

更新时间:2024-03-11 06:41:37作者:自考教育网






1. 心脏


2. 情感和感情

除了生理功能外,“heart”还可以用来形容人们内心深处的情感和感情。例如,“She has a kind heart.”(她有一颗善良的心。)这里的“heart”指代她内心深处善良、温暖和关怀他人的品质。

3. 内心想法

此外,“heart”还可以表示人们内心深处真实、坦诚和真诚的想法。“Speak from the heart.”(发自内心地说出来。)这句话意味着说出你真正的想法,而不是说一些虚假的话。

4. 爱


1. 哈特,不是哈尔特


2. 一字不落地读完


3. 听起来像“hot”


4. 不要被拼写误导


5. 心脏之外的意思


6. 真心话大冒险



1. "Heart"的基本含义


2. "Heart"作为名词的用法

a. 指身体的器官:The doctor listened to her heart with a stethoscope. (医生用听诊器听她的心脏。)

b. 指感情、内心:He has a kind heart and always helps others in need. (他有一颗善良的心,总是帮助需要帮助的人。)

c. 指核心、最重要的部分:The heart of the matter is that we need to find a solution as soon as possible. (问题的关键是我们需要尽快找到解决方案。)

3. "Heart"作为动词的用法

a. 表示强烈地爱、关怀:She really hearts her job and puts all her effort into it. (她真心热爱她的工作,并投入了全部精力。)

b. 表示深深地想念:I heart you so much when we are apart. (当我们分开时我非常想念你。)

4. 双语例句

a. The heart is the center of the circulatory system in humans and other animals. (心脏是人类和其他动物循环系统的中心。)

b. He has a heart of gold and always puts others before himself. (他有一颗金子般的心,总是把别人放在自己之前。)

c. The heart of the problem lies in the lack of communication between the two parties. (问题的核心在于双方缺乏沟通。)

d. She really hearts her new puppy and takes good care of it every day. (她真的很爱她的新小狗,每天都会好好照顾它。)

e. My heart aches when I think about my grandmother who passed away last year. (想起去年去世的奶奶,我的心就会隐隐作痛。)


1. From the bottom of one's heart: 从内心深处

例如:I love you from the bottom of my heart.(我从内心深处爱你。)

2. Have a heart: 有点同情心

例如:Have a heart and help the poor.(有点同情心,帮助穷人。)

3. Follow your heart: 跟随内心

例如:Don't listen to others, just follow your heart.(不要听别人的,只要跟随你的内心。)

4. Heart and soul: 全心全意

例如:I will support you with my heart and soul.(我会全心全意地支持你。)

5. Break someone's heart: 伤害某人的感情

例如:She broke his heart by leaving him for another man.(她离开他和另一个男人在一起,伤害了他的感情。)

6. Lose one's heart to: 爱上某人

例如:He lost his heart to her at first sight.(他一见钟情地爱上了她。)

7. Open one's heart to: 向某人敞开心扉

例如:She opened her heart to her best friend and told her everything.(她向最好的朋友敞开心扉,把一切都告诉了她。)

8. Take something to heart: 认真对待某事

例如:Don't take their criticism to heart, they're just jealous of your success. (不要认真对待他们的批评,他们只是嫉妒你的成功。)

9. Heart of gold: 金子般的心

例如:She has a heart of gold, always willing to help others in need.(她有一颗金子般的心,总是愿意帮助需要帮助的人。)

10. Follow one's heart's desire: 追求内心的渴望

例如:Don't be afraid to follow your heart's desire, it may lead you to great things.(不要害怕追求你内心的渴望,它可能会带给你伟大的事物。)


1. Core: heart is the core of our being, the center of our emotions and feelings.

2. Soul: the soul is where our heart resides, it is the essence of who we are.

3. Love: love is the language of the heart, it speaks volumes without saying a word.

4. Passion: passion is what drives our hearts, it fuels our desires and motivates us.

5. Affection: affection is a gentle form of love, it warms our hearts and makes us feel loved.

6. Emotion: emotion flows from the heart, it allows us to express ourselves and connect with others.

7. Spirit: our spirit is connected to our heart, it gives us strength and courage to face life's challenges.

8. Feeling: feelings come from the heart, they can be intense or subtle but always genuine.

9. Kindness: kindness comes from the heart, it shows compassion and empathy towards others.

10. Devotion: devotion comes from a deep place in our hearts, it is a strong commitment to someone or something


