

更新时间:2024-03-10 21:37:09作者:自考教育网











- Welcome to our city! (欢迎来到我们的城市!)

- The hero was hailed as a national treasure. (那位英雄被誉为国宝。)

- The crowd hailed the president with cheers. (人群欢呼着向总统致敬。)


- The storm brought hail and strong winds. (暴风雨带来了冰雹和强风。)

- He hailed insults at his opponent. (他向对手大声辱骂。)

- She hailed a taxi on the street. (她在街上招呼了一辆出租车。)



1. hail的意思


a. 欢呼,赞扬:表示热烈欢迎或赞扬某人或某事物。例如:"The crowd hailed the hero as he arrived on stage."(人群在他上台时欢呼这位英雄。)

b. 下冰雹:指天气现象,冰雹从天空降落。例如:"The storm hailed down large chunks of ice."(暴风雨中降下了大块的冰雹。)

2. hail的发音


3. hail的同义词

a. Cheer:欢呼、喝彩;例如:"The audience cheered for the singer's performance."(观众为歌手的表演喝彩。)

b. Acclaim:称赞、赞扬;例如:"The book was acclaimed by critics for its originality."(这本书因其独创性而受到评论家的称赞。)

c. Praise:赞美、表扬;例如:"His hard work was praised by his boss."(他老板表扬了他的努力工作。)

4. 双语例句

a. The villagers hailed the arrival of the new doctor, who brought hope to their community.


b. The storm hailed down large chunks of ice, causing damage to homes and cars.


c. The player was hailed as a hero by his team after scoring the winning goal.


d. The artist's unique style was hailed by critics as a breakthrough in the art world.


e. The president's speech was hailed by the public for its inspiring message of unity and progress.



1. Hail from:来自于,源自于

例句:The new CEO of the company hails from a small town in the Midwest.

2. Hail a cab:招手停车

例句:We were running late for our dinner reservation, so we had to hail a cab to get there on time.

3. Hail as:被誉为,被称为

例句:She was hailed as a hero for her bravery during the natural disaster.

4. Hail down:大力拍打,倾泻

例句:The storm was so strong that it hailed down on us and we had to take cover.

5. Hail in comparison with/to:与...相比较,与...相提并论

例句:His achievements pale in comparison with those of his older brother.

6. Hail of bullets:密集的子弹射击

例句:The soldiers were caught in a hail of bullets as they tried to advance towards the enemy's camp.

7. Hail-fellow-well-met:和蔼可亲的人,善于结交朋友的人

例句:He was known as a hail-fellow-well-met, always making new friends wherever he went.

8. With flying colors/honors: 成功地,出色地

例句: She passed her exams with flying colors, much to the delight of her parents.

9. Go down like a lead balloon: 不得人心,失败得很彻底

例句: His idea went down like a lead balloon at the meeting and was quickly dismissed by everyone else.

10. Take something by storm: 征服,占领;迅速成功

例句: The new product took the market by storm and became an instant hit


1. Greet - 欢迎、致敬

例句:The crowd hailed the victorious team as they entered the stadium.

2. Salute - 敬礼、向...致敬

例句:The soldiers hailed their commander as he passed by.

3. Applaud - 鼓掌、赞扬

例句:The audience hailed the performer with a standing ovation.

4. Acclaim - 称赞、赞颂

例句:The book was hailed by critics as a literary masterpiece.

5. Praise - 赞美、称赞

例句:The teacher hailed the student's hard work and dedication.

6. Cheer - 欢呼、喝彩

例句:The fans hailed their team's victory with loud cheers.

7. Acknowledge - 承认、感谢

例句:He hailed his mentor for guiding him towards success.

8. Recognize - 认可、认识到

例句:The government finally recognized the efforts of the volunteers and thanked them for their service.

9. Commend - 赞扬、表彰

例句:The boss commended his employees for their outstanding performance.

10. Celebrate - 庆祝、歌颂

例句:The nation hailed its heroes and celebrated their achievements on Independence Day



