

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:20:39作者:自考教育网



The meaning of hike

1. Hike的意思是什么?


2. Hike的读音是什么?


3. Hike的同义词有哪些?


4. hike在句子中的例句有哪些?

- We went on a hike in the mountains last weekend.


- The company decided to hike the prices of their products.


- They hiked through the forest for hours without taking a break.


5. hike作为名词和动词的具体解释

- 作为名词时,hike指一次徒步旅行或远足活动。这种活动通常包括走路或爬山,并且会持续一段时间。

- 作为动词时,hike可以指“徒步旅行”或“远足”,也可以表示“提高”或“增加”。在经济领域,hike常用来指价格的上涨。

6. hike的衍生词

- Hiker:徒步旅行者、远足者

- Hiking:徒步旅行、远足活动

- Hiked:徒步旅行过、提高过

7. hike与其他相关词汇的搭配

- Hike up:把…拉起来、提高(价格等)

- Go for a hike:去徒步旅行

- Take a hike:走开、滚蛋(口语)

- Price hike:价格上涨

How to pronounce hike

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of the word "hike"? Don't worry, you're not alone. As a language model AI, I'm here to help you understand and pronounce this word correctly.

1. What does hike mean?

Hike can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it means a long walk in the countryside or mountains for pleasure or exercise. As a verb, it means to take a long walk, especially in the countryside.

2. How do you pronounce hike?

Hike is pronounced as "hahyk" with a long "i" sound, like the word "bike" but with an "h" at the beginning.

3. Synonyms for hike

If you're looking for some alternative words to use instead of hike, here are some synonyms: trek, ramble, stroll, wander.

4. Example sentences

- Let's go for a hike in the mountains this weekend.

- She loves to hike in nature and take beautiful photos.

- We decided to take a short hike before having our picnic.

- The price of gas has hiked up significantly in recent months.

Now that you know how to pronounce and use the word hike correctly, go out and enjoy nature with your friends and family! Remember to stay hydrated and wear comfortable shoes on your hikes. Happy hiking!

Usage and examples of hike

1. What does "hike" mean?

"Hike" is a verb that means to go for a long walk in the countryside or mountains. It can also refer to an increase in prices or rates.

2. How do you pronounce "hike"?

The word "hike" is pronounced as "haɪk".

3. Synonyms for "hike"

Some synonyms for "hike" include trek, excursion, ramble, and jaunt.

4. Examples of using "hike"

- We decided to go on a hike in the mountains this weekend.

- The company announced a significant hike in their prices.

- Let's take a hike through the forest and enjoy nature.

- The government plans to implement a tax hike next year.

5. Are you ready for a hike?

This question can be used as a playful way to ask if someone is prepared for an increase in prices or rates.

6. Hiking vs Trekking

While both words refer to going on a long walk, hiking typically involves walking on trails and paths, while trekking often involves more challenging terrain and longer distances.

7. Hiking essentials

If you're planning to go on a hike, make sure to bring these essentials: comfortable shoes, water bottle, snacks, sunscreen, and a map.

8. Hiking benefits

Going on hikes not only allows you to connect with nature but also has numerous health benefits such as improving cardiovascular fitness and reducing stress levels.

9. From couch potato to hiker

If you're not used to physical activity, start with short hikes and gradually increase the distance and difficulty level. Who knows, you might become an avid hiker in no time!

10. Conclusion

Now that you know the meaning of "hike", how to pronounce it, some synonyms, and examples of its usage, why not plan your next hiking trip? Remember to always be prepared and enjoy the great outdoors!

Phrases with hike

1. Take a hike

- Meaning: To go for a long walk in the countryside or mountains.

- Example: We decided to take a hike and explore the beautiful trails in the national park.

2. Hike up

- Meaning: To increase or raise something, such as prices or rates.

- Example: The company hiked up their prices, making it difficult for customers to afford their products.

3. Hike in

- Meaning: To enter or go into a place, usually with difficulty.

- Example: We had to hike in through the dense forest to reach the secluded waterfall.

4. Hike out

- Meaning: To leave or exit from a place, usually with difficulty.

- Example: After spending the night camping, we had to hike out of the valley before sunrise.

5. Hike through

- Meaning: To travel through an area on foot, often for a long distance.

- Example: The group hiked through the desert for three days before reaching their destination.

6. Hike off

- Meaning: To remove something by pulling it off forcefully.

- Example: The hiker had to hike off his boots after getting stuck in the muddy trail.

7. Hike down

- Meaning: To descend or go down from a higher point.

