

更新时间:2024-03-11 07:26:39作者:自考教育网



What does heels mean?

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首先,heels可以作为名词使用,表示鞋跟或鞋子的后部分。例如,“She loves wearing high heels.”(她喜欢穿高跟鞋。)在这个例句中,heels指代鞋子的后部分。

其次,heels也可以作为动词使用,意为“跟随”、“服从”或“听命于”。例如,“The dog heels at his master’s command.”(狗服从主人的命令。)在这个例句中,heels表示狗跟随主人的命令。

除此之外,heels还有其他一些同义词,如follow、obey、comply等。它们都可以用来表示“服从”或“听从”。例如,“The soldiers must heel to their commander’s orders.”(士兵们必须服从指挥官的命令。)

How to pronounce heels?

1. Heels的意思是什么?

- Heels一词可以指代多种含义,具体解释取决于上下文。通常,它可以表示“脚后跟”、“高跟鞋”、“倾斜”等含义。例如:

- The actress wore a pair of high heels to the red carpet event. (这位女演员在红毯活动上穿了一双高跟鞋。)

- The car was parked on a steep hill, its front wheels higher than the back wheels. (汽车停在一个陡峭的山坡上,前轮比后轮高。)

2. Heels的发音是怎么样的?

- Heels一词的发音为[hils],其中[h]发音时喉部振动,[i]发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,[l]发音时舌尖抵住上颚软腭。

- 注意:在英语中,h字母通常不发音,但在heels这个单词中需要发[h]的原因是因为它前面有一个元音字母[e]。

3. Heels的同义词有哪些?

- Heels一词的同义词包括:stiletto(细高跟鞋)、pumps(浅口高跟鞋)、wedges(楔形鞋)等。这些单词都可以用来指代女性穿着的高跟鞋。

4. Heels的例句有哪些?

- She loves to wear stilettos, even though they hurt her feet. (她喜欢穿细高跟鞋,尽管它们会让她的脚痛。)

- The bride wore a pair of white pumps to match her wedding dress. (新娘穿了一双白色的浅口高跟鞋来搭配她的婚纱。)

- The actress tripped and fell because she was wearing wedges on the uneven ground. (这位女演员在不平坦的地面上穿着楔形鞋,结果摔倒了。)

Usage and examples of heels

1. Heels是指高跟鞋,常用于女性的鞋子中。它的主要特点是鞋跟较高,能够增加穿着者的身高和腿部曲线。

例:She loves to wear heels to make her legs look longer and more attractive.

2. Heels也可以指一种舞蹈动作,即站立时将双脚跟抬起,只用脚尖支撑身体重量。

例:She performed a perfect spin on her heels during the dance competition.

3. 同义词:stiletto、pumps、high heels

例:She has a collection of stilettos in different colors and styles.

4. Heels怎么读?[hiːlz],发音类似于“希尔斯”。

例:She can walk comfortably in her heels without stumbling or falling.

5. Heels还可以用来形容一个人或物品的优势或支持力。

例:Her intelligence and hard work are the heels that support her successful career.

6. 在一些俗语中,heels也可以表示追随或效忠某人。

例:He always follows his boss's orders, he's definitely got his heels on the ground.

7. Heels在一些场合也可以作为动词使用,表示向后倾斜或退缩。

例:The dog quickly heeled back when it saw its owner approaching with a stern look.


Phrases with heels

1. "On the heels of" - 紧随其后,紧接着。例如:On the heels of the successful launch of their new product, the company announced record profits.

2. "Heel over head" - 头朝下,翻倒。例如:The strong wind caused the boat to heel over head, throwing everyone into the water.

3. "Achilles' heel" - 致命弱点。例如:His lack of attention to detail was his Achilles' heel in his job as a project manager.

4. "Down at heel" - 衰败的,穷困的。例如:The once grand mansion is now down at heel and in need of serious repairs.

5. "Kick up one's heels" - 尽情享乐,放松。例如:After a long week at work, she was ready to kick up her heels and have some fun.

6. "Drag one's heels" - 拖延,不积极行动。例如:The team is dragging their heels on this project and it needs to be finished by next week.

7. "Cool one's heels" - 等待,耐心等候。例如:I had to cool my heels for an hour before my appointment finally arrived.

