

更新时间:2024-03-11 02:47:08作者:自考教育网



1. “hart”的发音为[hɑːrt],其中的“a”发音为长音,重点在于舌尖要抵住上齿龈。


2. “hart”一词来自古英语“heorot”,意为“雄鹿”,是指成年雄性的鹿类动物。它也常被用来比喻强壮、勇敢和高贵的品质。

3. 在英式英语中,有些人可能会将“hart”的发音读作[hɑːt],这是因为在英式英语中,“r”通常不会被发出。

4. “hart”也可以作为姓氏出现,如美国著名演员Melissa Joan Hart的姓氏就是“Hart”。

5. 同义词:stag、buck、male deer。

6. 例句:

- The hart stood majestically in the clearing, its antlers shining in the sunlight.


- The young prince proved his bravery by hunting down a fierce hart in the forest.


- Despite his name, Mr. Hart was actually quite timid and shy.



1. Hart是一个英语单词,读作[hɑːrt],是一个名词,指的是“心脏”或“内心”。它也可以用作姓氏,在英国和德国都有这样的姓氏。

2. 在英语中,hart一词最早出现在古英语中,意为“雄鹿”。后来演变为指代“心脏”的意思,可能是因为雄鹿在古代被认为是勇敢和强壮的象征。

3. Hart也可以用来形容某人的内心或感情。比如,“She has a kind heart.”(她有一颗善良的心。)或者“He has a broken heart.”(他伤透了心。)

4. 在基督教文化中,hart也有特殊的含义。它被用来指代耶稣基督的内心和爱。例如,“Jesus loves you with all His heart.”(耶稣用全部的心爱你。)

5. Hart还可以作为动物学上对于雌性鹿的称呼,与雄性鹿相对应。

6. 同义词:heart, cardiac, inner being, soul

7. 例句:

- My hart is filled with joy when I see my children playing together.


- He has a strong hart and never gives up on his dreams.


- The hart of the city is its bustling downtown area.


- The hunter aimed his gun at the hart, but then decided to let it go.



1. hart的意思


2. hart的发音


3. hart的同义词

- noun:heart, soul, spirit, core, essence

- verb:inspire, motivate, encourage, invigorate

4. hart的例句

- The hunter's arrow struck the hart in the heart.


- She has a kind and loving heart.


- The speaker's words really touched my heart.


- The coach's pep talk harts the team before the game.


- The music filled her with a sense of joy and harts her to dance.


5. 用hart构成的常见短语

- have a change of heart 改变主意

- take something to heart 认真对待某事

- from the bottom of one's heart 来自内心深处

- have a heart of gold 有一颗善良的心

- lose heart 失去信心

6. hart作为人名




1. Hart meaning:

- Hart is a noun that refers to a male deer, especially a male red deer after its fifth year.

- It can also be used as a surname or given name for people.

2. Hart pronunciation:

- In American English, "hart" is pronounced as /härt/.

- In British English, it is pronounced as /hɑːt/.

3. Synonyms for hart:

- Stag

- Buck

- Male deer

4. Example sentences:

- The hunters were excited to spot a majestic hart in the forest.

- The painting depicted a beautiful hart in the midst of a lush green meadow.

- Mr. Hart was the owner of the local bookstore.

5. Idioms and phrases using "hart":

- As gentle as a hart: This phrase means to be very kind and gentle.

Example: Despite his tough exterior, he was as gentle as a hart with his children.

- Hunted like a hart: This phrase means to be relentlessly pursued or chased.

Example: The fugitive was hunted like a hart by the police for weeks before finally being caught.

6. Compound words with "hart":

- Hartshorn: A type of medicine made from the antlers of male deer, used in traditional medicine and perfumes.

Example: The herbalist recommended using hartshorn for my headache.

- Hartsfoot: A plant with heart-shaped leaves, also known as coltsfoot or tussilago farfara.

Example: The hartsfoot plant has been used for centuries in herbal remedies for respiratory problems.

7. Famous people with the surname "Hart":

- Melissa Joan Hart: An American actress known for her roles in TV shows such as "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch."

- Bret Hart: A retired Canadian professional wrestler known by his ring name "The Hitman."

8. Related words:

- Doe: A female deer.

- Fawn: A young deer.

- Antlers: The branched horns that grow on the head of male deer and other cervids


1. 心脏 (heart) - 例如:他的hart跳得很快。

2. 内心 (inner self) - 例如:她的hart充满了爱。

3. 热情 (passion) - 例如:他对音乐有着深深的hart。

4. 感情 (emotion) - 例如:她的hart被伤害了。

5. 灵魂 (soul) - 例如:音乐是我的hart和灵魂



