

更新时间:2024-03-11 05:25:49作者:自考教育网




1. 什么是headlines?


2. 如何读取headlines?


3. headlines的同义词有哪些?

headlines的同义词包括news, top stories, breaking news等,它们都指代新闻中最重要、最引人注目的部分。

4. headlines的例句有哪些?

a. Did you see the headlines about the latest celebrity scandal?


b. The headlines of today's newspaper are all about the election results.


c. The company's new product launch made headlines in the tech industry.



1. 发音:[ˈhɛdˌlaɪnz]

2. 读法:hed-lahynz

3. 同义词:news, updates, top stories

4. 例句:

- Have you seen the latest headlines about the election?


- The headlines on the newspaper caught my attention.


- She always reads the headlines before reading the whole article.



1. headlines的意思

- headlines是一个英语单词,意为“标题”、“新闻提要”、“头条新闻”等。

- 它是由head(头部)和lines(线条)两个词组合而成,可以理解为“头部的线条”,即指新闻标题。

2. headlines的读音

- headlines的读音为[ˈhedlaɪnz],其中重音在第一个音节上。

- 也可以简写为hl或hls。

3. headlines的同义词

- news:新闻、消息、报道

- titles:标题、题目、头衔

- headings:标题、题目、章节

4. headlines的例句

- The headlines of today's newspaper are all about the election results.


- The headline of this article caught my attention.


- She always reads the headlines before reading the entire article.


- The news anchor will announce the latest headlines at 6 o'clock tonight.


5. 使用headlines时需要注意的事项

- 在正式文档或文章中使用headlines时,应该将其放在加粗或者大号字体中,以突出其重要性。

- 不要滥用headlines,在一篇文章中最多使用2到3个headlines,多了会让读者感到混乱。

- 如果是在新闻报道中使用headlines,应该保证标题的准确性和客观性,避免夸大或歪曲事实。



1. Headlines的同义词:

- News - 新闻

- Headings - 标题

- Titles - 标题

- Announcements - 公告

- Bulletins - 公告

2. 同义词示例:

a) The headlines today are dominated by the ongoing trade war between the US and China.


b) The headings on the newspaper front page caught my attention.


c) The titles of the articles in this magazine are very eye-catching.


d) The company made an official announcement through their website's headlines.


e) The bulletins on the television news channel keep us updated with the latest happenings around the world.



1. Definition of headlines

- Headlines refer to the titles or headings of news articles, usually found at the top of a newspaper or website, that summarize the main points of the story.

- They are designed to grab the reader's attention and give a brief overview of the news story.

2. Synonyms for headlines

- Titles

- Headings

- Captions

- Banners

- Headliners

3. Related words and phrases for headlines

- Breaking news: refers to important and recent news that is happening at that moment.

Example: The breaking news headline read "Earthquake strikes Japan, causing widespread damage."

- Newsflash: a sudden and brief announcement about important news.

Example: The newsflash headline announced "Terrorist attack in London leaves several injured."

- Top stories: refers to the most significant or popular news stories at a given time.

Example: The top stories headline featured "Celebrity couple announces divorce after 10 years of marriage."

- Front page news: refers to the most important or eye-catching stories that are displayed on the front page of a newspaper.

Example: The front page news headline read "Local hero saves drowning child from river."

- Exclusive report: refers to a piece of news that is reported by only one source or media outlet.

Example: The exclusive report headline stated "New evidence emerges in high-profile murder case."

4. How to pronounce headlines?

Headlines is pronounced as /ˈhedlaɪnz/, with the stress on the first syllable.

5. Examples of headlines in sentences:

a) Can you summarize this article in just one headline?

b) The headlines on today's newspaper were all about the upcoming election.

c) I always read the headlines before deciding which articles to read.

d) The shocking headline caught everyone's attention as they passed by the newsstand.

In conclusion, headlines are an essential part of news articles that serve as a brief and attention-grabbing summary of the main points of the story. They can also be referred to as titles, headings, or captions, and are often associated with terms like breaking news, top stories, and front page news. Remember to pronounce it as /ˈhedlaɪnz/ and use it in your daily conversations about current events



