

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:08:58作者:自考教育网




1. 定义


2. 词性


3. 同义词


4. 例句

a. The highways in this country are well-maintained and allow for fast travel between cities.


b. The accident caused a major traffic jam on the highways.


c. We took the highway to avoid the heavy traffic on the city streets.



1. “highways”的发音


2. “highways”的意思


- 大型公路系统:指由高速公路、快速公路和干线公路等组成的道路网络。这些道路通常连接着不同城市、州或国家,是人们出行和货物运输的重要通道。

- 主要道路:指连接城市、镇或村庄的主要道路。这些道路通常也是人们日常出行和货物运输的主要通道。

3. “highways”的同义词


- roads:指连接两个地点的通行线路,可以包括高速公路、街道、乡间小路等。

- expressways:指专门供汽车快速行驶的高速公路。

- freeways:指无需支付费用就可以使用的高速公路。

- motorways:指专门供汽车行驶且设有特殊规则的高速公路。

4. “highways”的例句


- The highways were congested with traffic during rush hour.(高峰时段,公路上的交通拥堵不堪。)

- The government has invested in building new highways to improve transportation efficiency.(政府投资建设新的公路,以提高交通效率。)

- The accident happened on the highway near exit 23.(事故发生在23号出口附近的高速公路上。)

- The country's highways are well-maintained and easy to navigate.(该国的公路维护良好,易于驾驶。)


1. highways是什么意思?


2. highways怎么读?


3. highways同义词

- Freeway:高速公路

- Expressway:快速公路

- Motorway:汽车道

4. highways例句

- The construction of new highways has greatly improved the transportation in this area.


- We took the highway to get to the airport faster.


- The truck driver was caught speeding on the expressway.



1. 高速公路 (high-speed highway)

- 同义词:freeway, expressway, motorway

- 例句:The highways in this country are well-maintained and efficient.

2. 公路 (road)

- 同义词:street, avenue, lane

- 例句:The highways leading to the city were congested with traffic.

3. 车道 (lane)

- 同义词:traffic lane, driving lane

- 例句:The highway was divided into three lanes for different types of vehicles.

4. 收费站 (toll booth)

- 同义词:toll plaza, toll gate

- 例句:We had to stop at every toll booth on the highway and pay a fee.

5. 出口 (exit)

- 同义词:off-ramp, exit ramp

- 例句:Take the next exit on the highway to get to the shopping mall.

6. 路牌 (road sign)

- 同义词:traffic sign, directional sign

- 例句:The road signs on this highway are easy to follow and understand.

7. 路肩 (shoulder)

- 同义词:hard shoulder, emergency lane

- 例句:If your car breaks down on the highway, pull over onto the shoulder for safety.

8. 车祸 (car accident)

- 同义词:crash, collision

- 例句: The heavy rain caused several car accidents on the highway last night.

9. 拥堵 (congestion)

- 同义词: traffic jam, gridlock

- 例句: The holiday season always brings heavy congestion on the highways.

10. 速度限制 (speed limit)

- 同义词:speed restriction, speed control

- 例句:The speed limit on this highway is 70 miles per hour


1. Expressways

- 意思:高速公路

- 读音:/ɪkˈspresweɪz/

- 示例:The highways in this country are well-maintained expressways.

2. Freeways

- 意思:高速公路

- 读音:/ˈfriːweɪz/

- 示例:The freeways were congested during rush hour.

3. Motorways

- 意思:高速公路

- 读音:/ˈmoʊtərweɪz/

- 示例:The motorways in Europe are known for their speed and efficiency.

4. Thoroughfares

- 意思:主干道,大街

- 读音:/ˈθʌrəfeərz/

- 示例:The city's main thoroughfares were closed for a parade.

5. Highroads

- 意思:主要道路,大路

- 读音:/ˈhaɪroʊdz/

- 示例:The highroads were lined with trees, making for a scenic drive.

6. Toll roads

- 意思:收费公路,通行费公路

- 读音: /toʊl roʊdz/

示例: Many highways in the US are toll roads, requiring drivers to pay a fee for usage.

7. Turnpikes

- 意思: 收费公路,收费站

- 读音: /ˈtɜːrnpaɪks/

- 示例: The turnpikes were crowded with cars heading to the beach for the holiday weekend.

8. Autobahns

- 意思: 高速公路

- 读音: /ˈɔːtəbɑːnz/

- 示例: The autobahns in Germany have no speed limits, making them popular among car enthusiasts.

9. Parkways

- 意思: 公园大道,林荫道

- 读音: /ˈpɑːrkweɪz/

- 示例: The parkways were lined with colorful trees, making for a beautiful autumn drive.

10. Skyways

- 意思:高架道路,天桥

- 读音:/ˈskaɪweɪz/

- 示例:The city's skyways connect buildings and provide shelter for pedestrians during bad weather

我们可以了解到highways是指高速公路或者高速公路系统,它在英语中的发音为/ˈhaɪweɪz/。在使用时,我们可以说the highways of the city或者on the highways。除此之外,我们还可以使用相关词汇和短语如highway network、highway construction等来丰富表达。最后,让我们一起来欣赏一句同义词示例:expressway is another term for highways.作为网站的编辑,我希望通过本文能够为大家带来有用的知识,并提高大家对高速公路这一话题的关注度。如果您喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!


