

更新时间:2024-03-11 13:22:29作者:自考教育网



How do you say "hiss" in English?

1. Definition of "hiss":

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "hiss" is defined as a sharp sibilant sound like that made by escaping steam or a snake. It can also refer to a sound that expresses disapproval or contempt.

2. Origin of "hiss":

The word "hiss" comes from the Old English word "hysan," which means to make a hissing sound. It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word "his-" which means to make a loud noise.

3. Synonyms for "hiss":

Some synonyms for "hiss" include sibilate, whiz, boo, jeer, and taunt. These words can be used interchangeably with "hiss" depending on the context.

4. Ways to say "hiss" in English:

There are various ways to express the sound of a hiss in English, depending on the situation and context. Here are some examples:

- Sssss: This is the most common way of writing out the sound of a hiss in English. It represents the sharp, prolonged sound made by snakes.

- Hsss: This is another variation of writing out the sound of a hiss and is often used when describing an angry or threatening snake.

- Pssst: This is often used as an onomatopoeia for mimicking the sound of air escaping from a bottle or can, similar to a hissing sound.

- Fffff: This is another way of expressing a hissing sound and can be used when describing something moving quickly through the air, like an arrow or bullet.

- Tsss: This is often used when imitating the sound of someone shushing or hushing someone else.

- Hush: While not exactly an onomatopoeia for hissing, this word can also be used as an alternative to "hiss" when someone is trying to quiet down or silence another person.

5. Use of "hiss" in idiomatic expressions:

Apart from its literal meaning, "hiss" can also be used in various idiomatic expressions in English. Here are some examples:

- Snake in the grass: This expression is used to describe someone who is deceptive or treacherous.

- The hiss of death: This phrase refers to the sound made by a bullet or arrow as it flies through the air.

- Hissing contest: This term is used to describe a heated argument or confrontation between two people.

- Hiss and boo: This phrase is often used when describing a negative reaction from an audience towards a performer or speaker.

6. Conclusion:

In conclusion, "hiss" can be translated into English as "sssss," "pssst," "fffff," and other variations depending on the context. It can also be used in various idiomatic expressions, adding depth and nuance to the language. So next time you hear a hiss, remember that there are many ways to say it in English!

Pronunciation of "hiss"


1. "hiss"的基本发音

首先,我们来看一下"hiss"的基本发音。它由两个音节组成,第一个音节是辅音"h",第二个音节是元音"i"和辅音"s"。因此,它的正确发音应该是/ hɪs /。

2. 注意元音的长度


3. 发出气流

与其它一些类似的单词(如"kiss"和"diss")相比,发出"hiss"时需要更多的气流。这也是为什么它被称为"hissing sound(嘶嘶声)"的原因之一。

4. 咬住舌头


5. 练习发音

Usage and examples of "hiss"

1. Definition of "hiss"

Hiss is a verb that can be used to describe the sound made by a snake or other reptile, or a prolonged sibilant sound produced by air escaping through a small opening. It can also be used as a noun to refer to this sound.

2. Usage of "hiss"

- Describing the sound of a snake: "The snake hissed loudly as it slithered across the ground."

- Expressing disapproval or anger: "The audience hissed at the bad performance."

- Mimicking the sound of something: "He hissed like a snake to scare his little sister."

- Describing a continuous flow of air: "The steam escaped with a loud hiss from the pressure cooker."

3. Examples of using "hiss" in sentences:

- The angry cat hissed at the dog, warning it not to come any closer.

- The tires of the car made a loud hissing noise as they skidded on the wet road.

- The kettle started to boil, and soon there was a loud hiss coming from it.

- The audience began to hiss when they heard that their favorite band had canceled their concert.

- As she walked through the tall grass, she could hear the faint hiss of snakes nearby.

4. Idiomatic expressions with "hiss":

- To have someone's ear (or earshot): To have someone's attention or be within hearing distance. Example: "I'll make sure he has your message; you have my ear."

- A snake in the grass: A hidden danger or threat. Example: "Be careful, there might be a snake in the grass waiting for you."

- Like water off a duck's back: Something that has no effect on someone. Example: "I tried to apologize, but it was like water off a duck's back; he didn't care."

5. Synonyms of "hiss":

- Sibilate: To make a hissing sound, especially when speaking. Example: "She sibilated her words in anger."

- Hush: To make a soft hissing sound, often used to quiet someone or something. Example: "The teacher hushed the class as they entered the library."

- Whistle: To produce a high-pitched hissing sound, often through pursed lips. Example: "The referee whistled to signal the end of the game."

6. Antonyms of "hiss":

- Whisper: To speak or make a soft hissing sound in a low voice. Example: "She whispered her secrets to her best friend."

- Roar: To make a loud, deep, and prolonged sound like that of a lion or tiger. Example: "The engine roared as the car sped down the highway."

