

更新时间:2024-03-11 09:56:02作者:自考教育网



1. 发音:[ˈhɪərəʊz],注意第一个音节的重音。

2. 拼写:heroes,复数形式为hero,来自希腊语中的“heros”,意为“英雄”。


3. 同义词:champions、icons、legends。

4. 例句:

- The brave firefighters were hailed as heroes for rescuing the people trapped in the burning building.


- Many people consider Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela as heroes for their fight against racial discrimination.


- The movie tells the story of a group of unlikely heroes who come together to save the world from an alien invasion.



1. heroes的含义:英雄们


2. heroes怎么读:[ˈhɪərəʊz]


3. heroes同义词:champions, idols, icons, legends


4. heroes例句:

- The firefighters who rescued the children from the burning building were hailed as heroes.

- Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the greatest heroes in the fight for civil rights.

- The soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country are remembered as true heroes.

- Many people look up to sports stars and see them as heroes, but they are just regular people with exceptional talent.

- A hero doesn't always have to be someone famous, it can also be a parent, a teacher or a friend who inspires and supports others


1. 词性


2. 词源


3. 同义词

- champion: 战士,冠军,支持者

- idol: 偶像,崇拜对象,模范

- legend: 传奇人物,传说中的人物,非凡的人

- role model: 榜样,楷模

4. 例句

- He was hailed as a hero for saving the child from the burning building.


- The football player was considered a hero by his fans for scoring the winning goal.


- She is my hero, I look up to her and aspire to be like her one day.


- The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is well-known.


- The young actress is a role model for many aspiring performers.



1. heroes的意思是英雄,指那些勇敢、无畏、有非凡成就的人。例如,他们是社会上最受尊重和仰慕的英雄。

2. heroes的读音为/heˈroʊz/,其中“he”发音为/hɪ/,“ro”发音为/roʊ/,“es”发音为/z/。

3. heroes的同义词包括champions、icons、legends等。例如,这些人都是我们心目中的英雄。

4. 例句:

- He is considered one of the greatest heroes in our country's history.


- Superheroes are popular characters in movies and comics.


- The firefighters were hailed as heroes for saving the family from the burning building.


- Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as a hero for his role in the civil rights movement.



1. Champions

- Definition: people who have achieved great success and are admired by others

- Example: The heroes of the Olympic Games are considered champions in their respective sports.

2. Legends

- Definition: individuals who are famous and have a significant impact on history or culture

- Example: Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as a legend for his role in the civil rights movement.

3. Icons

- Definition: symbols or representations of something or someone that is widely recognized and admired

- Example: Marilyn Monroe is an iconic figure in Hollywood's history.

4. Idols

- Definition: people who are greatly admired and looked up to by others, often seen as role models

- Example: Many young girls consider Taylor Swift as their idol for her talent, success, and positive influence.

5. Role models

- Definition: individuals who set a good example for others to follow, often admired for their values and actions

- Example: Malala Yousafzai is a role model for her bravery, activism, and dedication to education rights.

6. Superheroes

- Definition: fictional characters with extraordinary abilities who use their powers to protect others from evil or danger

- Example: Superman is one of the most popular superheroes in comic books and movies.

7. Saviors

- Definition: people who save others from harm or danger

- Example: Firefighters are considered heroes for their bravery in rescuing people from burning buildings.

8. Defenders

- Definition: individuals who protect or support something or someone against attack, criticism, or opposition

- Example: Soldiers are seen as defenders of their country's freedom and safety.

9. Bravehearts

- Definition: people who show courage and determination in the face of adversity

- Example: Nelson Mandela is remembered as a braveheart for his fight against apartheid in South Africa.

10. Warriors

- Definition: fighters engaged in or experienced in warfare

- Example: The ancient Spartans were known as fierce warriors who defended their city-state with great bravery


