
hereby 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-11 09:41:30作者:自考教育网

标题:hereby是什么意思 内容: ['hereby是什么意思', 'hereby怎么读', 'hereby的用法和双语例句', 'hereby的词组', 'hereby同义词示例'] 导语:大家是否经常遇到在阅读英文文章时遇到不认识的单词,而无法理解整个句子的情况呢?今天我们就来讨论一个常见的行业标题,那就是“hereby”。这个单词究竟是什么意思呢?它又该如何读音呢?除此之外,我们还将一起探讨它的用法和双语例句,以及相关的词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来揭开这个神秘单词的面纱吧!


1. 什么是hereby?

hereby 是什么意思


2. hereby的词源


3. hereby的用法

a. 作为副词,表示在这里、在此地、经由这种方式等。

例如:I hereby declare that I am innocent.(我特此声明我是无辜的。)

b. 作为介词,表示通过、凭借。

例如:I hereby authorize you to access the confidential documents.(我特此授权你访问机密文件。)

4. hereby与thereby及whereby的区别

a. hereby和thereby都可以表示“因此”、“以此方式”,但thereby更多用于描述结果或影响,而hereby更多用于描述行动或决定。

例如:I have completed the task, thereby proving my capability.(我已完成任务,从而证明了我的能力。)

I hereby appoint you as the new manager of this department.(我特此任命你为该部门的新经理。)

b. whereby则表示“通过那个”、“凭借那个”,强调通过某种手段或方式来完成某事。

例如:We have developed a new system whereby customers can track their orders easily.(我们开发了一个新系统,顾客可以通过它轻松追踪订单。)

5. hereby的使用注意事项

a. 不要与thereby和whereby混淆,它们的意思和用法有所不同。

b. 在正式文件中使用hereby时,通常会搭配使用“declare”、“authorize”、“appoint”等动词来加强语气。

c. 由于hereby是一个正式用语,因此在日常口语中并不常用


1. 了解hereby的定义


2. 发音指南


3. 含义解析


4. 用法示例

a. I hereby declare that the meeting is adjourned.


b. By signing this contract, you hereby agree to all the terms and conditions.


c. Hereby, I inform you that your application has been approved.


5. 注意事项

a. 不要与“hear by”混淆。hear by是hear和by两个词的组合,在法律文件中常用来表示接受法律文件或通知。

b. 不要将hereby与thereby混淆。thereby也是一个副词,在句子中常用来表示因此、从而。



1. hereby的用法


2. 双语例句

1)I hereby declare that I will never give up on my dreams.


2)By signing this document, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions.


3)I hereby authorize my lawyer to act on my behalf in this matter.


4)I hereby certify that the information provided is true and accurate.


5)The company hereby announces a new policy for its employees.


6)We hereby acknowledge receipt of your payment.


7)The parties hereby agree to settle the dispute through arbitration.



1. "Hereby declare" - 正式宣布,常用于法律文件或公告中。

2. "Hereby certify" - 正式证明,通常用于证明文件或承诺书中。

3. "Hereby acknowledge" - 正式承认,常用于声明或协议中。

4. "Hereby grant" - 正式授予,通常用于授权书或契约中。

5. "Hereby authorize" - 正式授权,常用于许可证或委任书中。

6. "Hereby release" - 正式释放,通常用于合同或协议中。

7. "Hereby waive" - 正式放弃,常用于法律文件或合同条款中。

8. "Hereby agree" - 正式同意,通常用于协议、合同或声明中。

9. "Hereby promise" - 正式承诺,常用于保证书或协议中。

10. "Hereby confirm" - 正式确认,通常用于声明、证明或协议中


1. By this means

- This phrase is often used in formal or legal contexts to indicate that something is being done or stated in a specific way.

- Example: The company hereby agrees to the terms and conditions of the contract.

2. Herein

- This word is commonly used in legal documents to refer to something that follows or appears within the document.

- Example: The rights and responsibilities of both parties are outlined herein.

3. Thus

- This adverb can be used in place of "hereby" to indicate that something is being done or stated in a specific way.

- Example: The author thus declares that all the information presented in this book is accurate.

4. Hereunder

- This word is often used in formal writing, particularly in legal documents, to refer to something that follows or appears below.

- Example: The parties agree to resolve any disputes hereunder through mediation.

5. Consequently

- This adverb can be used as a synonym for "hereby" to indicate that something is being done as a result of what has been stated previously.

- Example: The company's profits have decreased significantly; consequently, they will have to make some budget cuts.

6. In this manner/way/fashion

- These phrases can be used interchangeably with "hereby" to indicate that something is being done or stated in a particular manner.

- Example: The landlord hereby agrees to maintain the property and make any necessary repairs in this manner/way/fashion.

7. In light of this/that

- These phrases can also be used as synonyms for "hereby" when referring to something that has been previously stated or discussed.

- Example: In light of this evidence, the jury hereby finds the defendant guilty.

8. As such

- This phrase can be used as an alternative for "hereby" when indicating that something is being done or stated as a result of what has been previously mentioned.

- Example: The company has decided to expand its operations; as such, they will be hiring more employees.

9. In consequence

- This phrase can be used in place of "hereby" to indicate that something is being done or stated as a result of what has been previously mentioned.

- Example: The government hereby declares a state of emergency and, in consequence, all citizens are advised to stay indoors.

10. Therefore

- This adverb can be used as a synonym for "hereby" when indicating that something is being done or stated as a result of what has been previously discussed.

- Example: The board hereby approves the proposed budget and therefore, the company's financial goals for the year



