细解读hold off的用法,并且给出双语例句来帮助你更好地理解。除此之外,还有一些与hold off相关的词组和同义词示例,让我们一起来探索吧!接下来,请跟随我一起深入学习这个有趣的词组。

hold off是什么意思

hold off的拼音

hold off的拼音是[həʊld ɒf],意为“暂缓”。这个短语通常用于表示推迟或延迟某件事情的发生。它也可以用来表示阻止或抵制某种行为或行动。无论是在工作还是生活中,我们都可能会遇到需要暂时停止或延后某些事情的情况,这时候就可以使用hold off这个短语来表达。让我们一起来看看一些具体的例子吧!

hold off怎么读

1. 解释hold off的含义

Hold off是一个动词短语,意为“推迟”,“延迟”,“暂停”。它可以用来描述某件事情的延后发生,或者暂时停止进行。在不同的场景下,hold off可能会有不同的含义。

2. hold off的发音

Hold off一般被读作/hoʊld ɔf/,其中hold为重读音节,off为轻读音节。/hoʊld/发音类似于英文单词“cold”的开头部分,而/off/则发音类似于英文单词“cough”的结尾部分。

3. hold off的用法

a. 延迟或推迟某件事情

例如:We need to hold off the meeting until next week due to some unexpected circumstances.(由于一些意外情况,我们需要将会议推迟到下周。)

b. 暂时停止进行某项活动

例如:The construction work had to be held off due to bad weather conditions.(由于恶劣的天气条件,建筑工作不得不暂时停止。)

c. 阻挡或抵制某人或某事物

例如:The soldiers managed to hold off the enemy's attack for a few hours before reinforcements arrived.(士兵们设法抵挡住敌人的进攻,在援军到达之前坚持了几个小时。)

d. 拖延或推迟做某事

例如:I've been holding off buying a new phone until the price drops.(我一直在拖延买新手机,直到价格下降。)

4. hold off和hold on的区别

Hold off和hold on都可以表示“等一下”、“稍等”,但它们的用法有所不同。Hold off通常用来暂时推迟或停止某件事情,而hold on则更多指暂时停留或保持联系。

5. hold off的同义词

a. delay:延迟

b. postpone:推迟

c. defer:耽搁

d. put off:推迟

6. hold off的反义词

a. proceed:继续进行

b. continue:继续

c. advance:前进

d. carry on:坚持

7. 例句展示:

a. The company decided to hold off the product launch until the market conditions improve.


b. The students held off their protest until they could meet with the school administration.


c. The doctor advised him to hold off smoking for a few months to see if his condition improves.


d.The team managed to hold off their opponents' attacks and win the game.


hold off的用法和双语例句

1. 使用非正式的语气:在日常口语中,hold off通常指暂停或延迟做某事,可以说是“等一下”或“先别”的意思。比如,你可以对朋友说:“Hold off a minute, I need to grab my jacket.”(等一下,我要去拿我的夹克衫。)

2. 暂时搁置:在商务场合,hold off也可以表示暂时搁置某项决定或计划。例如,“We have decided to hold off on the project until we have more information.”(我们决定暂时搁置这个项目,直到我们有更多的信息。)

3. 拖延:有时候,hold off也可以表示拖延或推迟做某事。比如,“Don't hold off on your homework until the last minute.”(不要把作业拖到最后一分钟再做。)

4. 双语例句:

- Can you hold off on buying that new car until we have enough savings?(能不能先不买那辆新车,等我们有足够的储蓄了再说?)

- The company has decided to hold off on expanding into international markets due to economic uncertainties.(由于经济不确定性,公司决定暂缓进军国际市场。)

- I'll hold off on making dinner until you get home from work.(我会等你下班后再做晚饭。)

- Don't hold off on telling me the truth, I can handle it.(别拖延告诉我真相,我能应付。)

hold off的词组

1. hold off on something: 暂缓做某事,推迟做某事

例句:We decided to hold off on buying a new car until we have more savings.

2. hold off from doing something: 阻止做某事,不去做某事

例句:I had to hold off from eating my favorite dessert because of my diet.

3. hold off with something: 停止使用某物,暂时不用某物

例句:The doctor advised me to hold off with the medication until my symptoms improve.

4. hold someone/something off: 抵挡住,阻止住

例句:The soldiers were able to hold off the enemy's attack for several hours.

