

更新时间:2024-03-11 07:54:35作者:自考教育网


The meaning of heim

1. What is "heim"?


"Heim" is a German word that means "home" or "homeland". It can also be used to refer to a specific place or region that is considered one's home.

2. How do you pronounce "heim"?

"Heim" is pronounced as "hīm", with a long "i" sound. The "e" at the end is silent.

3. Synonyms for "heim"

Some synonyms for "heim" are:

- Home: This word has a similar meaning to "heim", referring to one's place of residence or origin.

- Homeland: This word specifically refers to one's country or native land.

- Abode: This word can be used to describe one's home, dwelling, or residence.

- Domicile: Similar to "abode", this word refers to one's place of residence.

4. Example sentences using "heim"

- I can't wait to go back to my heim and spend time with my family.

- Germany will always be my heim, no matter where I go in life.

- After traveling for months, it was nice to finally return to the familiar comforts of my heim.

- She invited me over for dinner at her heim, and it was such a warm and welcoming experience.

5. Cultural significance of "heim"

In German culture, the concept of "heim" holds great importance. It represents not just a physical place, but also a sense of belonging and identity. It is often associated with feelings of comfort, safety, and familiarity. Many German traditions and customs center around the idea of heim, such as the Christmas tradition of decorating a heim with lights and ornaments.

6. Other meanings of "heim"

Aside from its literal meaning of home or homeland, "heim" can also have other connotations in different contexts:

- In Norse mythology, "heim" refers to the world of the gods.

- In Swedish, "heim" can mean "cheerful" or "happy".

- In Old English, "heim" means "family" or "household".

In conclusion, "heim" is a versatile word with a rich cultural significance. It represents more than just a physical place, but also a sense of belonging and identity. Whether used in its literal sense or in other contexts, it carries a strong emotional connection to one's home and roots

How to pronounce heim

1. 简介


2. 发音方法


3. 同义词


4. 例句

① My parents' heim is in a small town in Germany.


② She invited us to her heim for dinner.


③ The famous writer has returned to his heim after living abroad for many years.



Usage and examples of heim

1. Meaning of heim

Heim is a German word that means "home" or "homeland". It is commonly used in names of places in Germany, such as Heidelberg and Frankfurt am Main.

2. Pronunciation of heim

The correct pronunciation of heim is [hahym], with the "h" being pronounced softly and the "y" sounding like the letter "i" in English.

3. Synonyms for heim

- Home: This is the most common synonym for heim, as it has a similar meaning of a place where one lives or feels comfortable.

- Homeland: This synonym emphasizes the idea of a place where one belongs or has strong ties to.

- Abode: This word also means home, but it has a more formal tone and is often used in written language.

- Dwelling: Similar to abode, this word has a formal tone and refers to a place where one lives.

4. Examples using heim

- After years of traveling, she finally returned to her heim in Germany.

- The refugees longed for their homeland, dreaming of returning to their heim someday.

- The new couple was excited to start their life together in their new abode.

- Growing up, her grandfather's house was her favorite dwelling because it felt like home

Phrases with heim

1. "Heim"的意思是家,它来自于德语中的词汇,发音为[hīm]。

2. "Heim"可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。

3. 同义词包括home、residence、dwelling等。

4. 例如:"I can't wait to go back to my heim and relax after a long day at work."(我迫不及待地想回到家里,在一天工作后放松。)

5. 另外,"heim"也常被用于一些短语中,如:"heimweh"表示思乡病,"heimatlos"表示无家可归

Synonyms for heim with examples

1. What does heim mean?

- What's the meaning of heim?

- What is the definition of heim?

2. How to pronounce heim?

- How do you say heim?

- What's the correct pronunciation of heim?

3. Synonyms for heim:

- Home

- Residence

- Abode

4. Examples:

- I can't wait to go back to my heim and relax after a long day.

- She invited me over to her heim for dinner.

- His dream was to build a cozy little heim in the countryside.

5. Other ways to say heim:

- House

- Dwelling

- Domicile

6. More examples:

- The old manor has been turned into a luxurious house.

- They have a beautiful dwelling by the lake.

- Moving into their new domicile was an exciting experience for them.

7. Alternative words for heim:

- Homestead

- Habitat

- Household

8. Additional examples:

- The farm was their homestead for generations.

- The Arctic is home to many unique habitats.

- He took care of his household and family with love.

9. Related words to heim:

-Homely (adj.)

-Homing (verb)

-Homemaker (noun)

10. Examples in sentences:

-The homely atmosphere made me feel comfortable.

-The birds were homing towards their nest.

-She decided to be a stay-at-home mom and become a homemaker.

11. Similar terms for heim:

-Dwelling place



12. Examples in context:

-The nomads were looking for a new dwelling place every few months.

-She rented out her extra rooms as lodging for tourists during peak season.

-I'm just going back to my pad after work, wanna join me?

In conclusion, heim is a versatile word that can be used to refer to one's home, a specific place or a familiar feeling. Its pronunciation may vary depending on the dialect, but it is commonly pronounced as "haim" or "hime". As an editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of heim and its usage. If you have any other questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and don't forget to follow me for more interesting articles!


