

更新时间:2024-03-10 20:24:52作者:自考教育网




1. gun的含义


2. gun的发音及读音


3. gun的同义词及例句


- He pointed the gun at the target and pulled the trigger.


- The police found a loaded gun in his car.


- He's a great shot with a gun.


4. 对gun的误解


5. gun的含义和定义


1. gun的发音:gun的发音为/gʌn/,读作“gan”。

2. gun的读法:gun是一个单词,所以没有固定的读法。在不同语境下,可以有不同的读法。例如:

- I have a gun in my hand.(我手里有一把枪。)这里的gun读作/gʌn/。

- He is a real gun when it comes to coding.(他在编程方面真是一把枪。)这里的gun读作/gʌn/,意为“能手”、“高手”。

3. gun同义词:gun的同义词包括firearm、weapon、pistol等。

4. gun例句:

- He pulled out his gun and aimed it at the target.(他拿出枪对准了目标。)

- The police found a loaded gun in the suspect's car.(警察在嫌疑人的车里发现了一把装弹的枪。)

- She is a real gun at solving puzzles.(她在解谜方面真是一把好手。)


1. gun是什么意思?


2. gun怎么读?


3. gun同义词及例句

- firearm:枪支

例句:The suspect was found carrying a loaded firearm.


- weapon:武器

例句:The soldier was trained to handle various weapons, including guns and knives.


- pistol:手枪

例句:The detective pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the criminal.


- revolver:左轮手枪

例句:He pointed the revolver at the target and pulled the trigger.


4. 以上同义词都可以用于描述gun这个词汇,在不同场合下有不同的用法。但是它们都指代的是一种可以发射子弹的武器。所以,如果你想表达某人拥有枪支或使用枪支,除了gun之外,还可以使用以上同义词来丰富你的语言表达


1. firearm(枪械)

示例:The police officer drew his firearm to protect himself.

2. weapon(武器)

示例:The soldier carried a loaded weapon as he patrolled the area.

3. rifle(步枪)

示例:Hunting with a rifle requires a lot of skill and patience.

4. pistol(手枪)

示例:The criminal pointed his pistol at the store clerk, demanding money.

5. revolver(左轮手枪)

示例:In old Western movies, cowboys often use revolvers as their weapon of choice.

6. shotgun(猎枪)

示例:The farmer used a shotgun to scare away the birds from his crops.

7. firearm/weaponry(火器/武器装备)

示例:The military base is well-equipped with advanced firearms and weaponry.

8. armament(军备,军火)

示例:The country's armament is constantly being upgraded to ensure national security.

9. artillery(大炮,火炮)

示例:During the war, soldiers were trained to use various types of artillery.

10. piece/heat/piece of ordnance(大炮,火炮,军火)

示例:The museum displayed an impressive collection of ancient pieces of ordnance used in battles.

11. cannon/gun (大炮,火炮)

示例:The castle had several cannons mounted on its walls for protection.

12. musket(滑膛枪,旧式步枪)

示例:In colonial times, muskets were commonly used by soldiers in battles.

13. rifle/musket/shotgun barrel (步枪/滑膛枪/猎枪枪管)

示例:The barrel of a rifle is responsible for directing the bullet towards its target.

14. firearm/weapon shot (枪械/武器的射击)

示例:The sound of gunfire echoed through the valley during the military training.

15. ammunition(弹药)

示例:The soldier loaded his gun with ammunition before heading into battle.

16. bullet/projectile(子弹,弹丸)

示例:The detective found a bullet casing at the crime scene.

17. cartridge/magazine(弹夹,弹匣)

示例:The soldier quickly reloaded his gun with a new magazine of bullets.

18. trigger(扳机)

示例:He pulled the trigger and the gun fired a loud shot.

19. safety catch/safety lock(保险装置)

示例:Always remember to engage the safety catch when handling a gun.

20. scope/sight(瞄准镜,准星)

示例:Hunters often use scopes on their rifles to improve their accuracy


1. Firearms: 枪支,gun的常用同义词,指可发射子弹的武器。

例句:The police officer drew his firearm and aimed it at the suspect.

