

更新时间:2024-03-11 05:41:53作者:自考教育网




1. 拼写:headquarters,读作/he'dkwɔːtəz/。

2. 发音:headquarters的发音可以分为两部分,首先是/he'dk/,其中的“h”发音为清辅音/h/,而“e”发音为短元音/e/,接着是/dk/,其中的“d”发音为浊辅音/d/,“k”发音为清辅音/k/。最后是/təz/,其中的“t”发音为清辅音/t/,“ə”发音为短元音/ə/,“z”发音为浊辅音/z/。

3. 拼读规则:在拼写和发音上,headquarters可以分成三个部分来理解。首先是head-,读作/he'd/, 其中的“he”表示头部或者主要部分,“ad”表示向前或者朝着某个方向。然后是-qua-,读作/kwɔː/, 其中的“qu”表示四个,“a”的发音和字母“A”的发音相同。“r”的发音在英语中有时会省略。“te”,读作/tə/, 表示小块或者小片。最后是-rs,读作/-təz/, 表示复数形式。

4. 词性:headquarters可以用作名词,在英语中通常指某个组织、机构或者公司的总部或者总部大楼。

5. 同义词:headquarters的同义词包括:base, center, main office等。

6. 异义词:headquarters的异义词包括:headquarter(作动词,意为设立总部)、headquarter(作名词,意为主要基地)等。

7. 用法:在句子中,headquarters通常作为单数形式出现,例如:“The company's headquarters is located in New York.”(公司的总部位于纽约。)但是也可以用作复数形式,例如:“The headquarters of the organization are in London.”(该组织的总部位于伦敦。)

8. 例句:

a) The headquarters of the United Nations is located in New York.


b) The company's headquarters are responsible for making all major decisions.


c) Our headquarters are currently undergoing renovations.


9. 起源:headquarters一词起源于拉丁语“caput”,意为“头、首领、主要部分”,加上英语中常用的后缀“-ers”构成了现在的单词。

10. 总结:headquarters是一个由三个部分组成的单词,拼写和发音都比较简单明了。它可以用作名词,在句子中通常作为单数形式出现,但也可用作复数形式。它的同义词包括base, center, main office等,异义词包括headquarter(作动词)、headquarter(作名词)等。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和使用headquarters这个单词


1. 词性解释:


2. 词义解释:


a. 总部,指一个组织、机构或公司的主要管理和指挥中心。

例如:The headquarters of the company is located in New York City.

b. 总部所在地,指某个组织、机构或公司的总部所在的地点。

例如:The new headquarters will be built in London.

3. 其他相关词义:


a. 军事意义上的总部,指军队的指挥中心。

b. 政治意义上的总部,指政党或政治组织的领导机构。

c. 警察局或消防局等行政机构的所在地。

d. 集中管理和控制某一领域活动的机构或组织。

e. 某一行业、领域或活动的中心地带。

4. 发音:


5. 相关短语:

a. set up headquarters: 设立总部

b. move headquarters: 搬迁总部

c. company headquarters: 公司总部

d. military headquarters: 军事总部

e. political headquarters: 政治总部

6. 例句:

a. The company decided to set up its headquarters in the downtown area.

b. The military headquarters is located in a secure and strategic location.

c. The political headquarters of the party is responsible for making important decisions.

d. The fire department's headquarters is equipped with the latest technology.

e. This city is known as the headquarters of the fashion industry


1. headquarters的意思


2. headquarters的读音


3. headquarters的用法

(1) 作为名词,headquarters常常用来指公司、组织或军队的总部。例如:The company's headquarters is located in New York.(这家公司的总部位于纽约。)

(2) 作为动词,headquarters表示将某个组织或机构的总部设在某地。例如:The company decided to headquarters its operations in London.(这家公司决定将其业务总部设在伦敦。)

4. 双语例句

(1) The company's headquarters is located in Paris, France.


(2) The military base serves as the headquarters for all operations.


(3) The government decided to headquarters the new department in Washington D.C.


5. 注意事项


(1) 它通常用复数形式,表示一个组织或机构的总部。

(2) 在句子中,它可以作为主语、宾语或介词短语的一部分。

(3) 当表示某个组织的总部时,一般不会加上冠词“the”。


1. The company's headquarters is located in Paris, France.


2. The military base serves as the headquarters for all operations.


3. The government decided to headquarters the new department in Washington D.C.



1. 总部 - headquarters

2. 主要办公地点 - main office location

3. 企业总部 - corporate headquarters

4. 行政总部 - administrative headquarters

5. 区域总部 - regional headquarters

6. 国际总部 - international headquarters

7. 全球总部 - global headquarters

8. 总部设在 - headquartered in

9. 总部所在地 - location of headquarters

10. 总部地址 - address of headquarters

11. 总公司 - parent company/headquarters company

12. 分公司/子公司/附属公司- branch/subsidiary/affiliate company

13. 卫星办事处/分支机构- satellite office/branch office

14. 营销中心- marketing center

15. 研发中心- research and development center

16. 制造基地- manufacturing base

17. 销售总监- sales director

18. 市场营销经理- marketing manager

19. 财务主管- finance manager

20. 人力资源主管- human resources manager

21. 高管团队- executive team

22. 部门负责人- department head

23 .职能主管- functional head

24 .运营经理/总监- operations manager/director

25 .采购主管/经理- procurement supervisor/manager

26 .客户服务经理/主管- customer service manager/supervisor

27 .信息技术经理/主管- information technology manager/supervisor

28 .公关经理/主管- public relations manager/supervisor

29 .市场推广经理/主管- marketing and promotions manager/supervisor

30 .人力资源总监/经理- human resources director/manager

31. 财务总监/经理- finance director/manager

32. 业务发展总监/经理- business development director/manager

33. 质量控制主管/经理- quality control supervisor/manager

34. 项目经理- project manager

35. 行政助理- administrative assistant

36. 职员- staff/member

37. 雇员- employee

38. 高管会议室 - executive boardroom/meeting room

39. 总部大楼 - headquarters building

40. 总部园区 - headquarters campus


1. Main Office - 主要办公室

2. Central Headquarters - 中央总部

3. Head Office - 总部

4. Main Base - 主要基地

5. Main Station - 主要站点

6. Central Office - 中央办公室

7. Corporate Headquarters - 公司总部

8. Main Center - 主要中心

9. Main Hub - 主要枢纽

10. Central Base - 中央基地



