

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:56:09作者:自考教育网



What does hints mean?

Hints refer to small pieces of information or clues that can help someone understand or solve a problem. In the context of translation and interpretation, hints can be useful tools for language professionals to decipher the meaning of a text or speech.

Hints are pronounced as "hɪnts" and it is a noun. Some synonyms for hints include suggestions, tips, clues, and indications. For example, "She gave me some hints on how to improve my English writing skills."

Hints can also be used in various contexts, such as in games and puzzles. In this case, hints are used to guide players towards finding the solution. For instance, "The crossword puzzle was challenging, but the hints helped me figure out some of the answers."

In addition to being helpful and informative, hints can also add an element of fun and excitement. They can make a task or problem more interesting by providing a sense of mystery or challenge. For example, "The treasure hunt had several hints scattered throughout the park."

Overall, hints play an important role in our daily lives by providing us with valuable information and making things more enjoyable. So next time you come across the word "hints," remember that it means helpful clues that can lead you towards understanding or solving something

How to pronounce hints?

Are you struggling to pronounce the word "hints"? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people find this word tricky to say, but fear not, with a few tips and tricks, you'll be pronouncing it like a pro in no time!

1. What does hints mean?

Before we dive into pronunciation, let's make sure we understand the meaning of "hints". Hints are small pieces of information or clues that suggest or guide towards a solution or answer. They can be subtle or obvious, but they all serve the purpose of giving someone an idea or direction.

2. How do you say hints?

Now onto the main question - how do you pronounce hints? The word is pronounced as "hɪnts" with a short "i" sound and a soft "s" at the end. To break it down further, let's look at each letter:

- H: This letter is silent and does not affect the pronunciation.

- I: This is where many people get tripped up. Remember to use a short "i" sound like in "hit" or "sit".

- N: This letter is pronounced as usual with an "n" sound.

- T: Again, this letter is pronounced normally with a hard "t" sound.

- S: The final letter is where most people struggle. Instead of pronouncing it as a hard "s", make sure to use a soft "s" sound like in "miss".

3. Synonyms and examples

To help you remember how to pronounce hints, here are some synonyms and examples of how to use the word in context:


- Clues

- Suggestions

- Tips

- Pointers


- She gave me some helpful hints for studying for the test.

- The detective followed every hint he could find to solve the mystery.

- Can you give me any hints on how to improve my cooking skills?

4. Practice makes perfect

As with any new word, the key to mastering its pronunciation is practice. Say the word "hints" out loud a few times until it feels natural and try using it in different sentences. You can also listen to native English speakers saying the word to get a better understanding of its pronunciation.

So there you have it, now you know how to pronounce hints with confidence. Keep practicing and soon enough, you'll be a pro at saying this tricky word!

Examples and usage of hints

1. Definition of hints

Hints refer to small pieces of information or suggestions that are given in order to help someone solve a problem or understand something better. They can be subtle or indirect, and often require the reader to think critically in order to fully grasp their meaning.

2. How to read hints

When reading hints, it is important to pay attention to the context in which they are given. They may be embedded within a larger piece of text, or presented as standalone clues. It is also helpful to consider the tone and language used, as hints may be presented in a formal or informal manner.

3. Synonyms for hints

- Clues: Similar to hints, clues are pieces of information that can help someone solve a problem or understand something better.

- Suggestions: Hints can also be seen as suggestions, as they offer ideas or advice on how to approach a situation.

- Indications: This term emphasizes the idea that hints provide indications or signs towards a solution.

- Pointers: Hints can also be viewed as pointers, directing someone towards the right direction.

4. Example sentences using hints

- The teacher gave us some helpful hints on how to solve the math problem.

- She dropped subtle hints about her upcoming surprise party.

- The detective followed every clue and hint in order to solve the mystery.

- His words were filled with suggestions and hints for improving our performance.

- The map provided some useful indications and pointers for our hike.

5. Usage of hints

Hints can be used in various contexts, such as:

- In educational settings: Teachers may give students hints in order to guide them towards finding the correct answer or understanding a concept better.

- In problem-solving situations: Hints can be used as clues for solving puzzles, riddles, or mysteries.

- In communication: People may use hints when trying to convey information indirectly or subtly without being too direct.

- In everyday life: Hints can also be used in everyday conversations, whether it's to give advice or suggest a solution to a problem.

