

更新时间:2024-03-11 13:12:45作者:自考教育网



1. 定义:hire是指雇佣、聘用某人从事工作或提供服务。

2. 词源:hire一词源自古英语中的"hīrian",意为"租借、雇佣",后来演变为现在的拼写形式。


3. 同义词:engage, employ, recruit, appoint.

4. 例句:

- I need to hire a plumber to fix the leaky faucet in my bathroom.


- The company is looking to hire a new marketing manager.


- They decided to hire a consultant to help with their business strategy.



1. hire的发音


2. hire的读法

hire一词是一个动词,表示“雇用、租用”,常与介词out连用,构成短语“hire out”,意为“出租、出借”。其基本形式为hire,过去式为hired,过去分词为hired,在句中可以作及物动词或不及物动词使用。

3. hire的同义词


- I hired a new assistant for my office.(我雇了一位新助理来我的办公室。)

- I employed a new assistant for my office.(我雇了一位新助理来我的办公室。)

- I engaged a new assistant for my office.(我雇了一位新助理来我的办公室。)

- I recruited a new assistant for my office.(我雇了一位新助理来我的办公室。)

4. hire的例句

- We decided to hire a car for our trip to the countryside.


- The company is looking to hire a new manager for their marketing department.


- She was hired as a part-time employee, but she soon became a full-time staff.


- The company hires out its equipment to other businesses during the off-season.



1. hire的意思及读音


2. hire的同义词


3. hire的用法

(1) hire sb.:雇佣某人

例句:I hired a new assistant to help me with my workload.


(2) hire sth.:租用某物

例句:We decided to hire a car for our road trip.


(3) be hired:被雇佣

例句:He was hired as a consultant for the project.


(4) on hire:租用中

例句:The equipment is currently on hire, so we can't use it.


4. hire的例句

(1) The company is looking to hire more employees to expand their business.


(2) We decided to hire a professional photographer for the event.


(3) The car rental agency charges $50 per day for hiring a car.


(4) She was hired as a consultant for her expertise in marketing.


(5) The equipment is available for hire at a reasonable price.


(6) He was hired by the company on a temporary basis to cover for an employee on leave.


(7) After several interviews, I finally got hired for the job.


(8) The bike was hired out for the day and had to be returned by 6 pm.





1. To hire someone - 雇佣某人

例句:The company decided to hire a new marketing manager.

2. To be hired - 被雇佣

例句:She was hired as a part-time employee at the store.

3. To get hired - 获得雇佣

例句:He finally got hired after months of job searching.

4. To be on hire - 在职/在雇用中

例句:The temporary workers are on hire until the end of the project.

5. To hire out - 出租/租借

例句:They decided to hire out their vacation home during the summer months.

6. To hire and fire - 雇佣和解雇(员工)

例句:The boss has the power to hire and fire employees at will.

7. To be in high demand for hire - 非常抢手的(工作)

例句:With her skills and experience, she is in high demand for hire in the job market.

8. Hire purchase - 分期付款购买,分期付款租赁

例句:The store offers a range of products available for purchase on hire purchase terms.

9. Hire charges/rates - 租金/收费标准

例句:The car rental company has different hire charges for different types of vehicles.

10. Short-term/long-term hire - 短期/长期租赁

例句:We offer both short-term and long-term hire options for our equipment rentals.

11. Hire period - 租用期限

例句:The minimum hire period for our event space is one hour.

12. Hire contract/agreement - 租赁合同/协议

例句:Before signing the hire contract, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions.

13. Hire fee/deposit - 租金/押金

例句:The hire fee for the venue includes a refundable deposit for any damages.

14. Hire equipment/facilities - 租用设备/场地

例句:We provide high-quality hire equipment for all your event needs.

15. To be available for hire - 可以租用的

例句:The party bus is available for hire on weekends and holidays.

16. To put out a job hire - 发布招聘信息

例句:The company put out a job hire for a new graphic designer.

17. To go on a hiring spree - 大量招聘

例句:The company went on a hiring spree to expand their team.

18. To make a hiring decision - 做出雇佣决定

例句:After several rounds of interviews, they finally made a hiring decision.

19. To be in the process of hiring - 正在招聘中

例句:The company is in the process of hiring new employees for their overseas branch.

20. Job vacancy/opening for hire - 待招聘的职位空缺

例句:There are currently no job vacancies or openings for hire at this company



