

更新时间:2024-03-11 08:37:56作者:自考教育网



The meaning of "helpful"

1. Introduction to "helpful"

"Helpful" is a commonly used word in the English language, and it has various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It is an adjective that describes someone or something as being useful, supportive, or beneficial in a certain situation.

2. Definition of "helpful"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "helpful" means having a positive or useful effect; willing to help; providing assistance. It can also be described as being conducive to or promoting success.

3. Synonyms of "helpful"

Some synonyms for "helpful" include useful, supportive, cooperative, accommodating, advantageous, beneficial, and valuable.

4. How to pronounce "helpful"

The word "helpful" is pronounced as /ˈhɛlpfəl/ (help-fuhl). The stress is on the first syllable.

5. Examples of using "helpful"

- The teacher's feedback was very helpful in improving my essay.

- My sister is always helpful when I need advice.

- The new software has some helpful features that make it easier to use.

- The volunteers were extremely helpful during the charity event.

- A positive attitude can be very helpful in achieving your goals.

6. Different contexts for using "helpful"

The word "helpful" can be used in various situations and contexts:

- In personal relationships: Someone who is always there for you and supports you can be described as helpful.

- In a work environment: A colleague who offers assistance and makes your job easier can be considered helpful.

- In customer service: A company that provides efficient and effective solutions to their customers' problems can be seen as helpful.

- In education: Teachers who provide guidance and support to their students are often described as helpful.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "helpful" has a broad range of meanings, but it all comes down to being beneficial and supportive. It is a positive attribute that is valued in personal and professional relationships, as well as in various industries. Remember to use "helpful" in the right context to convey its intended meaning accurately

How to pronounce "helpful"

1. 独特性强的原创内容


2. 不要出现超链接


3. 内容精准详细


同义词:useful, beneficial, advantageous, valuable


- The information you provided was very helpful in completing my project.


- It's always helpful to have a second opinion before making a decision.


- She is a very helpful person and is always willing to lend a hand.


“helpful”是一个常见的形容词,意为“有帮助的,有益的”。它的发音为[hel-puhl],重音在第一个音节上。我们应该通过听力训练来练习正确的发音,并避免使用超链接。同义词包括useful, beneficial, advantageous, valuable。例句可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用这个单词

Usage and examples of "helpful"

1. Meaning of "helpful"

"Helpful" is an adjective that describes someone or something as being useful, beneficial, or providing assistance. It can also refer to a person who is willing to help others or offer support.

2. Pronunciation of "helpful"

The word "helpful" is pronounced as "help-fuhl" with the stress on the first syllable. The "h" in the beginning is silent.

3. Synonyms of "helpful"

Some synonyms of "helpful" include useful, supportive, cooperative, accommodating, and beneficial.

4. Examples of usage

- He was very helpful in guiding me through the process.

- The instructions were not very helpful and I had to figure it out on my own.

- She always has a helpful attitude and is willing to lend a hand.

- The new software has some helpful features that make it easier to use.

- The volunteers were incredibly helpful in organizing the event.

5. Collocations with "helpful"

There are several common collocations (words that often go together) with "helpful":

- Helpful advice/tips/suggestions: This refers to advice or tips that are useful and provide assistance.

- Helpful resources/tools: These are resources or tools that can be used to make tasks easier or more efficient.

- Helpful attitude/gesture: This refers to someone's willingness to help or their actions that provide support.

- Helpful information/details: This refers to information or details that are relevant and useful in a given situation.

6. Idioms with "helpful"

There are also some idiomatic expressions using the word "helpful":

- A helpful hand: This means someone who offers assistance or support.

- A helpful hint/tip: This refers to a piece of advice or suggestion that can be useful in a given situation.

- Be helpful/useful as a chocolate teapot: This phrase is used to describe something or someone that is completely useless or ineffective.

7. Usage in different contexts

- In personal relationships: Being helpful in a relationship means being supportive, understanding, and willing to assist your partner when needed.

- In the workplace: Being helpful at work means being a team player, offering support to colleagues, and being willing to take on tasks that benefit the team.

- In customer service: Being helpful in customer service means providing assistance and finding solutions for customers' needs and concerns.

- In education: Being helpful in education can refer to teachers providing support and guidance to their students or students helping each other with their studies.

In conclusion, "helpful" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to describe someone or something as useful, supportive, or beneficial. It is an important quality to have in personal relationships, the workplace, customer service, and education. Remember to always be helpful whenever you can!

Phrases with "helpful"

1. "Invaluable assistance" - This phrase emphasizes the importance and value of the help provided.

例句:The team's invaluable assistance helped us complete the project on time.

2. "A helpful hand" - This phrase implies someone who is willing to lend a hand and provide support.

例句:My neighbor always offers a helpful hand whenever I need it.

3. "Useful advice" - This phrase refers to practical and beneficial guidance or suggestions.

例句:Thank you for your useful advice, it really helped me make a decision.

4. "Beneficial contribution" - This phrase highlights the positive impact of someone's help.

例句:Your beneficial contribution to the charity event is greatly appreciated.

5. "Assisting hand" - Similar to "helpful hand," this phrase conveys the idea of someone offering aid and support.

例句:The organization provides an assisting hand to those in need.

6. "Supportive gesture" - This phrase refers to a kind and helpful action or movement.

例句:Her supportive gesture made me feel less alone during a difficult time.

7. "Constructive feedback" - This phrase describes helpful criticism or suggestions for improvement.

例句:I appreciate your constructive feedback on my presentation, it helped me make necessary changes.

8. "Guiding light" - This metaphorical phrase suggests that someone's help has been like a guiding light, leading the way.

例句:My mentor has been a guiding light throughout my career journey.

9. "Favorable influence" - This phrase implies that someone's help has had a positive impact on a situation or outcome.

例句:His favorable influence helped us secure the contract with the client.

10. "Valuable support" - Similar to "invaluable assistance," this phrase emphasizes the worth and significance of someone's help.

例句:I couldn't have done it without your valuable support

Synonym examples for "helpful"

1. Synonyms for "helpful"

- Useful

- Beneficial

- Valuable

- Supportive

- Cooperative

2. Examples:

- The new software was very helpful in improving our work efficiency.

- My friend gave me some helpful advice on how to prepare for the exam.

- The volunteers were extremely cooperative and helpful during the charity event.

- The doctor's support and guidance were very beneficial in my recovery process.

- The training program provided valuable skills that helped me advance in my career

In conclusion, "helpful" is a versatile and valuable word that can be used in a variety of contexts. Its meaning is closely related to aiding and assisting others, making it an important concept in our daily lives. Remember to pronounce it as "HELP-full" and use it with confidence in your conversations.


