

更新时间:2024-03-10 20:43:58作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of guys



1. 同义词:fellas, dudes, bros

例句:Hey guys, let's go grab some pizza tonight!

2. 同义词:mates, buddies, pals

例句:I'm going on a road trip with my guys this weekend.

3. 同义词:gentlemen, lads, chaps

例句:The guys at the office are planning a surprise party for our boss.

4. 同义词:men, males, boys

例句:These guys are all professional athletes.

5. 同义词:homies, homies

例句:My best friend and I have been guys since we were kids

Is guys an idiom?

1. 什么是idiom?


2. guys的含义


3. guys的发音


4. 同义词及例句


- Hey guys, let's go grab some lunch together. (大家,我们一起去吃午饭吧。)

- Hey fellas, did you catch the game last night? (嘿伙计们,你们昨晚看球赛了吗?)

- What's up dudes? (最近怎么样,哥们们?)

- I'm going out with my buddies tonight. (今晚我要和我的朋友出去。)

5. guys作为idiom?



Usage and examples of guys

1. Definition of guys

Guys is a noun that refers to a group of people, usually male, who are friends or acquaintances. It can also be used to address a group of people in a casual and friendly manner.

2. Pronunciation of guys

Guys is pronounced as /ɡaɪz/ with a hard "g" sound and a long "i" sound. It is commonly used in spoken English and informal writing.

3. Synonyms for guys

- Dudes: This is another informal term for referring to a group of male friends.

- Fellas: This term is commonly used in British English and is similar to "guys" in meaning.

- Blokes: This slang term is mostly used in British English and has the same meaning as "guys".

- Lads: This term is commonly used in British English and refers to young men or boys.

4. Examples of using guys

- Hey guys, let's grab some pizza tonight.

- The guys are coming over for a game night.

- Do you know those dudes over there?

- The fellas went out for drinks last night.

- Those blokes are always causing trouble.

- The lads are going on a road trip next week.

5. Usage notes

In recent years, the word "guys" has become more gender-neutral and can be used to refer to both males and females. However, it is still more commonly used when referring to a group of males.

It should also be noted that the use of "guys" can vary depending on the context and tone of the conversation. In some cases, it may be considered offensive or inappropriate, so it's important to use it carefully.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "guys" is an informal term that refers to a group of people, usually male, who are friends or acquaintances. It has become more gender-neutral in recent years and is commonly used in spoken English and informal writing. Remember to use it appropriately and respectfully in different situations

Antonyms and synonyms of guys

1. Antonyms of guys

- Girls: In the context of gender, girls can be seen as the opposite of guys. While guys refer to males, girls refer to females.

Example: The group of guys and girls went to the movies together.

- Ladies: Similar to girls, ladies can also be used as an antonym for guys. It refers to women in a more formal or polite manner.

Example: The guys were surprised when the ladies joined them for dinner.

2. Synonyms of guys

- Fellas: This is a casual term that can be used interchangeably with guys. It is commonly used among friends or in informal settings.

Example: Hey fellas, let's grab a drink after work.

- Dudes: Another informal term that has a similar meaning to guys. It is often used among young people or in a casual setting.

Example: The dudes at the skate park were impressed by his skills.

3. Other words for guys

- Men: While this word may seem obvious, it is worth mentioning as it is another term that can be used instead of guys. However, it specifically refers to adult males.

Example: The men at the conference discussed important business matters.

- Blokes: This term is commonly used in British English and refers to men in a casual or friendly manner.

Example: The blokes at the pub welcomed us with open arms.

4. Examples of how to use "guys" in a sentence

- What do you guys want for dinner tonight?

- Hey guys, did you hear about the new movie coming out?

- Can you guys help me move this couch?

- I'm going out with some friends tonight, do you want to join us, guys?

- Good luck on your exam tomorrow, you got this, guys!

In conclusion, "guys" is a versatile word that can have different meanings depending on the context and can be used interchangeably with other words such as fellas, dudes, men, and blokes. It is important to consider the tone and formality of the situation when using this word. So go ahead and use "guys" in your everyday conversations with confidence!

Explanation of the meaning behind guys


1. “guys”的基本意思

首先,让我们来看看“guys”的基本意思。在英语中,“guys”可以指代一群男性朋友,也可以泛指一群人,无论男女。例如,“Hey guys, let's go grab some pizza!”(嘿伙计们,我们去吃点比萨吧!)这里的“guys”并不只限于男性。

2. “guys”的读音


3. “guys”的同义词


4. “guys”的例句


- “Hey guys, have you heard about the new movie coming out this weekend?”(嘿伙计们,你们听说这周末有新电影上映了吗?)

- “I'm going out with the guys tonight, do you want to join us?”(我今晚要和一群朋友出去,你想一起来吗?)

- “Those guys over there are causing a lot of trouble.”(那些人在那边闹事呢。)



