

更新时间:2024-03-11 02:36:14作者:自考教育网



What does Harrods mean?

1. Harrods是什么意思?

Harrods是一家位于英国伦敦的著名百货公司,它的名称来源于创始人Charles Henry Harrod的姓氏。Harrods也被称为“伦敦最奢华的百货公司”,以其高端豪华的商品和服务而闻名。

2. Harrods怎么读?


3. Harrods同义词及例句

- 同义词:luxury department store, high-end retailer, upscale emporium

- 例句:I went to Harrods to buy a designer handbag. (我去了Harrods买了一个设计师手提包。)

The food hall at Harrods is a paradise for foodies. (Harrods的美食广场是美食爱好者的天堂。)

How to pronounce Harrods?

1. Harrods是什么意思?


2. Harrods怎么读?


3. Harrods的同义词

Harrods可以被称为luxury department store(奢侈品百货商店)、high-end retailer(高端零售商)或者prestigious shopping destination(享誉盛名的购物目的地)。

4. Harrods例句

- I'm planning to visit Harrods during my trip to London.

- The new collection at Harrods is simply stunning.

- She bought a designer handbag from Harrods as a birthday present for herself.

5. 如何正确地发音Harrods?


Usage and examples of Harrods

1. Harrods的含义是什么?


2. 如何正确读音Harrods?


3. Harrods的同义词有哪些?

Harrods的同义词包括:luxury department store, high-end retailer, upscale shopping destination等。

4. Harrods的例句有哪些?

- I went to Harrods yesterday and splurged on a designer handbag.

- Harrods is known for its extravagant Christmas window displays.

- If you're looking for luxury goods, you'll find them at Harrods.

- The food hall at Harrods is a must-visit for any foodie.

- Many tourists visit London just to shop at Harrods

Phrases with Harrods

1. Harrods: The iconic luxury department store in London, England.

- Example sentence: "I can't wait to visit Harrods and do some shopping while I'm in London."

2. Harrods of London: Another name for the famous department store.

- Example sentence: "Have you been to Harrods of London? It's a must-visit for any tourist."

3. Harrods Food Hall: The gourmet food section within the department store.

- Example sentence: "Let's stop by the Harrods Food Hall and pick up some delicious treats for our picnic in the park."

4. Harrodian: An adjective used to describe something related to or characteristic of Harrods.

- Example sentence: "The new hotel has a very Harrodian feel to it, with its luxurious decor and high-end amenities."

5. Shop at Harrods: A common phrase used to describe the act of shopping at the department store.

- Example sentence: "I always make sure to shop at Harrods whenever I'm in London, even if it's just for a souvenir."

6. Harrodian lifestyle: Refers to a luxurious and extravagant way of living, often associated with the clientele of Harrods.

- Example sentence: "After winning the lottery, she adopted a Harrodian lifestyle, buying designer clothes and traveling first class everywhere she went."

7. In the shadow of Harrods: A phrase used to describe something or someone that is overshadowed by something bigger or more impressive.

- Example sentence: "As an up-and-coming designer, it can be intimidating working in the shadow of Harrods and other well-established brands."

8. A taste of Harrods: Refers to experiencing or indulging in something luxurious or high-quality, similar to what one would find at the department store.

- Example sentence: "The hotel's spa offers a taste of Harrods with its exclusive treatments and plush amenities."

9. Harrods Green Man: The iconic symbol of the department store, often seen on their branded products.

- Example sentence: "I bought a tote bag with the Harrods Green Man on it as a souvenir from my trip to London."

10. Harrods Rewards: The loyalty program for customers of the department store, offering exclusive rewards and benefits.

- Example sentence: "I always make sure to use my Harrods Rewards card when I shop there, so I can earn points for future purchases."

Synonyms for Harrods with examples

1. Harrods' meaning

Harrods is a luxury department store located in London, England. It is known for its high-end products and luxurious shopping experience.

2. How to pronounce Harrods

Harrods is pronounced as "HA-rodz" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for Harrods

- Luxury department store: This term refers to a high-end retail establishment that offers luxury products and services.

- High-end retailer: This refers to a business that sells expensive and exclusive products to affluent customers.

- Upscale department store: This term describes a retail store that focuses on selling luxury goods and caters to wealthy clientele.

- Premium retailer: This refers to a business that sells high-quality and expensive merchandise.

- Designer emporium: This term refers to a large retail store that offers designer brands and luxurious products.

4. Examples of using synonyms for Harrods:

- "I love shopping at luxury department stores like Harrods because they have the best designer brands."

- "My mom always buys her designer handbags from high-end retailers like Harrods."

- "The upscale department store I visited last week had a similar layout to Harrods."

- "I prefer shopping at premium retailers because they have better quality products than regular stores."

- "The designer emporium I went to had a wide selection of luxurious items, just like Harrods."

In conclusion, Harrods can be described as a luxury department store or high-end retailer, among other synonyms. It is renowned for its exclusive products and opulent shopping experience. Remember, when using these synonyms, make sure they are appropriate for the context in which you are writing or speaking



