

更新时间:2024-03-11 13:06:53作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of hipster

Hipster, pronounced as "hip-stur", is a term that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, often seen as being cool and unique. In this section, we will explore the different aspects of hipster culture and its pronunciation.


1. What does hipster mean?

The term hipster originated in the 1940s and was used to describe someone who was part of the jazz scene. However, it has evolved over time and now refers to a person who is into alternative music, fashion, and lifestyle. Hipsters are often associated with being non-conformist and having a love for all things vintage.

2. How do you pronounce hipster?

As mentioned earlier, hipster is pronounced as "hip-stur". The emphasis is on the first syllable, with a short "i" sound. It is important to note that there are variations in pronunciation depending on where you are from or your personal preference. Some people may pronounce it as "heep-stur" or even "hip-stah".

3. Synonyms for hipster

Hipsters are known for their unique style and interests, so there are many synonyms that can be used to describe them. Some popular ones include trendsetters, cool kids, bohemians, and indie kids.

4. Example sentences

- Sarah's outfit screams hipster with her vintage dress and oversized glasses.

- Mike's record collection is full of obscure bands - he's such a hipster.

- I love going to this café because it's always filled with hipsters discussing art and literature.

In conclusion, the term hipster may have different meanings for different people but one thing is for sure - it has become an integral part of modern culture. So next time you come across someone who identifies as a hipster, remember how to pronounce it correctly!

Is hipster an idiom?

Hipster, a term widely used in modern culture, has sparked curiosity and confusion among many. Is it just another slang word or is it an idiom? Let's dive into the world of hipsters and find out.

1. What does hipster mean?

Hipster is a term used to describe a person who follows the latest trends in fashion, music, and lifestyle. They are often associated with being trendy, cool, and non-mainstream.

2. How do you pronounce hipster?

The correct pronunciation of hipster is "hip-stir". However, some people may also pronounce it as "hip-stah" or "hip-stuh".

3. Synonyms for hipster

Some synonyms for hipster include trendsetter, cool kid, nonconformist, and fashionista.

4. Examples of using hipster in a sentence

- "Look at that guy with the thick-rimmed glasses and vintage clothes, he's such a hipster."

- "She's always listening to indie music and trying out new coffee shops, she's definitely a hipster."

- "I can't keep up with all these new slang words the hipsters are using."

5. Is hipster an idiom?

No, hipster is not considered an idiom as it has a straightforward meaning that can be easily understood by most people.

In conclusion, while hipsters may seem like a mysterious group to some, their meaning and usage are quite simple. So next time you hear someone being called a hipster, you'll know exactly what they mean

Usage and examples of hipster

1. Definition of hipster

Hipster is a term used to describe a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, often associated with alternative and non-mainstream culture. They are known for their independent thinking, creativity, and rejection of mainstream norms.

2. How to pronounce hipster

Hipster is pronounced as "hip-stir", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for hipster

- Trendsetter: someone who sets new trends or styles.

- Nonconformist: someone who does not conform to societal norms or expectations.

- Bohemian: someone who lives an unconventional lifestyle, often associated with artists and writers.

- Indie: short for independent, used to describe someone who supports independent or alternative culture.

- Cool kid: a slang term for someone who is considered cool or trendy.

4. Examples of using hipster in a sentence

- "That coffee shop is so hipster, they only serve organic vegan options."

- "She's such a hipster, always wearing vintage clothes and listening to obscure bands."

- "I don't want to be seen as a hipster, I just like what I like."

- "The new art exhibit is very hipster, featuring underground artists and experimental pieces."

5. Hipsters in popular culture

Hipsters have become a popular subject in media and entertainment, often portrayed as quirky and eccentric individuals. Some notable examples include:

- The TV show Portlandia, which satirizes the hipster culture in Portland.

- The movie Garden State, where the main character struggles with his identity as a hipster.

- The song "Hipsters" by The Front Bottoms, which pokes fun at the stereotypes associated with being a hipster.

