

更新时间:2024-03-11 07:11:29作者:自考教育网



1. heavy的含义是什么?



2. heavy怎么读?

heavy [ˈhɛvi]

3. heavy的同义词有哪些?

weighty, hefty, burdensome, ponderous, substantial

4. 例句:

- The box was too heavy for me to lift.


- I feel so heavy after eating a big meal.


- She has a heavy workload this week.


- The atmosphere in the room was heavy with tension.



1. 发音及读法

根据国际音标,"heavy"的发音为 /ˈhɛvi/,读作 "heh-vee"。其中,/ˈhɛ/为重读音节,意思是发出重重的声音。

2. 同义词

- Weighty:与 "heavy" 同义,意为“沉重的”。

- Massive:意为“巨大的”,也可以表示物体有很大的重量。

- Burdensome:含义是“沉重的”,常用来形容精神上或负担上的压力。

- Substantial:与 "heavy" 同义,意为“大量的”或“重要的”。

3. 例句

- The box is too heavy for me to carry.(这个盒子对我来说太重了。)

- She has been carrying a heavy burden all her life.(她一生都背负着沉重的负担。)

- The company is facing heavy losses this quarter.(这家公司本季度面临巨额亏损。)

4. 用法小贴士

在口语中,我们也可以用 "hefty" 来表示 "heavy" 的同义词。例如:

- That's a hefty price to pay for a new car.(买辆新车要付出那么多钱真是不轻松。)


1. heavy的意思是“沉重的”,可以指物体的重量,也可以指心情或氛围的压抑感。

例句:The suitcase was so heavy that I could barely lift it. (这个箱子太重了,我几乎抬不动。)

The atmosphere in the room was heavy with tension. (房间里充满了紧张的气氛。)

2. heavy的读音为 ['hevi],注意发音中的元音读作长音。

例句:She has a heavy accent, so sometimes it's hard to understand her. (她有一种浓重的口音,所以有时候很难听懂她说什么。)

3. heavy的同义词包括:weighty, hefty, bulky, ponderous等,都用来形容物体或事物具有较大的重量。

例句:He struggled to carry the weighty box up the stairs. (他费力地把沉重的盒子提上楼梯。)

The hefty price tag made me think twice about buying the car. (那高昂的价格让我三思而后决定要不要买这辆车。)

4. 除了指物体重量外,heavy也可以用来形容情绪或气氛压抑、沉闷。

例句:She felt a heavy sadness wash over her as she read the news of her friend's passing. (当她看到朋友去世的消息时,一股沉重的悲伤袭上心头。)

The heavy atmosphere in the office made it hard for anyone to focus on work. (办公室里压抑的气氛让任何人都很难专心工作。)


1. Weighty - "The heavy burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders."

2. Massive - "The heavy stone was difficult to lift."

3. Substantial - "She received a heavy amount of criticism for her actions."

4. Bulky - "The package was too heavy to carry by hand."

5. Intense - "The heavy rain caused flooding in the streets."

6. Serious - "She had a heavy expression on her face as she delivered the news."

7. Severe - "The storm brought heavy winds and damage to the area."

8. Dense - "The forest was filled with heavy vegetation."

9. Profound - "His words carried a heavy meaning that resonated with the audience."

10. Strenuous - "It was a heavy workout, but she pushed through until the end."


1. "heavy"一词的基本含义

- 在形容词中,"heavy"通常指物体重量大,有负担或压迫感。

- 在名词中,"heavy"可以指重物或沉重的东西。

- 在副词中,"heavy"可以表示强烈或大量。

2. "heavy"的同义词及例句

- weighty (adj.) - 重要的、有分量的:The professor's words were weighty and left a lasting impact on the students.

- burdensome (adj.) - 繁重的、压力大的:The heavy workload was burdensome for the employees.

- substantial (adj.) - 大量的、可观的:The company saw a substantial increase in profits this year.

3. "heavy"在不同语境中的使用和理解

- 形容词:"heavy rain"(大雨)、"heavy traffic"(交通拥堵)、"heavy heart"(沉重的心情)


- 名词:"lift something heavy"(举起重物)、 "a heavy burden to bear"(沉重的负担)


- 副词:"sleep heavily"(睡得很沉)、 "breathe heavily"(呼吸急促)



