

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:06:26作者:自考教育网



1. highness的拼音是[hahy-nis],发音中“h”是清音,读作[haɪ]。

2. “highness”一词源自英语,是一个名词,意为“高贵、崇高的品质或状态”。它也可以用来表示某个人的尊称,如“Your Highness”(殿下)。


3. 在英语中,“highness”的复数形式为“highnesses”,读作[hahy-ni-siz]。

4. “highness”一词在不同语境下有不同的含义。它可以指代某人的身份或地位,也可以指代某物的特性或属性。

5. 在英国皇室中,“highness”的称谓通常用来表示王子和公主的尊称。比如,《哈利王子》就被称为“His Royal Highness Prince Harry”(哈里王子殿下)。

6. 在法律文件中,“highness”的使用频率较低,通常用来表示某些法律条文中所涉及到的人或物具有高贵或崇高的地位。比如,在《英国皇家法令》(Royal Proclamation of England)中就有这样一句话:“We, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King and Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, do hereby declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure to be that from and after the date of this Our Royal Proclamation Our Styles and Titles shall be as follows:...Our Highness and Majesty being most desirous and resolved, as soon as may be, to take such steps as may be necessary to enable Our said Dominions to become a self-governing Dominion within the British Empire...”(我们,英国、爱尔兰和大不列颠海外属地的上帝恩赐之下,最伟大的国王和信仰捍卫者,印度皇帝,特此宣布我们的皇家意愿和喜悦是,在本皇家法令生效后,我们的称谓将为:……由于我们殿下和陛下最渴望并决心尽快采取必要措施,使我们的属地能够成为大英帝国内部自治的领土……)

7. 在日常用语中,“highness”也可以表示某人或某物具有高贵、优越或出众的品质。比如,在《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)中就有这样一句话:“He is not of your order: keep to your caste, and be too self-respecting to lavish the love of the whole heart, soul, and strength, where such a gift is not wanted and would be despised.”(他不是你们这个阶级的人:保持你们自己的社会等级,不要浪费全部心灵、灵魂和力量去爱一个不需要也会被鄙视的人。)

8. 总的来说,“highness”一词通常用来表示某人或某物具有高贵、崇高、优越或出众的地位、品质或特性。它是一个褒义词,可以用来表示尊敬、赞美或羡慕之情


1. highness的意思


2. highness的发音


3. highness的词性


4. highness在句子中的用法

(1) Highness作为名词时,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语等。


- Her Highness is the Queen of England.


- I had the honor to meet His Highness yesterday.


- The princess's highness is evident in her every move.


(2) Highness也可以作为形容词修饰其他名词,在句子中通常放在被修饰名词之前。


- His Highness's coronation ceremony was magnificent.


- The highness of her character is admired by all.


5. highness与其他相关词汇

- Highness的同义词:nobility、royalty、majesty

- Highness的反义词:lowliness、vileness、baseness

- Highness的派生词:highly(副词)、high(形容词)


1. highness的含义


2. highness的用法

在英语中,highness通常作为名词使用,表示“高贵”、“尊贵”的状态或者性质。例如,“Her Highness the Queen”(女王陛下)就是指女王的高贵身份。此外,highness也可以作为称谓使用,比如“Your Highness”(殿下)就是对皇室成员或者高级官员的尊称。

3. highness的双语例句

1) He is known for his highness and generosity among the villagers.


2) The princess was dressed in all her highness and beauty for the ball.


3) Your Highness, may I have the honor of presenting you this gift?


4) The highness of the mountain peak took my breath away.




1. Highness的含义

- Highness是一个英语单词,意为“高贵”、“尊贵”或“崇高”。它通常用来形容人或事物具有高尚的品质或地位。

2. Your Highness

- “Your Highness”是一种尊称,用于称呼皇室成员、贵族或其他高级别人士。它可以用来代替“您”或“你”,表示对对方的尊敬和礼貌。

3. Royal Highness

- “Royal Highness”是一种对皇室成员的尊称,通常用于国王、女王、王子和公主等。它也可以简写为“HRH”,在正式场合中常被使用。

4. Imperial Highness

- “Imperial Highness”是一种对帝国成员的尊称,通常用于皇帝、皇后和其他帝国家族成员。它也可以简写为“IH”,在正式场合中也经常被使用。

5. Serene Highness

- “Serene Highness”是一种对贵族成员的尊称,通常用于公爵、侯爵和伯爵等。它也可以简写为“SH”,在正式场合中也经常被使用。

6. Most Serene Highness

- “Most Serene Highness”是一种对最高级别贵族成员的尊称,通常用于大公、大公爵和大主教等。它也可以简写为“MSH”,在正式场合中也经常被使用。

7. Highness衍生词

- Highness作为一个名词,还可以衍生出其他形式的词语,如“highly”、“highnesses”、“highnesshood”。它们都与高贵、尊贵和崇高等含义相关。

8. Highness的同义词

- 除了Highness本身,还有许多其他单词可以用来表达类似的含义,如“nobility”、“majesty”、“eminence”等。它们都可以表示高贵、尊贵和崇高的意思。

9. Your Royal Highness

- “Your Royal Highness”是一种更加正式的称呼,通常用于对国王、女王、王子和公主等皇室成员的尊称。它也可以简写为“YRH”,在正式场合中经常被使用。

10. Your Imperial Highness

- “Your Imperial Highness”是一种更加正式的称呼,通常用于对皇帝、皇后和其他帝国家族成员的尊称。它也可以简写为“YIH”,在正式场合中也经常被使用。



1. Majesty

- Definition: the quality or state of being majestic; royal dignity, grandeur, or beauty

- Example: The highness of the king was evident in his majestic presence and regal demeanor.

2. Nobility

- Definition: the quality of being noble in character, mind, birth, or rank

- Example: The highness of the queen was reflected in her noble actions and charitable deeds.

3. Eminence

- Definition: high rank or station; superiority in position, influence, or fame

- Example: The highness of the prince was recognized by all due to his eminence in society and politics.

4. Grandeur

- Definition: the quality or state of being grand; magnificence; splendor

- Example: The highness of the emperor was displayed in the grandeur of his palace and court.

5. Sovereignty

- Definition: supreme power or authority; the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.

- Example: The highness of the ruler was derived from their sovereignty over their kingdom and its people.

6. Excellency

- Definition: a title used to address or refer to a high-ranking official, such as an ambassador or governor.

- Example: The highness of the ambassador was evident in their title "Your Excellency" and their representation of their country abroad.

7. Dignity

- Definition: nobility or elevation of character; worthiness; honor

- Example: The highness of the princess was seen in her dignity and grace as she carried out her royal duties with poise.

8. Superiority

- Definition: higher rank, status, importance, etc.; preeminence

- Example: The highness of the duke was established by his superiority over other members of the royal family and his influential role in decision-making.

9. Regality

- Definition: the state of being royal; royal status or authority

- Example: The highness of the queen was reflected in her regality, as she was revered and respected by her subjects.

10. Magnificence

- Definition: the quality or state of being magnificent; splendor; grandeur

- Example: The highness of the prince was evident in the magnificence of his royal celebrations and extravagant lifestyle


