

更新时间:2024-03-10 19:58:47作者:自考教育网



1. "gulf"的发音是guhl-f。


2. "gulf"一词源自古英语,意为“海湾”或“大海”。

3. 在现代英语中,"gulf"也可以用作动词,意为“分裂”或“分隔”。

4. 这个词经常用来形容两者之间的差距或差异,例如“存在着一条巨大的鸿沟”。

5. "gulf"也可以指两个不同世界之间的隔阂,比如“文化鸿沟”或“代沟”。

6. 在地理学中,"gulf"通常指大型海湾,比如墨西哥湾和波斯湾。

7. 无论是在地理上还是比喻性地使用,"gulf"都传达了一种深远的分离和隔阂


1. 概念解释


2. 词源起源


3. 用法示例

- The Gulf of Mexico is a large body of water between North America and Central America.


- There is a huge gulf between the rich and the poor in this country.


- There seems to be a gulf between their opinions on this matter.


4. 相关搭配

- Gulf state:海湾国家

- Persian Gulf:波斯湾

- Gulf War:海湾战争

5. 同义词替换


- Bay:海湾(指小型的海湾)

- Inlet:水湾(指突出的水域)

- Fjord:峡湾(指狭长的海湾)

6. 常见错误

- 将"Gulf"误写为"Golf",这两个单词的发音和拼写都有所不同。

- 将"Gulf"误读为/gʊlf/,正确的发音应为/ɡʌlf/。



1. "gulf"的用法



- The Gulf of Mexico is known for its beautiful beaches and warm waters.(墨西哥湾以其美丽的海滩和温暖的海水而闻名。)

- The Persian Gulf is an important shipping route for oil tankers.(波斯湾是油轮的重要航线。)


- There is a huge gulf between the rich and the poor in this country.(这个国家富人和穷人之间存在巨大的差距。)

- There is a gulf between our cultures that we need to bridge.(我们之间存在着文化上的差异,需要加以弥合。)

2. 双语例句


- The gulf between the two brothers grew wider as they grew older, and they eventually stopped talking to each other.(随着年龄增长,两兄弟之间的分歧越来越大,最终他们停止了交谈。)

- The conflict in the Middle East has created a gulf between Western and Eastern cultures.(中东的冲突造成了西方和东方文化之间的差距。)

- The company's revenues have been steadily increasing, but there is still a gulf between them and their main competitor.(公司的收入一直在稳步增长,但与其主要竞争对手仍存在差距。)

- The two countries are separated by a narrow gulf, but their cultures are vastly different.(这两个国家之间只有一道狭窄的海峡,但它们的文化却截然不同。)



1. "Bridge the gulf": 消除隔阂,加强沟通

例如:我们需要努力"bridge the gulf",才能更好地理解彼此的想法。

2. "Mind the gulf": 注意差异,避免误解

例如:在跨文化交流中,我们必须"mind the gulf",以免造成不必要的误会。

3. "Cross the gulf": 跨越障碍,实现目标

例如:他们成功地"crossed the gulf",达成了双方都满意的协议。

4. "Bridging the gulf": 沟通桥梁,促进合作

例如:这次会议旨在"bridging the gulf",让双方更好地合作共赢。

5. "Gulf of misunderstanding": 误解的鸿沟

例如:由于缺乏沟通,他们之间产生了一条深不可测的"gulf of misunderstanding"。

6. "Gulf between cultures": 文化差异带来的隔阂

例如:尽管存在着巨大的"gulf between cultures",但我们仍然可以相互尊重和学习。

7. "Bridge the generational gulf": 消除代沟,加强代际交流

例如:年轻人和老年人应该努力"bridge the generational gulf",相互学习和理解。

8. "Gulf in opinions": 观点差异

例如:尽管存在着"gulf in opinions",但我们可以通过讨论和交流来寻求共同点。

9. "Gulf of despair": 绝望的鸿沟

例如:在经历了失败和挫折后,他陷入了"gulf of despair",无法自拔。

10. "Bridging the gulf of distance": 缩短距离,加强联系

例如:通过现代科技,我们可以"bridging the gulf of distance",与远方的亲人朋友保持联系


1. Gulf: this is the most common synonym for "gulf" and it refers to a large body of water that is partially enclosed by land. It can also be used to describe a deep and wide chasm or abyss.

2. Bay: this is another term for "gulf" and it usually refers to a smaller body of water that is partially enclosed by land. It can also be used to describe a recess or inlet in the shoreline.

3. Inlet: this is a synonym for "gulf" that specifically refers to a narrow passage of water that leads into a larger body of water, such as a bay or lagoon.

4. Fjord: this term is commonly used in Scandinavian countries and it refers to a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, usually created by glacial activity.

5. Sound: this term can be used as a synonym for "gulf" when referring to a narrow passage of water between two bodies of land, such as an island and the mainland.

6. Estuary: this term refers to the wide mouth of a river where it meets the sea, often forming an enclosed body of water with brackish (partially salty) water.

7. Lagoon: this is another synonym for "gulf" that specifically refers to a shallow body of water separated from the sea by sandbanks, coral reefs, or other natural barriers.

8. Cove: this term can be used as a synonym for "gulf" when referring to a small sheltered bay or inlet, often with sandy beaches and cliffs on either side.

9. Straits: this term refers to narrow passages of water connecting two larger bodies of water, such as two seas or oceans.

10. Channel: similar to straits, channels are narrow passages of water between two larger bodies of land, often used for navigation by ships or boats.

11. Trench: this is a synonym for "gulf" that specifically refers to a deep and narrow depression in the ocean floor, often formed by tectonic activity.

12. Abyss: this term can be used as a synonym for "gulf" when referring to a deep and seemingly bottomless chasm or gulf, often used in a metaphorical sense to describe something vast and unknown.

13. Gulfstream: this term refers to a warm and swift ocean current in the Atlantic Ocean, known for its influence on weather patterns and marine life.

14. Firth: this is a term commonly used in Scotland and it refers to an estuary or inlet of the sea, often associated with rivers or glacial valleys.

15. Bight: this term can be used as a synonym for "gulf" when referring to a bend or curve in the coastline, often forming a bay or cove