2. Weapon: 武器,一般指用于攻击或自卫的工具,可以包括枪支在内。

例句:The soldiers were armed with powerful weapons, including guns and grenades.

3. Pistol: 手枪,一种小型枪支,通常由单手操作。

例句:He pulled out his pistol from his holster and fired a warning shot.

4. Rifle: 步枪,一种长枪口的火器,通常由两手操作。

例句:The hunters carried their rifles as they set out into the woods.

5. Shotgun: 猎枪,一种短枪口的火器,通常用于狩猎和射击运动。

例句:He took aim with his shotgun and hit the clay pigeon in one shot.

6. Revolver: 左轮手枪,一种可转动弹药容量的手枪。

例句:The detective checked the chamber of his revolver before entering the building.

7. Automatic/semi-automatic gun: 自动/半自动枪,指可连续发射子弹的武器。

例句:The soldier carried an automatic gun for rapid fire during combat.

8. Machine gun: 机关枪,一种可以连续发射大量子弹的武器。

例句:The enemy troops were mowed down by the machine gun fire.

9. Handgun: 手枪,一般指可以单手操作的枪支。

例句:She kept a handgun in her purse for self-defense.

10. Long gun: 长枪,一般指比手枪长的火器。

例句:The hunter carried a long gun on his shoulder as he walked through the forest.

11. Assault rifle: 突击步枪,一种可连发子弹的轻型步枪。

例句:The military used assault rifles during their training exercises.

12. Sniper rifle: 狙击步枪,一种精确射程远的步枪。

例句:The sniper aimed his rifle at the target from a hidden position.

13. Gunshot: 枪声,指开枪时发出的声音。

例句:We heard a loud gunshot coming from the nearby woods.

14. Gunpowder: 火药,用于制造子弹和炸药的化学物质。

例句:The soldiers loaded their guns with gunpowder before heading into battle.

15. Bullet: 子弹,通常是由金属制成的小型物体,用于射击。

例句:The bullet hit the target with precision, just as the marksman intended.

16. Magazine/clip: 弹夹,可供装载多个子弹并快速更换的配件。

例句:He quickly reloaded his gun by switching out the empty magazine for a full one.

17. Trigger: 扳机,控制火器发射子弹的部件。

例句:He pulled the trigger and the gun fired with a loud bang.

18. Safety: 安全装置,用于防止枪支意外发射的装置。

例句:The hunter always keeps the safety on his gun when not in use.

19. Holster: 枪套,用于携带手枪的皮革或布制品。

例句:The police officer reached for his gun in its holster as he approached the suspect.

20. Aim/sight: 瞄准,指朝向目标准备射击。

例句:The soldier took aim with his rifle and fired at the enemy soldiers.

21. Reload: 重新装弹,指替换空弹夹或填充子弹。

例句:He quickly reloaded his shotgun before continuing to hunt for ducks.

22. Fire: 开火,指发射子弹。

例句:The soldiers waited for the command to fire their guns at the enemy troops.

23. Gun control: 枪支管制,指政府对枪支购买和使用的法律限制。

例句:The debate over gun control laws continues to be a controversial topic in many countries.

24. Gun violence: 枪支暴力,指使用枪支造成的暴力行为。

例句:The government is taking measures to reduce gun violence in urban areas.

25. Gun rights: 枪支权利,指公民拥有持有和携带枪支的权利。

例句:Many citizens argue that gun rights are protected by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

26. Gun culture: 枪支文化,指社会对枪支的态度和使用习惯。

例句:The gun culture in this country is deeply rooted in its history and traditions.

27. Gun ownership: 持枪,指个人拥有枪支的行为。

例句:Gun ownership is a controversial issue that divides opinions among citizens.

28. Gun lobby: 枪支游说团体,指代表枪支制造商和持枪者利益的政治团体。

例句:The gun lobby has a strong influence on the government's policies regarding firearms.

29. Gunshot wound: 枪伤,指被子弹击中后造成的伤口。

例句:The victim was rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound to his leg.

30. Gunpowder plot: 火药阴谋,指英国历史上一次未遂的暗杀政变计划。

例句:The failed gunpowder plot of 1605 is remembered every year on Guy Fawkes Day