In conclusion, hints play an important role in providing guidance and assistance in various situations. They require critical thinking and attention to detail in order to fully understand their meaning. By using hints effectively, one can improve their problem-solving skills and communication abilities

Phrases with hints

1. "Dropping Hints" - 暗示

Are you dropping hints for someone to notice you? - 你在暗示有人注意你吗?

2. "Hint of Jealousy" - 嫉妒的迹象

I could see a hint of jealousy in her eyes when she saw him with another girl. - 当她看到他和另一个女孩在一起时,我能看出她眼中有一丝嫉妒。

3. "Hinting at Something" - 暗指某事

He kept hinting at a surprise, but wouldn't tell me what it was. - 他一直暗示有个惊喜,但是不肯告诉我是什么。

4. "Pick Up Hints" - 接收暗示

She's not good at picking up hints, so you'll have to be direct with her. - 她不擅长接收暗示,所以你得直接告诉她。

5. "Hints of Spring" - 春天的迹象

The blooming flowers and warmer weather were clear hints of spring's arrival. - 开放的花朵和温暖的天气是春天到来的明显迹象。

6. "Hints of Success" - 成功的预兆

There were hints of success in his hard work and determination. - 他的努力和决心中透露着成功的预兆。

7. "Hinting Around" - 拐弯抹角地说话

Stop hinting around and just tell me what you want. - 别拐弯抹角了,直接告诉我你想要什么。

8. "Hint of Humor" - 幽默的迹象

He always has a hint of humor in his jokes. - 他的笑话总是带有一丝幽默。

9. "Hints of Danger" - 危险的迹象

The dark clouds and strong winds were hints of the approaching storm. - 黑云和强风是即将来临的暴风雨的迹象。

10. "Hints of Wisdom" - 智慧的暗示

His wise words were subtle hints for us to reflect on our actions. - 他明智的话语是让我们反思行为的微妙暗示

Synonyms of hints with examples

1. Clues

- Examples: The detective found some clues that helped him solve the case.

- Definition: Hints or evidence that can lead to the discovery of something.

2. Suggestions

- Examples: She gave me some good suggestions on how to improve my writing.

- Definition: Ideas or recommendations that can help in achieving a certain goal.

3. Tips

- Examples: The chef shared some useful tips for cooking the perfect steak.

- Definition: Pieces of advice or information that can improve one's skills or knowledge.

4. Pointers

- Examples: The teacher gave some helpful pointers on how to solve the math problem.

- Definition: Directions or suggestions that guide someone towards a specific direction.

5. Indications

- Examples: There were clear indications that she was lying about her whereabouts.

- Definition: Signs or hints that suggest a particular situation or outcome.

6. Cues

- Examples: The actor forgot his lines, but his co-star gave him a cue to help him remember.

- Definition: Signals or prompts that remind someone of what they need to do.

7. Insinuations

- Examples: His insinuations about her character were completely unfounded.

- Definition: Implications or indirect hints about something negative.

8. Inferences

- Examples: Based on the evidence, we can make an inference about what happened.

- Definition: Conclusions or deductions made from available information.

9. Allusions

- Examples: The author's use of biblical allusions added depth to the story.

- Definition: References or indirect hints to something outside of the text.

10. Implications

- Examples: His words had deeper implications than he intended.

Definition - Suggestions or meanings implied by someone's words or actions.

11. Nudges

Examples - She gave me a nudge when I started dozing off during the meeting.

Definition - Gentle reminders or prompts to take action or pay attention.

12. Winks

Examples - He gave me a wink to let me know he was just joking.

Definition - Secret signals or hints communicated through gestures or facial expressions.

13. Gestures

Examples - Her hand gestures hinted at her nervousness during the presentation.

Definition - Movements or actions that convey a message or hint at something.

14. Overtures

Examples - The company's overtures towards the new market were met with success.

Definition - Attempts or initiatives made towards achieving a goal or establishing a relationship.

15. Indicators

Examples - The stock market indicators showed a positive trend for the company's stocks.

Definition - Signs or signals that can help predict future events or outcomes

hints是指提示或暗示的意思。它可以帮助我们更好地理解和解决问题。关于hints的发音,我们可以通过“hint-s”的方式来读。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到hints这个词,比如老师会给学生一些hints来帮助他们完成作业,朋友之间也会相互给出一些hints来帮助对方。除了这些常见的用法外,还有一些相关短语如“drop hints”、“take a hint”等也值得我们了解和掌握。


