

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:39:22作者:自考教育网



What does himation mean?

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- He wore a himation over his tunic to keep warm.


- The statue of the Greek god Apollo is often depicted wearing a himation.


- During religious ceremonies, the priests would wear a white himation as a symbol of purity.



How to pronounce himation?


1. 首先,注意“hi”这两个字母的发音。它们应该读作“haɪ”,就像英文单词“high”中的“i”一样。

2. 接下来,重点放在第三个字母“ma”的发音上。它应该读作“mə”,就像英文单词“mother”中的第一个音节一样。

3. 最后,将最后两个字母“tion”的发音合并起来。它们应该读作“ʃən”,就像英文单词“nation”中的结尾音节一样。



Examples and usage of himation

1. Definition of himation

Himation is a Greek word that refers to a type of garment worn by ancient Greeks. It is a large piece of rectangular cloth that was draped over the body and worn as an outer garment. The word himation comes from the Greek word "hima," which means "winter."

2. How to pronounce himation

The correct pronunciation of himation is hi-MAY-shun.

3. Synonyms for himation

- Chlamys: This was a shorter version of the himation, often worn by soldiers or horse riders.

- Pallium: This was a similar garment worn by Roman citizens.

- Toga: This was a Roman garment that was similar in shape to the himation.

4. Examples of usage:

- In ancient Greek art and literature, characters are often depicted wearing the himation as part of their attire.

- The himation was typically made from wool or linen and could be dyed in various colors.

- The himation was usually worn over a chiton, which was a tunic-like garment.

5. Historical significance:

The himation played an important role in ancient Greek society and culture. It was not only a practical piece of clothing but also had symbolic significance. For example, it could indicate social status, with wealthier individuals wearing more elaborate and expensive versions.

6. Modern usage:

Today, the term "himation" is still used in the fashion industry to refer to garments that are inspired by ancient Greek styles. It may also be used in costume design for theatrical productions or historical reenactments.

7. Tips for wearing a modern himation-inspired garment:

If you want to incorporate elements of the himation into your outfit, here are some tips:

- Choose flowy, lightweight fabrics like chiffon or silk to mimic the draping effect of the original garment.

- Opt for neutral colors like white, cream, or beige to stay true to the ancient Greek aesthetic.

- Experiment with different draping techniques to create a unique look.

8. In conclusion:

The himation is a significant piece of clothing in ancient Greek culture and continues to inspire fashion and costume design today. Its simple yet elegant design has stood the test of time and remains a symbol of the rich history and culture of Greece

Phrases with himation

1. Definition of himation

Himation is a Greek word that refers to a type of garment worn by ancient Greeks. It was a large rectangular piece of cloth that was draped over the body and often worn as an outer garment.

2. How to pronounce himation

Himation is pronounced as "hih-MAY-shun" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for himation

Some common synonyms for himation include cloak, mantle, shawl, and robe. These words can be used interchangeably to refer to a large piece of fabric worn as an outer garment.

4. Example sentences using himation

- The statue of Athena was depicted wearing a himation.

- In ancient Greek plays, the actors often wore colorful himations.

- The priestess wrapped her himation tightly around her body before entering the temple.

- The wealthy citizens would often adorn their himations with intricate patterns and designs.

- The soldiers wore thick woolen himations to protect themselves from the cold weather.

5. Related phrases with himation

- Himation chiton: This phrase refers to a combination of two garments - the himation (outer garment) and chiton (tunic). It was a common attire for both men and women in ancient Greece.

- Himation style: This phrase is used to describe the way in which the himation was draped over the body. There were various styles of wearing a himation, each with its own significance and purpose.

- Himation knot: This phrase refers to the way in which the ends of the himation were tied together at one shoulder or under one arm, creating a knot or bow. This knot could also be used to carry objects such as books or food items.

- Himation colors: This phrase refers to the different colors and patterns that were used in making a himation. The color and design of one's himation often reflected their social status and wealth.

- Himation ceremony: This phrase refers to a ritual in which a himation was draped over a person's shoulders as a symbol of honor or respect. This was often done during important events such as weddings or funerals.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, himation is not just a simple piece of clothing, but it holds great cultural and historical significance in ancient Greek society. It continues to be referenced and used in various contexts, making it an important part of the Greek language and culture

Synonyms of himation with examples

1. Definition of himation

The himation is a type of ancient Greek garment, typically made of a large rectangular piece of cloth draped over the body. It was worn by both men and women, and its style varied depending on the time period and region.

2. Synonyms of himation

- Cloak: This term refers to a long, loose outer garment that is worn over other clothing. It can be used as a synonym for himation, especially in modern contexts.

- Mantle: Similar to cloak, this word also describes a loose outer garment that covers the body. It can be used interchangeably with himation.

- Shawl: This term refers to a piece of fabric that is worn around the shoulders or head for warmth or decoration. In some cases, it can be used as a synonym for himation.

- Toga: This is a Roman garment that is similar in style to the Greek himation. It is made from a single piece of fabric and draped over the body.

- Chiton: Another type of ancient Greek garment, the chiton was typically worn under the himation and served as an inner tunic.

3. Examples of how to use synonyms

- "She gracefully draped her cloak over her shoulders, adding an air of elegance to her appearance."

- "The king wore a luxurious mantle adorned with gold embroidery."

- "The elderly woman wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders to keep warm in the chilly weather."

- "In ancient Rome, citizens would wear togas as their everyday attire."

- "The chiton was often made from lightweight fabric and was worn by both men and women."

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, synonyms for himation include cloak, mantle, shawl, toga, and chiton. These terms are often used interchangeably with himation but may have slight variations in meaning or usage depending on the context. Understanding the synonyms of himation can help expand one's vocabulary and knowledge of ancient Greek clothing


