

更新时间:2024-03-11 12:04:02作者:自考教育网




1.高度 (gāo dù)

2.非常 (fēi cháng)

3.极其 (jí qí)

4.十分 (shí fēn)

5.十分地 (shí fēn dì)

高度 (gāo dù)是指某物或某人具有很大的程度或强度。在英语中,highly也可以表示"very"或"extremely",都是用来强调某事物的程度或质量。

非常 (fēi cháng)是指超出平常的程度,通常用来形容某事物非常特别、突出或重要。在英语中,highly也可以表示"exceptionally"或"extraordinarily",都是用来表达某事物非常出色、杰出。

极其 (jí qí)是指达到了极限的程度,通常用来形容某事物具有极其特殊、重要或独特的属性。在英语中,highly也可以表示"exceedingly"或"incredibly",都是用来表达某事物极其优秀、惊人。

十分 (shí fēn)是指达到了一个相当高的程度,通常用来形容某事物具有相当大的价值、意义或影响力。在英语中,highly也可以表示 "considerably" 或 "greatly" ,都是用来强调某事物相当重要、有价值。

十分地 (shí fēn dì)是指非常地,通常用来表示某事物具有很强的程度或影响力。在英语中,highly也可以表示 "intensely" 或 "profoundly" ,都是用来表达某事物具有很强的力量或影响力


1. 高度赞扬:highly的读音为[ˈhaɪli],意思是“非常地”或“极其”,可以用来形容某人或某事受到高度的赞扬和认可。

2. 高度重视:在某些场合,highly也可以表示“高度重视”的意思,例如:“这个问题被高度重视了”。

3. 高度可能:在口语中,highly也可以表示“很可能”的意思,例如:“他们高度可能会来参加我们的聚会”。

4. 高度概括:有时候,highly也可以用来表示“总的来说”或“概括起来”,例如:“highly speaking,这次会议取得了不错的成果”。

5. 高兴地:在某些情况下,highly也可以表示一种高兴的情绪,“他们对这个消息感到highly”


1. highly的定义和用法


2. highly的双语例句

(1) He is highly intelligent and always excels in his studies.


(2) The team was highly motivated to win the championship.


(3) The product is highly recommended by experts in the field.


(4) She is highly regarded for her contributions to the community.


(5) The company is highly valued for its innovative ideas and products.


3. 注意事项


- 不要与very连用,因为两者都表示程度很深,重复使用会显得啰嗦。

- 不要与too连用,因为too表示过度,而highly则表示程度适当。

- 不要在正式场合使用,可以使用moreover、extremely等替换。

In conclusion, highly is an adverb used to express a high degree or evaluation. It can modify adjectives or verbs and is usually placed before the word it modifies. Through the bilingual examples, we can see that highly is often used to praise people, recommend products, evaluate teams, etc. It is a positive word that indicates a high degree, good quality, and great value. In writing, we can use highly to enhance the expression of our sentences, but we should be careful not to overuse it or use it in inappropriate contexts


1. 高度评价:highly rated,highly praised,highly recommended,highly acclaimed

2. 非常重要:highly important,highly significant,highly essential,highly crucial

3. 极其成功:highly successful,highly accomplished,highly effective,highly productive

4. 非常受欢迎:highly popular,highly sought-after,highly in demand

5. 高度认可:highly recognized,highly respected,highly regarded

6. 非常有价值:highly valuable,highly beneficial,highly advantageous

7. 极其专业: highly professional, highly skilled, highly qualified

8. 非常精通: highly proficient, highly skilled, highly knowledgeable

9. 高度关注: highly concerned, highly focused, highly interested

10. 非常引人注目: highly noticeable, highl


1. Extremely

- Definition: to a very great degree; very much.

- Example: She is highly intelligent, with an IQ of 150.

2. Exceptionally

- Definition: to a greater extent than usual; unusually.

- Example: He is highly skilled in playing the piano, even at such a young age.

3. Exceedingly

- Definition: to an extreme degree or extent; very.

- Example: The food at this restaurant is highly rated by food critics all over the world.

4. Remarkably

- Definition: in a way that is worthy of attention; strikingly.

- Example: The new phone model is highly innovative and has many advanced features.

5. Incredibly

- Definition: to an extraordinary or surprising degree; amazingly.

- Example: The athlete's performance was highly impressive, breaking several records in one competition.

6. Intensely

- Definition: with great energy, strength, or concentration; intensely.

- Example: The movie was highly emotional and left many viewers in tears.

7. Significantly

- Definition: in a way that is important or notable; significantly.

- Example: The company's profits have increased significantly since they implemented the new marketing strategy.

8. Greatly

- Definition: to a great extent or degree; considerably.

- Example: She was highly respected by her colleagues for her dedication and hard work.

9. Exceptionally well

- Definition: to an unusually high standard or level of success; exceptionally well.

- Example: The team performed exceptionally well during the championship game and won by a landslide victory.

10. Immeasurably

- Definition: to an extent that cannot be measured or quantified; immeasurably.

- Example: Her contribution to the charity organization was highly appreciated and immeasurably beneficial to those in need