In conclusion, "hiss" is a versatile word that can be used to describe various sounds and express different emotions. It is commonly associated with snakes but can also be used in other contexts. Knowing how to use it correctly and understanding its synonyms and antonyms can help improve your English vocabulary and communication skills

Phrases with "hiss"

1. Hiss of a snake - 蛇的嘶嘶声

The hiss of a snake is a distinctive sound that can be heard when the snake feels threatened or is about to strike. In Chinese, it can be translated as “蛇的嘶嘶声”.

2. The hiss of steam - 蒸汽的嘶嘶声

The hiss of steam is a common sound in industrial settings, often associated with the release of pressure. In Chinese, it can be translated as “蒸汽的嘶嘶声”.

3. The hiss of a tire - 轮胎的嘶嘶声

When a tire loses air, it can make a hissing sound as the air escapes. In Chinese, this phrase can be translated as “轮胎的嘶嘶声”.

4. Hiss and boo - 噓声和喝倒彩

In English, the phrase “hiss and boo” is used to describe disapproval or rejection from an audience during a performance. It can be translated into Chinese as “噓声和喝倒彩”.

5. Hissing match - 唾沫横飞的争吵

A hissing match refers to a heated argument or debate where insults and angry words are exchanged. In Chinese, it can be translated as “唾沫横飞的争吵”.

6. Hiss like a snake - 像蛇一样地发出嘶嘶声

This phrase is often used to describe someone who speaks in an unpleasant or threatening manner, similar to the sound of a snake's hiss. In Chinese, it can be translated as “像蛇一样地发出嘶嘶声”.

7. Hiss and spit - 嘶嘶作声

When someone is angry or irritated, they may hiss and spit their words out in a harsh manner. In Chinese, this phrase can be translated as “嘶嘶作声”.

8. Hiss of disapproval - 不满的嘶嘶声

The hiss of disapproval is a sound made to express dissatisfaction or disapproval. In Chinese, it can be translated as “不满的嘶嘶声”.

9. Hissed through clenched teeth - 紧紧咬牙地发出的嘶嘶声

When someone speaks through clenched teeth, it often results in a hissing sound. This phrase can be translated into Chinese as “紧紧咬牙地发出的嘶嘶声”.

10. Hissing radiator - 喷气暖气片

In cold weather, radiators may make a hissing sound as they release steam to heat the room. In Chinese, this phrase can be translated as “喷气暖气片”

Synonym examples for "hiss"

1. Sibilance - This refers to the hissing sound made by a snake or any other animal, and can also be used to describe a sharp, high-pitched sound made by a person or object. In the context of "hiss", it can be used as a synonym to describe the sound itself.

2. Hush - This word can be used to describe a soft, whispering sound similar to a hiss. It can also refer to the act of silencing someone or something, which could be seen as a form of hissing in a figurative sense.

3. Whistle - While not exactly the same as a hiss, this word can be used to describe a similar sharp, high-pitched sound. It is often associated with air being pushed through small openings, such as when someone whistles through their teeth.

4. Rustle - This word is typically used to describe the soft, whispering sound of leaves or paper being moved. However, it can also be used in relation to "hiss" when describing the movement of air that creates the sound.

5. Murmur - This word is usually associated with low, indistinct sounds made by people speaking quietly or objects moving gently. However, it can also refer to a soft hissing sound made by something like steam escaping from a pipe.

6. Fizz - While typically associated with carbonated drinks, this word can also be used to describe a hissing sound produced by bubbles forming and popping in liquid.

7. Purr - This word is most commonly associated with cats and their soft rumbling sounds when contented. However, it can also be applied to other animals and objects that produce similar gentle hissing noises.

8. Sizzle - Similar to "fizz", this word is often associated with food cooking on a hot surface and producing a sharp hissing noise as it cooks.

9. Hoot - While not a direct synonym for "hiss", this word can be used to describe a similar sharp, high-pitched sound made by an owl or other bird. It can also be used to describe a derisive or scornful sound made by someone, which could be seen as a form of hissing in a figurative sense.

10. Buzz - This word is often associated with the low, continuous sound made by insects such as bees or flies. However, it can also be used to describe a soft hissing noise, particularly in relation to electronics or machinery.

11. Swish - This word can be used to describe the soft, rustling sound made by something moving quickly through the air. It can also be applied to "hiss" when describing the movement of air that creates the sound.

12. Whisper - This word is typically associated with low, hushed voices but can also refer to a soft hissing noise made by someone speaking quietly.

13. Murmuration - This refers to the soft, indistinct sounds made by a large group of people or animals speaking at once. In relation to "hiss", it could be used to describe the collective sound of multiple hisses.

14. Sputter - While usually associated with spitting or coughing, this word can also refer to a series of short hissing sounds produced by something like water hitting a hot surface.

15. Hissed breath - While not technically one word, this phrase can be used as an alternative way of describing the act of hissing in anger or disapproval through one's breath

In conclusion, "hiss" is a commonly used word in the English language to describe the sound made by a snake or someone expressing disapproval. It is pronounced as "hɪs" and can be used in various phrases such as "hiss and spit" or "with a hiss of anger". Other words with similar meanings include "sizzle", "whisper", and "murmur". As an editor of this website, I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable. If you did, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for reading!


