
heparin 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-11 09:17:07作者:自考教育网



1. “heparin”这个词的发音是什么样的呢?听起来是不是有点像“海派人”?

heparin 是什么意思

2. 其实,“heparin”的正确发音是[hɛˈpærən],也就是“海帕林”的音译。

3. 不过,如果你在医院里听到医生或护士说“海派人”,不要惊讶,因为这也是一种常见的发音方式。

4. 这个词来自于拉丁语“hepar”,意为肝脏,因为最初heparin是从动物的肝脏中提取出来的。

5. 所以,如果你想记住它的发音,可以把它和“肝”字联系起来。

6. 除了[hɛˈpærən],还有一种更接近原始发音的读法是[hiːˈpærɪn],但在英语中并不常用。

7. 如果你对这两种发音都不满意,那么就跟着自己的节奏读吧,“海帕林”也可以成为一种独特的发音方式。

8. 总之,在英语中,“heparin”的发音并没有一个固定的标准,只要能够被理解就可以了。

9. 不过,在正式场合或专业领域使用时,还是建议使用[hɛˈpærən]这种更接近标准发音的方式。

10. 希望通过本次介绍,你能够明白“heparin”的发音,让你在与医生交流时更加自信



1. heparin是一种天然产生的抗凝血剂。它最早于1916年由德国科学家发现于肝脏和肺组织中,因此得名为“heparin”,意为“肝素”。它可以阻止血液凝结,防止血栓形成,从而保护我们的身体免受心脑血管疾病的威胁。

2. heparin主要由多糖类分子组成,具有复杂的结构。它通常来自动物体内,如猪、牛等动物的肺组织中提取。同时也可以通过基因工程技术在实验室中人工合成。

3. 除了作为抗凝血剂外,heparin还具有其他重要的生理功能。例如,它可以调节免疫系统、细胞生长和发育等多种生理过程。

4. 在医学领域,heparin被广泛应用于心脏手术、血液透析和静脉血栓预防等方面。同时,它也被用于治疗心脏病、肺栓塞和深静脉血栓等疾病。

5. 尽管heparin具有许多优点,但它也存在一些副作用,如出血风险增加、过敏反应等。因此,在使用heparin时,必须严格遵循医嘱,避免不必要的风险。

6. 总的来说,heparin是一种非常重要的生物分子,在医学领域发挥着重要作用。它的发现和应用为人类健康带来了巨大的贡献。希望通过本次介绍,你能对heparin有更深入的了解


1. 使用方法:


- 静脉注射:医生会根据患者的情况确定剂量和频率,通常每日1-2次静脉注射。

- 皮下注射:每日1-2次,通常在腹部或大腿部位进行注射。

- 局部涂抹:将药膏或软膏涂抹在受影响的皮肤表面,每日2-4次。

2. 注意事项:


- 需要定期检查凝血功能,以确保药物达到预期效果。

- 如果出现不良反应或过敏症状,请立即停止使用并就医。

- 如果患者正在服用其他药物,请告知医生,避免发生不良相互作用。

3. 示例例句:


- The doctor prescribed Heparin to prevent blood clots after surgery.


- The patient was instructed to apply a thin layer of Heparin cream to the affected area twice a day.


- It is important to follow the recommended dosage and frequency when using Heparin.



1. "Heparin overdose" - 肝素过量

2. "Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia" - 肝素诱发的血小板减少症

3. "Heparin flush" - 肝素冲洗液

4. "Heparin lock" - 肝素锁定装置

5. "Unfractionated heparin" - 非分散肝素

6. "Low-molecular-weight heparin" - 低分子肝素

7. "Heparin resistance" - 肝素抵抗性

8. "Heparin rebound effect" - 肝素反弹效应

9. "Heparin bridge therapy" - 肝素桥接治疗

10. "Heparin-coated stent" - 肝素涂层支架


1. Anticoagulant

Heparin is a type of anticoagulant, which means it helps to prevent blood clots from forming in the body. Other synonyms for heparin in this context include blood thinner, antithrombotic, and clot preventer.

2. Blood Thinner

As mentioned above, heparin is often referred to as a blood thinner due to its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. Other common synonyms for heparin as a blood thinner include anticoagulant and clotting inhibitor.

3. Antithrombotic

Heparin is also commonly referred to as an antithrombotic agent, meaning it helps to prevent the formation of thrombosis or blood clots in the body. Other synonyms for heparin in this context include antiplatelet and thrombosis inhibitor.

4. Clot Preventer

Another way to describe heparin's function is as a clot preventer, meaning it helps to stop the formation of blood clots in the body. This term can also be used interchangeably with anticoagulant or antithrombotic.

5. Coagulation Inhibitor

Heparin works by inhibiting or slowing down the process of coagulation, which is the formation of blood clots. Therefore, another synonym for heparin could be coagulation inhibitor.

6. Anti-Clotting Agent

Similar to its other synonyms, heparin can also be referred to as an anti-clotting agent due to its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in the body.

7. Thrombosis Inhibitor

Thrombosis refers to the formation of abnormal blood clots in the body, and heparin can help inhibit this process. Therefore, another synonym for heparin could be thrombosis inhibitor.

8. Blood Clot Preventer

As mentioned earlier, heparin is commonly used to prevent the formation of blood clots in the body, making it a blood clot preventer. This term can also be used interchangeably with anticoagulant or antithrombotic.

9. Clotting Inhibitor

Heparin's ability to inhibit or slow down the process of coagulation also makes it a clotting inhibitor, meaning it helps to prevent the formation of blood clots in the body.

10. Anticoagulation Medication

Finally, heparin can also be referred to as an anticoagulation medication due to its function of preventing blood clots from forming in the body. Other synonyms for this term include antithrombotic medication and clotting prevention medicine.

In conclusion, heparin has several synonyms that can be used to describe its function as an anticoagulant or blood thinner. These terms include antithrombotic, clot preventer, coagulation inhibitor, anti-clotting agent, thrombosis inhibitor, and more. It is important to note that while these terms may have slightly different meanings and contexts, they all refer to heparin's ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in the body



