

更新时间:2024-03-11 06:06:52作者:自考教育网




1. 健康的发音是“hɛlθ”,注意发音时要用舌尖轻触上颚。

2. 你可以把它读成“hell-th”来帮助记忆,但不要忘记舌尖轻触上颚的重要部分。

3. health的同义词包括wellness、fitness、vigor等,它们都指的是身体健康和良好的状态。

4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”(每天吃一个苹果,远离医生)这句谚语就告诉我们健康的重要性。

5. 健康不仅仅指身体健康,还包括心理和社交方面的健康。所以我们应该保持身心平衡,才能真正拥有健康



1. 健康

首先当然是最常见的意思了。在这里,health指的是身体和心理方面都处于良好状态的状态。比如我们经常说的“健康饮食”(healthy diet),就是指能够满足身体所需营养并保持健康的饮食习惯。

2. 保健

除了指代整体的健康状况外,health也可以表示对身体的保养和调理。比如我们常说的“保持身体健康”(maintain good health),就是指通过运动、饮食等方式来维持身体的良好状态。

3. 保健品

另外一个常见的含义就是“保健品”。这里的health可以作为名词使用,表示对身体有益的产品或药物。比如我们经常听到的“保健品市场”(health products market)就是指销售各种保健产品的市场。


除了health本身的含义外,它还有一些同义词可以替代。比如,“健康”可以用healthy来表示;而保健品则可以用health products或health supplements来表达。通过使用这些同义词,可以使你的英语表达更加丰富多样。

- Good health is the foundation of a happy life.(健康是幸福生活的基础。)

- I take health supplements every day to maintain my well-being.(我每天服用保健品来维持我的身体状况。)

- The health products market is booming with the increasing demand for a healthier lifestyle.(随着对更健康生活方式需求的增加,保健品市场正在蓬勃发展。)


1. Health的意思


2. Health的发音


3. Health的同义词


4. Health的例句及翻译

a) Good health is the key to a happy life.


b) Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health.


c) Mental health is just as important as physical health.


5. 健康:中文释义及例句

a) 中文释义:指身体或心理处于良好状态。

b) 例句:

- 做运动对于保持健康非常重要。

- 每天保持充足睡眠有助于提升身体健康。

- 心理健康是幸福生活的重要组成部分。

6. Health的用法

a) 健康作为名词时,可以用来指代身体或心理的健康状态,也可以用来指代保持良好健康所需要的事物,比如运动、饮食等。

b) 健康作为形容词时,可以用来描述某人或某物具有良好的健康状态。

c) 在口语中,常用短语“in good health”来表示“身体健康”。

7. Health在双语例句中的应用

a) The government is committed to improving the health of its citizens.


b) A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health.


c) Mental health issues are often overlooked in our society.



1. 健康生活方式 (healthy lifestyle):指通过良好的饮食、运动和休息习惯来维持身体健康的生活方式。

例句:A healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining good health.

2. 身体健康 (physical health):指身体的健康状况,包括身体各系统的功能和疾病情况。

例句:Regular exercise can improve your physical health.

3. 心理健康 (mental health):指个人心理状态的健康状况,包括情绪、心理压力和精神疾病等方面。

例句:Mental health is just as important as physical health.

4. 全面健康 (holistic health):指身体、心理和社会层面的综合健康状况。

例句:Holistic health focuses on the overall well-being of an individual.

5. 健康风险 (health risk):指可能对个人健康造成危害的因素,如不良饮食习惯、缺乏运动等。

例句:Smoking is a major health risk that can lead to various diseases.

6. 健康教育 (health education):指通过教育手段向公众传播有关健康知识和技能,以促进健康行为的学科。

例句:Health education plays a crucial role in promoting healthy behaviors.

7. 健康保险 (health insurance):指为个人或团体提供医疗费用补偿和健康服务的保险。

例句:Having health insurance can help you cover the costs of medical treatment.

8. 健康饮食 (healthy diet):指均衡、营养丰富的饮食习惯,有助于维持身体健康。

例句:A healthy diet should include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

9. 健康检查 (health check-up):指定期进行的身体检查,以便及早发现潜在的健康问题。

例句:It is recommended to have a health check-up once a year.

10. 健康意识 (health awareness):指个人对自身健康状况的认知和关注程度。

例句:Health awareness has increased among the general public in recent years


1. Well-being: This term refers to a state of being healthy and happy, both physically and mentally. Example: "Regular exercise can improve your overall well-being."

2. Fitness: This word describes the ability to be physically active and fit. Example: "He has been working hard to improve his fitness level."

3. Wellness: This term encompasses a holistic approach to health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Example: "Yoga is known for promoting wellness through its mind-body connection."

4. Vitality: This word refers to a state of being strong, energetic, and full of life. Example: "Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining vitality."

5. Robustness: This term describes the quality of being strong and healthy, especially in terms of physical strength and endurance. Example: "The athlete's robustness allowed him to finish the marathon with ease."

6. Soundness: This word refers to the state of being in good health, both physically and mentally. Example: "Meditation can promote soundness of mind and body."

7. Vigor: Similar to vitality, this term refers to having physical strength and energy. Example: "The child's vigor was evident as he ran around the playground."

8. Wholeness: This word describes a state of being complete or whole, both physically and mentally. Example: "A balanced lifestyle is crucial for achieving wholeness."

9. Salubrity: This term refers to the quality of being healthy or promoting healthiness. Example: "The fresh air in the mountains is known for its salubrity."

10.Balance: This word encompasses the idea of having all aspects of one's life in harmony for overall health and well-being. Example:"Finding balance between work and personal life is important for maintaining good health."