5. hold someone/something at bay: 控制住,使不靠近

例句:The police were able to hold the protesters at bay and prevent them from entering the building.

6. hold someone/something in check: 控制住,抑制住

例句:He struggled to hold his anger in check during the meeting.

7. hold back: 阻止,抑制,压抑

例句:She couldn't hold back her tears when she heard the news.

8. hold back from doing something: 抑制自己不去做某事

例句:She had to constantly remind herself to hold back from eating too much junk food.

9. keep/hold someone in suspense: 让某人处于悬念中,让某人担心不安

例句:The movie kept us in suspense until the very end.

10. keep/hold something in reserve: 保留某物,不用于现在

例句:I always keep some extra cash in reserve for emergencies.

11. hold out: 坚持,继续存在

例句:The soldiers held out for weeks before surrendering to the enemy.

12. hold out for something: 坚持要求某物

例句:The workers are holding out for higher wages and better working conditions.

13. hold onto something: 紧紧抓住,保留

例句:She held onto her childhood teddy bear even as an adult.

14. hold on to something: 抓住某物不放,保留某物

例句:He held on to his job despite the difficulties he faced.

15. hold up: 耽搁,延误

例句:The traffic accident held up our journey by several hours.

16. hold up something/someone: 支撑住,支持住

例句:The bridge was able to hold up the weight of the heavy truck.

17. hold together: 保持团结,团结一致

例句:We need to stick together and hold together during these tough times.

18. hold your own: 自力更生,独立自主

例句:Despite her young age, she was able to hold her own in a room full of experienced professionals.

19. be on hold: 被搁置,暂时不处理

例句:The project is currently on hold until we receive more funding.

20. put something on hold: 暂缓处理某事,推迟做某事

例句:We had to put our vacation plans on hold due to unexpected expenses

hold off同义词示例

1. Delay: hold off可以用delay来代替,意为“延迟”。例如:I think we should hold off on making a decision until we have all the information.(我认为我们应该延迟做出决定,直到我们有所有的信息。)

2. Postpone: hold off也可以用postpone来表达,意为“推迟”。例如:We decided to hold off our trip until next month.(我们决定把旅行推迟到下个月。)

3. Wait: hold off也可以用wait来替换,意为“等待”。例如:We'll have to hold off for a little while longer before we can start the project.(在开始这个项目之前,我们还需要再等一小段时间。)

4. Put on hold: 这个短语也可以作为hold off的同义词,意为“搁置”。例如:The project has been put on hold due to budget cuts.(由于预算削减,这个项目被搁置了。)

5. Hold back: 这个短语也可以表示hold off的意思,意为“阻止、抑制”。例如:He couldn't hold back his tears when he heard the news.(当他听到这个消息时,他忍不住哭了起来。)

6. Pause: 用pause来替换hold off也是合适的选择,意为“暂停、停顿”。例如:Let's pause and think about this before making any rash decisions.(在做出任何草率的决定之前,让我们暂停一下思考。)

7. Hesitate: hold off也可以用hesitate来表达,意为“犹豫、迟疑”。例如:I'm hesitating to buy this car because it's a little out of my budget.(我在犹豫是否要买这辆车,因为它有点超出我的预算。)

8. Suspend: 这个词也可以作为hold off的同义词,意为“暂停、中止”。例如:The meeting has been suspended until further notice.(会议已暂停,直到另行通知。)

9. Defer: hold off也可以用defer来表示,意为“推迟、延期”。例如:The decision has been deferred until next week's meeting.(这个决定已推迟到下周的会议上。)

10. Avoid: 最后一个同义词是avoid,意为“避免、延缓”。例如:We need to avoid making any mistakes, so let's hold off on starting the project until we have a clear plan.(我们需要避免犯任何错误,所以在有一个明确的计划之前,让我们先暂缓开始这个项目。)

hold off是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是“推迟”、“延迟”。通过学习这个短语的拼音、发音、用法和例句,相信读者们已经对hold off有了更深入的了解。同时,我们也分享了一些与hold off相关的词组和同义词示例,希望能够帮助读者更好地掌握和运用这个短语。作为网站的编辑,我非常感谢大家阅读本文,并希望能够为大家提供有价值的内容。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,我们将会为您带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢!


