

更新时间:2024-03-10 19:11:55作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of guardrail

1. What does guardrail mean?

Guardrail is a noun that refers to a barrier or railing placed along the edge of a road, bridge, or other structure to prevent vehicles or pedestrians from falling off.


2. How do you pronounce guardrail?

The word guardrail is pronounced as /ˈɡɑːrdreɪl/ with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is often pronounced with a hard "g" sound, but some dialects may use a softer "g" sound, such as /ˈɡɑːrdreɪəl/.

3. Synonyms for guardrail

Some synonyms for guardrail include safety barrier, crash barrier, and roadside barrier.

4. Example sentences

- The driver lost control of his car and crashed through the guardrail.

- The construction workers installed a new guardrail along the edge of the bridge.

- The government plans to replace all old guardrails on highways with new ones for better safety.

5. Other related terms

- Guard: This can refer to a person who protects or watches over something, or it can also refer to an object used for protection.

- Rail: This can refer to a metal bar used as part of a fence or barrier, or it can also refer to the track on which trains run.

6. Tips for pronouncing guardrail correctly

To pronounce guardrail correctly, remember to stress the first syllable and use a hard "g" sound in most cases. Also, pay attention to the placement of your tongue when saying the word - it should touch your upper teeth behind your front teeth.

In conclusion, now you know how to pronounce and use the word guardrail correctly in different contexts. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to pronunciation!

Is guardrail an idiom?

Have you ever heard the term "guardrail" before? It may sound like a strange word, but it is actually quite common in the English language. In this article, we will explore the meaning of guardrail, how to pronounce it, and some synonyms and examples of its usage.

So, what does guardrail mean? Simply put, a guardrail is a barrier or fence designed to prevent people or vehicles from going off the edge of a road or bridge. It is usually made of metal or concrete and can be found along highways, bridges, and other dangerous areas. The word "guard" implies protection or defense, while "rail" refers to a horizontal bar used as a barrier.

Now that we know what guardrail means, let's move on to how to pronounce it. The correct pronunciation is "gard-rail," with emphasis on the first syllable. Some people may also pronounce it as "guard-rail," with emphasis on the second syllable. Either way is acceptable and commonly used.

If you're wondering if guardrail is an idiom, the answer is no. An idiom is a phrase that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. For example, "it's raining cats and dogs" does not literally mean that animals are falling from the sky; it means that it's raining heavily. Guardrail, on the other hand, has a straightforward literal meaning.

To help you better understand this term, here are some synonyms for guardrail: safety barrier, crash barrier, railing, fence. These words all refer to structures used for protection against accidents or falls.

Now let's look at some examples of how guardrail can be used in sentences:

- The car crashed into the guardrail on the side of the highway.

- Please hold onto the guardrail while walking across the bridge.

- The construction workers installed new guardrails along the dangerous curves of the road.

In conclusion, guardrail is a physical barrier used for safety purposes. Its pronunciation is "gard-rail" and it is not an idiom. You can also use other words such as safety barrier or railing to refer to a guardrail. Next time you see a guardrail along the road, you'll know what it means and how to say it correctly!

Usage and examples of guardrail

1. Definition of guardrail

Guardrail refers to a protective barrier or railing designed to prevent accidents or injuries by keeping people or vehicles from entering dangerous areas. It is commonly made of metal, wood, or concrete and is usually found along roads, highways, bridges, and other high-risk areas.

2. Pronunciation of guardrail

Guardrail is pronounced as "gahrd-reyl" with the stress on the first syllable. The "u" in the second syllable is pronounced as a schwa sound, similar to the "a" in "about".

3. Synonyms for guardrail

- Barrier: a structure that prevents movement or access to something.

- Rail: a horizontal bar used for support or as a barrier.

- Fence: a structure made of posts and wire or wood used as a boundary or enclosure.

- Handrail: a rail fixed parallel above the ground for support and stability.

