

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:18:50作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of hob

1. What is the meaning of hob?


- Hob is a noun that can refer to a shelf or support used for holding cooking utensils over a fire, or a small hill or mound.

- In British English, hob can also be used as a slang term for a hobgoblin, which is a mischievous mythical creature.

2. How do you pronounce hob?

- The word "hob" is pronounced as /hɒb/ in British English and /hɑːb/ in American English.

- It is important to note that the "o" in "hob" is pronounced with a short vowel sound, unlike the long vowel sound in words like "hope" or "home".

3. Synonyms for hob

- Some synonyms for the noun form of hob include: grate, hearth, range, fireplace, and stove.

- As mentioned before, in British slang, hob can also be used as a synonym for hobgoblin or other similar mythical creatures such as brownies or elves.

4. Examples of how to use hob in a sentence

- She placed the pot on the hob and let it simmer for an hour.

- The children were afraid to go out at night because they believed there was a mischievous hob living in their backyard.

- We need to clean out the ashes from the fireplace before we can light another fire on the hob.

- The old man told stories about how he used to see hobs dancing around the fire when he was young.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "hob" has multiple meanings and pronunciations depending on its usage and context. It can refer to an object used for cooking over fire, as well as being used as slang for mythical creatures. When pronouncing it, remember to use a short vowel sound for the letter "o"

Is hob an idiom?

Well, well, well, looks like we've got a curious language learner here! You must be wondering if "hob" is just another slang term or if it's actually an idiom. Don't worry, I've got all the answers for you.

First things first, let's start with the meaning of "hob". It can refer to a shelf or ledge that sticks out from a fireplace or stove to keep pots and pans warm. But in slang terms, it can also mean a sidekick or companion.

Now onto the pronunciation. It's pronounced as "häb", with a short "o" sound. Think of it as saying "hot" without the "t". Easy peasy, right?

But wait, there's more! "Hob" also has some synonyms that you might find useful. Some similar words include buddy, pal, mate, and comrade. So if you're looking for alternative ways to refer to your trusty sidekick, now you have some options.

And finally, let's see some examples of how "hob" is used in everyday conversations:

- My hob always has my back when I'm feeling down.

- We make such a great team because we're like hobs to each other.

- I couldn't have completed this project without my trusty hob by my side.

So there you have it - everything you need to know about the word "hob". And now that you know it's not just an idiom but also has multiple meanings and synonyms, go ahead and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge!

Usage and example sentences for hob

1. Definition of hob

Hob is a noun that refers to a small, flat metal tool with a handle, used for turning and shaping metal objects such as screws or nails. It can also refer to a shelf or projection at the back or side of a fireplace, used for keeping food warm.

2. How to pronounce hob

The word "hob" is pronounced as /hɒb/ in British English and /hɑːb/ in American English.

3. Synonyms for hob

Some synonyms for hob are:

- Hearth: This refers to the floor of a fireplace or the area in front of it.

- Grate: This is a frame of iron bars used for holding fuel in a fireplace.

- Stove: This refers to an apparatus used for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel.

4. Example sentences using hob

- I need to tighten this screw with my hob.

- The food was kept warm on the hob while we finished setting the table.

- She sat by the fire, warming her hands on the hob.

- The old man cooked his meals on an open grate over the hob.

- We bought a new stove with a built-in hob for our kitchen renovation.

5. Common phrases using hob

Some common phrases using hob are:

- Hob and nob: To drink together alternately from one cup or glass without putting it down.

- Hobnobbing: To associate familiarly; mix socially with others.

- Hob's choice: A situation in which there is no real choice at all.

6. Idioms using hob

Some idioms using hob are:

- Out of the frying pan into the fire: To go from one bad situation to another worse one.

- Settle someone's hash/hash someone's settle: To defeat someone decisively; outdo someone completely.

- Strike while the iron is hot: To make use of an opportunity immediately.

7. Related words to hob

Some related words to hob are:

- Fireplace: A structure that contains a fire for heating and cooking.

- Anvil: A heavy iron block with a smooth face, used by blacksmiths as a surface on which metal can be hammered and shaped.

- Tongs: An instrument with two movable arms that are joined at one end, used for picking up and holding things.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, hob has two main meanings - a small metal tool for shaping or turning objects and a shelf or projection by the fireplace. It can also be used in various phrases and idioms to convey different meanings. Remember to use the correct pronunciation /hɒb/ or /hɑːb/ depending on your dialect of English

Antonyms and synonyms for hob

1. Antonyms for hob

- Unhob: This term is a humorous antonym for hob and means "not hob-like" or "not resembling a hob."

Example: The new stove was sleek and modern, definitely not unhob-like.

- Dislike: This antonym refers to the lack of enjoyment or interest in hobs.

Example: I have a dislike for cooking on hobs, I prefer using the oven.

- Unfamiliar: This term suggests that something is not familiar or known, which can be used as an antonym for hob in certain contexts.

Example: The new kitchen had an unfamiliar hob that took some time to get used to.

2. Synonyms for hob

- Stove: This term is often used interchangeably with hob and refers to a device used for cooking food.

Example: The chef prepared the dish on the stove's gas hob.

- Burner: A burner is another synonym for hob and refers to the part of a stove that produces heat.

Example: She turned on the burner under the pot to start boiling water for pasta.

- Cooktop: This term can be used as a synonym for hob in certain contexts, especially when referring to a flat surface with burners on top.

Example: The cooktop was made of smooth ceramic and had four hobs.

3. Example sentences using "hob"

- The house came equipped with a state-of-the-art kitchen, complete with a gas hob and double oven.

- She placed the frying pan on the electric hob and turned up the heat.

- My grandmother's old cast iron skillet was perfect for cooking over an open fire on our camping trip. We just had to find some rocks to use as hobs.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, "hob" can have different meanings depending on its usage in English. As shown above, it can refer to a specific type of cooking surface or be used as a synonym for stove or burner. It can also have humorous antonyms like "unhob" or be used in descriptive phrases like "not unhob-like." By understanding its various synonyms and antonyms, we can better understand the meaning of "hob" in different contexts

Explanation of the meaning of hob


1. 同义词


2. 例句

① My hob is reading books.


② What's your hob?


③ He has many different hobs, such as playing guitar, painting and cooking.


3. 更多关于hob的解释


① 炉灶上方的壁炉架子:The kettle was boiling on the hob.


② 工具:He used a hob to cut the wood into small pieces.


③ 伙伴:She's my best hob and we always have fun together.



In conclusion, hob has a unique pronunciation and can be used as both a noun and a verb. It is not an idiom, but rather a commonly used word in the English language. Its usage can vary depending on the context, but it often refers to a small shelf or stand for holding pots or kettles over an open fire. Some antonyms for hob include "stove" or "oven," while some synonyms include "hearth" or "fireplace." Whether you are cooking in your kitchen or enjoying a cozy evening by the fire, hob is an important word to know. So keep practicing its pronunciation and usage, and you'll be sure to impress your friends with your knowledge of this versatile word. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more interesting articles from me, your website editor. Don't forget to like and share this article if you found it helpful. Happy learning!

