

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:16:01作者:自考教育网








1. hijack的发音


2. hijack的读法


3. hijack的同义词


4. hijack的例句

(1) The terrorists hijacked the plane and demanded a ransom.


(2) The truck driver was hijacked on his way to the warehouse.


(3) The company's website was hijacked by hackers.




1. hijack的意思是“劫持”或“抢劫”,通常用来指非法占有或控制某物或某人。

例句:The terrorists hijacked the plane and demanded a ransom. (恐怖分子劫持了飞机并要求赎金。)

2. hijack的同义词包括kidnap、seize、take over等。

例句:The rebels seized control of the government building. (叛乱者夺取了政府大楼的控制权。)

3. hijack也可以用作动词,表示“抢夺”或“窃取”。

例句:The hacker tried to hijack sensitive information from the company's database. (黑客试图从公司数据库中窃取敏感信息。)

4. 另外,hijack也可以指“操纵”或“篡改”某个系统或计划。

例句:The opposition party accused the ruling party of trying to hijack the election results. (反对党指责执政党试图操纵选举结果。)

5. 一些常见的短语和搭配包括:

- hijack someone's attention: 抢占某人的注意力

- hijack a conversation: 打断谈话

- hijack someone's idea: 抄袭某人的想法

- internet hijacking: 网络劫持

- identity theft or identity hijacking: 身份盗窃

1. The news anchor interrupted the program to hijack our attention with breaking news. (新闻主播打断节目,用突发新闻抢占我们的注意力。)

2. The company's website was hijacked by hackers and they demanded a ransom for its release. (公司的网站被黑客劫持,他们要求赎金才会放还。)

3. The artist accused the fashion designer of hijacking her design for their latest collection. (艺术家指责时装设计师抄袭她的设计用于最新系列。)

4. The government warned about the potential dangers of internet hijacking and advised people to use caution when browsing online. (政府警告人们网络劫持的潜在危险,并建议上网时要谨慎。)

5. Many cases of identity theft or identity hijacking have been reported, causing financial and personal damages to the victims. (许多身份盗窃事件已经被报道,给受害者造成了财务和个人损失。)


1. Commandeer - "The pirates attempted to commandeer the ship and take control of its cargo."

2. Seize - "The robbers planned to seize the truck and steal its contents."

3. Divert - "The hackers were able to divert the funds into their own account."

4. Steal - "The thieves managed to steal the valuable paintings from the museum."

5. Kidnap - "The terrorists threatened to kidnap the passengers on board if their demands were not met."


1. Hijack something: 劫持某物,指非法占有或操纵某物,常用于描述网络攻击或犯罪行为。

例句:The hackers hijacked the company's website and demanded a ransom.

2. Hijack someone's identity: 盗用某人的身份,指冒充他人身份以获取利益或进行欺诈活动。

例句:The scammer hijacked the victim's identity and used it to open credit card accounts.

3. Hijack a conversation: 抢话,指打断他人说话或转移话题。

例句:He always tries to hijack our conversations with his own stories.

4. Hijack a plane: 劫持飞机,指非法控制飞机并威胁乘客和机组人员。

例句:The terrorists attempted to hijack the plane, but were stopped by security forces.

5. Hijack someone's attention: 引起某人的注意力,指吸引某人的注意力并使其专注于某事物。

例句:The flashy advertisement successfully hijacked people's attention and increased sales.

6. Hijack a meeting: 控制会议,指在会议中发表意见或提出建议以达到个人目的。

例句:He always tries to hijack meetings with his own ideas and opinions.

7. Social media hijacking: 社交媒体劫持,指利用社交媒体平台传播虚假信息或操纵舆论。

例句:The political party was accused of social media hijacking during the election campaign.

8. Hijack someone's emotions: 控制某人的情绪,指利用言语或行为影响他人的情绪。

例句:The manipulative person tried to hijack my emotions and make me feel guilty.

9. Hijack a trend: 指利用某种趋势或热点话题来宣传自己的产品或服务。

例句:The brand successfully hijacked the viral trend and gained a lot of exposure.

10. Hijack a website: 劫持网站,指非法入侵网站并篡改其内容。

例句:The hackers hijacked the government website and posted false information