4. Examples of guardrail usage:

- The construction crew installed a guardrail along the edge of the bridge to ensure safety for drivers.

- The children were playing near the pool, so we put up a temporary guardrail to keep them from falling in.

- The mountain road was treacherous, but luckily there were guardrails in place to prevent any accidents.

- The building code requires all balconies to have a sturdy guardrail for safety purposes.

5. Idiomatic expressions using guardrail:

- To go off the rails: This expression means to lose control or go crazy. Example: After his wife left him, John went off the rails and started drinking heavily.

- To ride the rails: This expression means to travel by train illegally without paying. Example: During the Great Depression, many people rode the rails looking for work.

- To hit the rails: This expression means to fall apart or fail miserably. Example: The project hit the rails when our main investor pulled out.

6. Conclusion:

In conclusion, guardrail is a crucial safety measure used to prevent accidents and injuries in high-risk areas. It is pronounced as "gahrd-reyl" and has synonyms such as barrier, rail, fence, and handrail. Idiomatic expressions using guardrail include "to go off the rails", "to ride the rails", and "to hit the rails". Remember to always follow safety precautions and use guardrails when necessary to avoid potential dangers

Antonyms and synonyms of guardrail

1. Antonyms of guardrail

- Open space

- Unprotected edge

- Hazardous boundary

- Unguarded barrier

2. Synonyms of guardrail

- Safety barrier

- Protective railing

- Crash barrier

- Fence rail

3. Example sentences:

a) The guardrail on the highway prevented the car from going off the road.

b) The construction site had a guardrail around it to keep people out.

c) The guardrail along the staircase provided extra safety for the children.

4. Explanation:

A guardrail is a safety barrier or railing that is used to protect people or vehicles from falling off an edge or into a hazardous area. It is typically made of metal or concrete and is installed along roads, staircases, balconies, and other potentially dangerous areas.

5. Antonyms:

a) Open space - refers to an area without any kind of physical barrier or obstruction.

b) Unprotected edge - describes a boundary that does not have any form of protection.

c) Hazardous boundary - refers to a dangerous area that poses a risk to those who come near it.

d) Unguarded barrier - describes a physical structure that does not have any type of protective railing or barrier.

6. Synonyms:

a) Safety barrier - another term for guardrail, emphasizing its purpose of providing safety and protection.

b) Protective railing - similar to a safety barrier, this term also emphasizes its function as a protective structure.

c) Crash barrier - specifically refers to a type of guardrail used on roads and highways to prevent vehicles from crashing into obstacles or going off the road.

d) Fence rail - describes a type of guardrail used as fencing around an area.

7. Example sentences:

a) The open space between the two buildings was filled with flowers and benches for people to relax in.

b) The unprotected edge of the cliff was marked with warning signs to prevent people from getting too close.

c) The hazardous boundary around the construction site was marked with bright orange cones to keep people away.

d) The unguarded barrier around the pool posed a danger to young children, so it was replaced with a safety fence.

In conclusion, guardrail is a term that refers to a protective railing or barrier used to prevent accidents and injuries. Its antonyms include open space, unprotected edge, hazardous boundary, and unguarded barrier, while its synonyms include safety barrier, protective railing, crash barrier, and fence rail. These terms are important to understand in order to accurately describe and explain the purpose of guardrails in various settings

Explanation of guardrail

1. Guardrail的定义


2. guardrail的发音及读法


3. guardrail的同义词

在不同场景下,guardrail可能会有不同的同义词。一般来说,在道路或建筑物周围使用的guardrail可以被称为“barrier”或“railing”。在铁路上使用的类似结构则被称为“fence”或“track fence”。总体来说,这些词都有着相似的含义:用于保护和限制区域。

4. guardrail在句子中的使用示例

(1) The guardrails along the highway prevent cars from going off the road.


(2) The construction workers installed a new guardrail around the building for safety purposes.


(3) The train tracks are protected by a sturdy guardrail to prevent accidents.


5. guardrail的使用范围




