

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:13:49作者:自考教育网




1. 什么是hobbyist?


2. hobbyist的发音及读音


3. hobbyist的同义词


4. hobbyist的例句

- She is a photography hobbyist and loves to capture beautiful moments in life.


- As a gardening hobbyist, he spends most of his free time taking care of his plants.


- The club welcomes all hobbyists who are interested in collecting stamps.




1. "hobbyist"的意思是什么?

"hobbyist"一般指的是对某种活动或爱好有浓厚兴趣并投入大量时间和精力的人。可以说,他们是业余爱好者或业余专家。比如,一个摄影爱好者可以被称为"hobbyist photographer"。

2. "hobbyist"的同义词有哪些?

"hobbyist"的同义词包括:enthusiast, amateur, devotee, buff等。它们都可以用来形容对某种活动或领域有着浓厚兴趣并投入大量时间和精力的人。

3. 例句

- She is a hobbyist painter and spends most of her free time in her studio.


- He is a hobbyist musician and loves playing guitar in his spare time.


- As a photography hobbyist, I am always looking for new and interesting subjects to capture.



1. Hobbyist的意思


2. Hobbyist的发音及读音


3. Hobbyist的同义词

Hobbyist可以与以下词汇互换使用:amateur, enthusiast, buff, aficionado。它们都指代对某种活动或领域有浓厚兴趣并投入大量时间和精力的人。

4. Hobbyist的例句及翻译

(1) She is a photography hobbyist and spends most of her weekends taking pictures.


(2) As a gardening hobbyist, he has a beautiful backyard full of flowers and plants.


(3) The club welcomes all kinds of hobbyists, from stamp collectors to bird watchers.


(4) My grandfather is a hobbyist woodworker and he has made some amazing pieces of furniture.


1. What does Hobbyist mean?

Hobbyist comes from English, referring to someone who has a strong interest in and devotes a lot of time and energy to a certain activity or hobby. It can be used as a noun or an adjective.

2. Pronunciation and pronunciation of Hobbyist

The pronunciation of Hobbyist is [hɑːbiɪst], with the stress on the first syllable. The word "hobby" is pronounced [hɑːbi], meaning "a leisure activity", while "-ist" is a suffix that indicates someone who engages in an activity or possesses a certain quality.

3. Synonyms for Hobbyist

Hobbyist can be used interchangeably with words like amateur, enthusiast, buff, and aficionado. They all refer to someone who has a strong interest in and devotes a lot of time and energy to a certain activity or field.

4. Examples and translations of Hobbyist

(1) 她是一位摄影爱好者,大部分周末都花在拍照上。

As a photography hobbyist, she spends most of her weekends taking pictures.

(2) 作为一名园艺爱好者,他拥有一个充满花草植物的美丽后院。

As a gardening hobbyist, he has a beautiful backyard full of flowers and plants.

(3) 这个俱乐部欢迎各种各样的爱好者,从集邮爱好者到观鸟者。

The club welcomes all kinds of hobbyists, from stamp collectors to bird watchers.

(4) 我的祖父是一位业余木匠,他做过一些令人惊叹的家具。

My grandfather is a hobbyist woodworker and he has made some amazing pieces of furniture


1. 爱好者:hobbyist的最常见用法,指的是对某种活动或领域有着浓厚兴趣并且投入大量时间和精力的人。

例句:She is a hobbyist of photography and spends every weekend taking pictures.

2. 业余爱好者:用于强调hobbyist是一种业余爱好,而不是职业。

例句:He is a hobbyist musician, but he also has a full-time job as an accountant.

3. 兴趣爱好者:与爱好者意思相近,强调对某种活动或领域的兴趣。

例句:As a gardening hobbyist, she spends all her free time in her backyard.

4. 爱好收藏者:指对某种物品或事物有着收藏爱好的人。

例句:He is a hobbyist collector of rare coins and has an impressive collection.

5. 自娱自乐者:指那些从事hobbyist活动仅仅是为了自己的乐趣和娱乐而非商业目的的人。

例句:She is not a professional painter, just a hobbyist who enjoys painting in her spare time.

6. 业余专家:指那些通过自己的兴趣和热情在某个领域达到了专家水平的人。

例句:Although he is not a professional chef, he is considered a hobbyist expert in cooking.

7. 爱好追求者:强调hobbyist是一种追求,表现出对某种活动或领域的热情和执着。

例句:She is a hobbyist pursuer of adventure, always seeking new and exciting experiences.

8. 兴趣使者:指通过自己的兴趣爱好来发展自己的技能和知识的人。

例句:He is a hobbyist promoter of learning, always exploring new hobbies to expand his knowledge


1. Amateur - An amateur is someone who engages in a particular activity for pleasure rather than as a profession. For example, a photography hobbyist may take photos for fun rather than as a career.

2. Enthusiast - An enthusiast is someone who is very interested in and enjoys a particular activity or subject. For instance, a bird-watching hobbyist may be considered an enthusiast if they are passionate about birds and spend a lot of time observing them.

3. Fanatic - A fanatic is someone who has an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal for something. A stamp collecting hobbyist may be seen as a fanatic if they are obsessed with collecting stamps and constantly seeking out rare ones.

4. Devotee - A devotee is someone who is very enthusiastic and dedicated to a particular activity or interest. For example, a knitting hobbyist may be considered a devotee if they spend hours perfecting their craft and sharing it with others.

5. Buff - A buff is someone who has great knowledge, interest, or enthusiasm for a particular subject or activity. A wine tasting hobbyist may be referred to as a buff if they have extensive knowledge about different types of wine and enjoy trying new ones.

6. Aficionado - An aficionado is someone who has a strong liking or passion for something, often related to the arts or culture. For instance, an art collecting hobbyist may be considered an aficionado if they have an extensive collection of artwork and attend art shows regularly.

7. Connoisseur - A connoisseur is someone who has expert knowledge and appreciation of something, especially in the arts or luxury goods. A tea tasting hobbyist may be seen as a connoisseur if they can distinguish between different types of tea and appreciate the subtleties of each one.

8. Addict - An addict is someone who has an uncontrollable desire for something, often to the point of obsession. A gaming hobbyist may be referred to as an addict if they spend all their free time playing video games and can't seem to stop.

9. Fan - A fan is someone who has a strong interest and admiration for a particular person, team, or activity. A sports memorabilia collecting hobbyist may be considered a fan if they have a large collection of items related to their favorite team.

10. Junkie - A junkie is someone who is addicted to something and has an intense craving for it. A music hobbyist may be seen as a junkie if they constantly attend concerts and collect albums from their favorite artists


