

更新时间:2024-03-10 21:11:35作者:自考教育网



1. 习惯性 (xí guàn xìng)

2. 惯常的 (guàn cháng de)


3. 惯例的 (guàn lì de)

4. 常见的 (cháng jiàn de)

5. 习以为常的 (xí yǐ wéi cháng de)

1. 习惯性 (xí guàn xìng)

Habitual一词的拼音为“xí guàn xìng”,其中“xí”读作第一声,表示轻声,而“guàn”读作第四声,表示轻声。

2. 惯常的 (guàn cháng de)

Habitual也可以被翻译为“惯常的”,拼音为“guàn cháng de”。这个词组中,“guàn”读作第四声,表示轻声,“cháng”读作第二声。

3. 惯例的 (guàn lì de)

除了“惯常的”,Habitual还可以被翻译为“惯例的”,拼音为“guàn lì de”。这个词组中,“lì”读作第四声。

4. 常见的 (cháng jiàn de)

在某些情况下,Habitual也可以被翻译为“常见的”,拼音为“cháng jiàn de”。这个词组中,“cháng”读作第二声。

5. 习以为常的 (xí yǐ wéi cháng de)


1. 什么是habitual


2. 如何发音


3. 词性及用法



- She is a habitual liar. (她是一个习惯性说谎者。)

- He has a habitual habit of smoking. (他有一个经常抽烟的习惯。)

4. 同义词及反义词



5. 常见搭配短语

- habitual behavior:习以为常的行为

- habitual offender:惯犯

- habitual residence:常住地

6. 派生词汇



7. 用法示例

- It's his habitual habit to go for a walk after dinner. (晚饭后散步是他的习惯。)

- She is habitual to getting up early. (她习惯早起。)

8. 注意事项

- 建议避免在正式场合使用habitual,可以用more often than not或usually来替代。

- 在口语中,可以用habitual的同义词usual来替代,更加自然


1. 什么是habitual


2. habitual的用法

a. 作为形容词时,habitual可以修饰名词或代词,表示某种行为或状态已经成为习惯。例如:

- She has a habitual smile on her face. (她脸上总是挂着一抹习惯性的微笑。)

- He is a habitual liar. (他是个习惯性撒谎的人。)

b. 作为副词时,habitual可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示某种行为或状态已经成为常态。例如:

- She habitually checks her phone every five minutes. (她每隔五分钟就会习惯性地检查手机。)

- The weather here is habitually hot and humid. (这里的天气通常都很炎热潮湿。)

3. 双语例句

a. She has a habitual tendency to procrastinate, which often leads to missed deadlines.


b. It takes 21 days to form a new habit, but breaking a habitual behavior can take much longer.


c. His habitual lateness is starting to affect his relationships with colleagues.


d. The company has a habitual practice of giving bonuses to its employees at the end of each year.


e. She has made exercise a habitual part of her daily routine and has noticed significant improvements in her health.



1. Habitual behavior: 习惯性行为,指经常性、重复性的行为模式。

2. Habitual liar: 惯常说谎者,指经常、习惯性地说谎的人。

3. Habitual offender: 惯犯,指经常犯罪的人。

4. Habitual smoker: 习惯吸烟者,指长期养成吸烟习惯的人。

5. Habitual drinker: 酗酒者,指经常饮酒的人。

6. Habitual user: 常用者,指经常使用某种物品或服务的人。

7. Habitual procrastination: 惯常拖延,指经常推迟做事的倾向。

8. Habitual latecomer: 惯常迟到者,指经常迟到的人。

9. Habitual behavior change: 习惯性行为改变,指通过长期坚持改变自己不良的习惯。

10. Habitual consumption patterns: 习惯性消费模式,指个人或群体长期形成并保持的消费方式和习惯


1. Customary: This word is often used to describe something that is done regularly or as a habit. For example, "It was her customary routine to go for a run every morning."

2. Regular: This word can also be used to describe something that is done repeatedly and consistently. For instance, "He has a regular habit of checking his emails before going to bed."

3. Routine: Similar to the previous words, routine refers to a regular and habitual way of doing things. For example, "Her morning routine includes drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper."

4. Habituated: This word means to become accustomed or used to something, often through repetition. For instance, "She has become habituated to waking up early due to her job."

5. Ingrained: When something is deeply rooted and difficult to change because it has been done repeatedly, it can be described as ingrained. For example, "His ingrained habit of procrastination causes him trouble at work."

6. Second nature: This phrase is often used when referring to habits that have become so natural that they are done without much thought or effort. For instance, "After years of playing piano, it has become second nature for her to read sheet music."

7. Fixed: When something is fixed, it means it is established or unchanging. In terms of habits, it can refer to behaviors that are firmly established and difficult to break. For example, "Her fixed habit of biting her nails has been hard for her to quit."

8. Chronic: This word means persistent or long-lasting and can also be used in relation to habitual behaviors or actions. For instance, "His chronic lateness is a result of his habitual tendency to procrastinate."

9. Recurring: To describe something that happens repeatedly over time, you can use the word recurring. For example, "The recurring theme in his speeches is the importance of hard work."

10. Inveterate: This adjective means firmly established and unlikely to change, often used to describe long-standing habits. For instance, "He is an inveterate smoker and has been trying to quit for years."