8. "Dig in one's heels" - 坚持立场,拒绝改变主意。例如:No matter how much they tried to convince her, she dug in her heels and refused to change her mind.

9. "Bring someone to heel" - 控制某人,使某人服从。例如:The new boss was able to bring the unruly employees to heel and improve productivity.

10. "Click one's heels" - 感到高兴,满足。例如:She clicked her heels when she received the news that she got the job

Synonyms for heels with examples

1. Synonyms for "heels"

- Stilettos

- Pumps

- High heels

- Platforms

- Wedges

2. Examples:

- She was wearing a pair of stilettos to the party.

- The bride walked down the aisle in her white pumps.

- The fashion show featured models strutting in high heels.

- The actress tripped on her platforms while walking on the red carpet.

- The sandals had hidden wedges that gave the illusion of longer legs.

3. Synonyms for "heels" based on type:

a) Stilettos - Thin, high-heeled shoes with a pointed toe, usually above 3 inches in height.

b) Pumps - Low-cut shoes with a closed back and front, and a heel height of 2 to 3 inches.

c) High heels - Shoes with a heel height above 3 inches, providing elevation to the wearer.

d) Platforms - Shoes with thick soles that elevate both the heel and toe, giving extra height to the wearer.

e) Wedges - Shoes with wedge-shaped heels that run from the back of the shoe to its front.

4. Examples:

a) Stilettos: Her black stilettos added an edge to her outfit.

b) Pumps: She preferred wearing comfortable pumps for work.

c) High heels: The model strutted confidently in her high heels on the runway.

d) Platforms: The singer wore glittery platforms for her performance.

e) Wedges: Her favorite summer shoes were wedges as they were easy to walk in.

5. Synonyms for "heels" based on function:

a) Heel cups - Inserts placed inside shoes to provide cushioning and support around the heel area.

b) Heel lifts - Inserts placed inside shoes to provide extra height or correct leg length discrepancies.

c) Heel grips - Strips or pads placed inside shoes to prevent slipping or blisters at the back of the heel.

d) Heel protectors - Caps or covers placed over the heels of shoes to prevent damage from rough surfaces.

e) Heel caps - Protective coverings for the heel area of shoes, often used for repairing worn-out heels.

6. Examples:

a) Heel cups: The dancer wore heel cups to support her feet during rehearsals.

b) Heel lifts: The athlete used heel lifts to correct her leg length discrepancy.

c) Heel grips: She always wore heel grips with her new shoes to avoid blisters.

d) Heel protectors: The hiker used heel protectors to prevent damage to her boots on rocky terrain.

e) Heel caps: The cobbler replaced the old heel caps on her favorite pair of boots.

7. Synonyms for "heels" based on location:

a) High heels - Typically worn by women, high heels elevate the foot above its natural position and are usually found on dress shoes.

b) Cuban heels - Low, stacked heels that are wider and more stable than stilettos, commonly found on men's boots and cowboy boots.

c) Kitten heels - Short, slender heels measuring less than 2 inches in height, often found on pumps and sandals.

d) Wedge heels - Wedge-shaped heels that run from the back of the shoe to its front, providing stability and comfort while still giving height.

e) Platform wedges - Shoes with thick soles that elevate both the heel and toe, giving extra height without putting pressure solely on the ball of the foot.

8. Examples:

a) High heels: She wore high heels with her little black dress for a night out.

b) Cuban heels: The cowboy's boots had a low cuban heel for added support while riding horses.

c) Kitten heels: The bride opted for kitten heels on her wedding day for a comfortable yet elegant look.

d) Wedge heels: She preferred wearing wedge heels to work as they were more comfortable for her long hours on her feet.

e) Platform wedges: Her summer wardrobe included a pair of platform wedges that she could wear all day without discomfort.

In conclusion, "heels" can have various synonyms depending on their type, function, and location. These include stilettos, pumps, high heels, platforms, wedges, heel cups, heel lifts, heel grips, heel protectors, heel caps, Cuban heels, kitten heels, wedge heels and platform wedges. Each of these terms has its own unique characteristics and usage in the fashion industry

In conclusion, heels are a type of shoe with a raised heel at the back, typically worn by women. They can add height and elegance to an outfit, but they can also be uncomfortable and cause foot problems if worn for extended periods of time. However, with proper usage and care, heels can be a stylish addition to any wardrobe.