6. Criticism of the term "hipster"

The term "hipster" has been criticized for being overused and losing its original meaning. Some argue that it has become a blanket term to describe anyone who is considered trendy or alternative, without any real substance. Others believe that the term is used to mock and belittle those who are different or non-conforming.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, hipster is a term used to describe someone who follows alternative trends and rejects mainstream culture. It can be seen as both a positive and negative label, depending on the context and perception of the individual. Regardless, hipsters have made a significant impact on popular culture and continue to influence fashion, music, and art

Antonyms and synonyms of hipster

1. Antonyms of hipster

- Conformist: A person who follows traditional or conventional ideas and behaviors.

Example: She was tired of being labeled as a hipster, so she decided to dress like a conformist for a change.

- Mainstream: The dominant trend or popular culture.

Example: He refused to join the hipster crowd and preferred to stick with the mainstream music scene.

- Conservative: Holding traditional values and resistant to change.

Example: His conservative parents disapproved of his hipster lifestyle and fashion choices.

- Square: A term used to describe someone who is uncool or old-fashioned.

Example: The hipster bar was filled with young, trendy people, while the square bar across the street had an older crowd.

2. Synonyms of hipster

- Trendsetter: A person who starts or popularizes new trends or styles.

Example: She was always ahead of the curve when it came to fashion, a true trendsetter among her group of friends.

- Bohemian: Someone who lives an unconventional lifestyle and rejects societal norms.

Example: The bohemian cafe was a favorite spot for hipsters to gather and discuss art and music over coffee.

- Nonconformist: A person who does not follow society's expectations or rules.

Example: He prided himself on being a nonconformist and refused to be labeled as a hipster by others.

- Free spirit: An individual who lives life on their own terms without conforming to societal norms or expectations.

Example: The group of friends were all free spirits, rejecting mainstream culture and embracing their own unique styles.

3. Example sentences using "hipster"

- I can't stand those pretentious hipsters at the coffee shop, with their oversized glasses and vintage clothes.

- She's always trying out new vegan recipes, she's such a hipster.

- The local record store is full of hipsters looking for rare vinyls.

- He's not just a hipster, he's a true artist who creates his own unique fashion pieces.

- The hipster lifestyle may seem carefree, but it takes a lot of effort and money to maintain

Explanation of hipster

1. What is a hipster?

Hipster is a term that originated in the 1940s and was used to describe people who were part of the jazz subculture. However, in recent years, the term has evolved to refer to a group of people who are known for their alternative and non-mainstream lifestyle choices.

2. How do you pronounce hipster?

The word "hipster" is pronounced as "hip-ster", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for hipster

Some synonyms for hipster include trendsetter, nonconformist, bohemian, and avant-gardist.

4. Examples of hipsters

Hipsters are often associated with certain fashion choices such as skinny jeans, flannel shirts, and vintage clothing. They also tend to have a strong interest in music, art, and literature that are not considered mainstream.

5. Characteristics of a hipster

Hipsters are known for their rejection of mainstream culture and their desire to be unique and different. They often have a strong sense of individuality and pride themselves on being ahead of trends.

6. Hipster lifestyle

The hipster lifestyle is characterized by a love for all things alternative and countercultural. This includes food choices such as organic or vegan options, interest in obscure music genres, and an appreciation for vintage or handmade items.

7. Criticism of hipsters

While some people admire the creativity and uniqueness of hipsters, others criticize them for being pretentious or trying too hard to be different. Some argue that the term has become overused and lost its original meaning.

8. Impact on popular culture

Hipsters have had a significant influence on popular culture, particularly in terms of fashion trends and music preferences. Many brands now cater to the hipster demographic by offering products that align with their values and interests.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, a hipster can be defined as a person who rejects mainstream culture and embraces alternative and nonconformist lifestyle choices. While they may face criticism, hipsters have had a significant impact on popular culture and continue to shape trends in various industries