- Example: The group carefully hiked down the steep mountain slope using ropes and harnesses.

8. Hiking trail

- Meaning: A designated path or route for hiking.

- Example: We followed the hiking trail that led us to a breathtaking view of the valley below.

9. Day hike

- Meaning: A short hike that can be completed within one day.

- Example: We planned a day hike to explore the nearby forests and lakes.

10. Overnight hike/camping trip

- Meaning: A longer hiking trip that requires overnight camping in tents or shelters along the way.

- Example: We packed our backpacks for an overnight hike in the mountains, complete with camping gear and food supplies.

11. Hiker's high

- Meaning: A feeling of euphoria or well-being experienced during or after a long hike.

- Example: The hikers were filled with a sense of hiker's high as they reached the summit of the mountain.

12. Hiking boots

- Meaning: Sturdy and durable boots designed for hiking.

- Example: It's important to invest in a good pair of hiking boots to protect your feet and ankles on rough terrain.

13. Hiking poles

- Meaning: Long sticks used for support and balance while hiking.

- Example: The hikers used their hiking poles to navigate through the rocky terrain and steep inclines.

14. Hiking buddy/partner

- Meaning: A person who accompanies you on hikes.

- Example: It's always more fun to have a hiking buddy to share the experience with.

15. Hiking etiquette

- Meaning: Unspoken rules and guidelines for respectful behavior while hiking.

- Example: It's important to follow proper hiking etiquette, such as leaving no trace and yielding to other hikers on narrow trails.

16. Hike leader/guide

- Meaning: A person responsible for leading a group on a hike.

- Example: Our experienced hike leader showed us the best routes and lookout points during our trek.

17. Hiking gear/equipment

- Meaning: Necessary items for a successful and safe hike, such as backpacks, water bottles, first aid kits, etc.

- Example: Make sure you have all the necessary hiking gear before setting off on your adventure.

18. Multi-day hike/trek

- Meaning: A longer hiking trip that takes several days to complete.

- Example: The group embarked on a multi-day trek through the mountains, carrying all their supplies in their backpacks.

19. Thru-hike

- Meaning: A long-distance hike that covers an entire trail or route from start to finish.

- Example: The thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail takes several months to complete.

20. Hiking destination

- Meaning: A specific place or landmark that is the goal of a hike.

- Example: The waterfall was our final hiking destination, and we were rewarded with a refreshing swim in its cool waters

Synonyms for hike

1. Trek

- Meaning: a long, difficult journey, especially on foot

- Example: We went on a two-day trek through the mountains.

2. Hike

- Meaning: a long walk in the countryside or mountains, especially for pleasure or exercise

- Example: We went for a hike in the national park.

3. Ramble

- Meaning: a long walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside

- Example: We spent the afternoon rambling through the fields and forests.

4. Stroll

- Meaning: a leisurely walk, usually taken for pleasure or to relax

- Example: We took a stroll along the beach at sunset.

5. Saunter

- Meaning: to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, often with no particular destination in mind

- Example: We spent the afternoon sauntering around town, enjoying the sights and sounds.

6. Amble

- Meaning: to walk slowly and leisurely, often without purpose or direction

- Example: We decided to amble through the park and enjoy the beautiful weather.

7. Promenade

- Meaning: to take a leisurely walk in a public place as a form of social activity or for pleasure

- Example: The couple enjoyed their evening promenade along the boardwalk.

8. Jaunt

- Meaning: a short excursion or journey taken for pleasure

- Example: We took a quick jaunt through the city before heading back home.

9. Excursion

- Meaning: an organized trip taken for pleasure or education

- Example: Our school organized an excursion to visit historical sites in the city.

10. Expedition

- Meaning: an organized journey with a specific purpose or goal

- Example: The team set off on an expedition to climb Mount Everest.

In conclusion, there are many different words that can be used as synonyms for "hike." These include trek, hike, ramble, stroll, saunter, amble, promenade, jaunt, excursion, and expedition. Each word has its own unique connotations and can be used in different contexts depending on the situation. Whether you are planning a leisurely walk in the countryside or embarking on a challenging journey through the mountains, these synonyms for hike can help add variety and depth to your vocabulary

In conclusion, after reading this article, you should now have a clear understanding of the meaning of hike, how to pronounce it, and some common phrases and synonyms to use in your daily conversations. Whether you're planning a hike in the mountains or just looking for a synonym for "increase," this article has provided you with all the information you need. As the editor of this website, I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you enjoyed it, please consider following me for more interesting articles like this. Thank you for reading!


