

更新时间:2024-03-10 19:03:48作者:自考教育网



What does "guardians" mean?


1. 意思:作为一个名词,“guardians”通常指的是“监护人”或者“保护者”。这个词也可以用来形容那些担任监护职责的人,比如父母或者法定监护人。

2. 发音:根据美国英语的发音规则,“guardians”的读音应该是[gahr-dee-uhnz]。但是,在英式英语中,有些人可能会读成[gahr-dn-z]。

3. 同义词:如果你想要用其他单词来替换“guardians”,那么有几个选择可以参考。比如,“protectors”、“caretakers”、“custodians”、“guarders”等等。

4. 例句:下面是几个使用“guardians”的例句,帮助你更好地理解这个词的用法。

- He appointed his sister as the legal guardians of his children.


- The zoo has a team of guardians to watch over the animals.


- As we grow older, our parents become our guardians in a different way.



How to pronounce "guardians"

So, you've come across the word "guardians" and you're wondering how to pronounce it? Don't worry, you're not alone. English can be a tricky language, but fear not, I'm here to guide you through it.

First things first, let's break down the word. "Guardians" is made up of two parts - "guard" and "ians". The first part is pronounced like "gard", with a hard "g" sound. The second part is pronounced as "ee-ans", with a long "e" sound and a soft "s" at the end. Put them together and you get "gard-ee-ans".

Now that we've got the pronunciation down, let's talk about what this word actually means. In simple terms, guardians are people who have been entrusted with the responsibility of protecting or taking care of something or someone. They are like protectors or caretakers.

But wait, there's more! Here are some synonyms for guardians: protectors, custodians, caretakers, defenders. See how they all have a similar meaning? That's because they all refer to someone who has been given the task of looking after something or someone.

Still not sure if you understand? Let me give you an example sentence: "The guardians of the forest work tirelessly to protect its wildlife." In this sentence, guardians refers to those who are responsible for protecting the forest and its inhabitants.

So there you have it - how to pronounce "guardians" and what it means. Now go forth and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge! And remember, don't be afraid to ask for help when it comes to pronouncing tricky words in English. We've all been there before

Usage and examples of "guardians"

1. Definition of "guardians"

Guardians refer to individuals or groups who are responsible for protecting and taking care of someone or something. They are entrusted with the duty of safeguarding and ensuring the well-being of their charges.

2. How to pronounce "guardians"

The word "guardians" is pronounced as /ˈɡɑːrdiənz/ with the stress on the first syllable. The phonetic transcription is [gahr-dee-uhnz].

3. Synonyms for "guardians"

- Protectors: individuals or groups who safeguard and defend against harm or danger.

- Caretakers: people who are responsible for looking after someone or something.

- Custodians: individuals who have been given the responsibility of protecting and maintaining something valuable.

- Keepers: those who have the duty of preserving and protecting something important.

4. Examples of usage

- The parents serve as guardians for their children, providing them with love, guidance, and protection.

- The soldiers are seen as guardians of their country, defending it against external threats.

- The National Park Rangers act as guardians of the environment, ensuring that it is preserved for future generations.

- The trustees were appointed as guardians of the estate, managing it on behalf of its rightful owners.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "guardian"

- Guardian angel: a person who protects and guides someone throughout their life.

Example: My grandmother is my guardian angel; she has always been there for me through thick and thin.

- Guardian spirit: a supernatural being believed to protect a person or place.

Example: According to local folklore, this mountain is guarded by a benevolent guardian spirit.

- Guardian ad litem: a person appointed by the court to represent the interests of a child or incapacitated adult in legal proceedings.

Example: In cases involving minors, a guardian ad litem is often appointed to ensure that their rights are protected.

6. Related terms

- Guardian ship: the state of being a guardian or the position of being responsible for someone or something.

- Guardian age: the period during which a person is under the care and protection of a guardian.

- Guardianship order: a legal document giving a person the authority to act as a guardian for someone who is unable to take care of themselves.

In conclusion, "guardians" are individuals or groups who have been entrusted with the responsibility of protecting and taking care of someone or something. They play an important role in safeguarding the well-being and interests of their charges. The word has various synonyms and idiomatic expressions, all emphasizing the concept of protection and care

Synonyms for "guardians"

1. Protectors

- Definition: individuals or groups who defend and safeguard something or someone

- Example: The guardians of the forest work tirelessly to protect the endangered species living there.

2. Custodians

- Definition: people who are responsible for taking care of something, especially valuable items or places

- Example: The museum's custodians are in charge of preserving and maintaining the priceless artifacts.

3. Caretakers

- Definition: those who look after and manage something or someone, often in a responsible or protective way

- Example: The parents are the caretakers of their children's well-being.

4. Keepers

- Definition: those who have the responsibility of maintaining and preserving something, such as a tradition or a place

- Example: The keepers of the ancient temple ensure that its historical significance is preserved for future generations.

5. Guardianship

- Definition: the state or position of being a guardian; the responsibility and authority to take care of someone or something

- Example: The grandparents were granted guardianship over their grandchildren after their parents passed away.

6. Stewards

- Definition: people who are entrusted with managing and protecting something on behalf of others, often with a sense of duty and responsibility

- Example: The environmental group appointed stewards to oversee the conservation efforts in the national park.

7. Overseers

- Definition: those who supervise and have authority over others, especially in terms of protection and care

- Example: The animal sanctuary has dedicated overseers to ensure that all animals are well taken care of.

8. Defenders

- Definition: individuals who protect and uphold something against harm or attack

- Example: The soldiers were hailed as defenders for bravely defending their country during the war.

9. Watchmen

- Definition: people employed to keep watch over a particular place, often during night time, to prevent any harm or danger

- Example: The watchmen patrolled the streets to ensure the safety of the citizens.

10. Guardianship

- Definition: a state or position of being a guardian; the responsibility and authority to take care of someone or something

- Example: The guardianship of the orphanage was passed down to the eldest sibling after their parents' death

Examples of "guardians" in sentences

1. "Guardians" refers to people or things that protect, defend, or have responsibility for someone or something else.

Example: The guardians of the city were praised for their bravery during the attack.

2. Other words with similar meanings to "guardians" include protectors, defenders, caretakers, and custodians.

Example: The children's grandparents were appointed as their legal guardians after their parents passed away.

3. In some contexts, "guardians" can also refer to supernatural beings or deities who watch over and guide humans.

Example: According to Greek mythology, Athena was considered a guardian of wisdom and war.

4. The word "guardians" can also be used in a figurative sense to describe someone who provides guidance or acts as a mentor.

Example: The young athlete looked up to her coach as a guardian in her pursuit of becoming a professional player.

5. In terms of pronunciation, "guardians" is pronounced as /ˈɡɑːrdiənz/ with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Example: The teacher asked her students to repeat the word "guardians" several times until they got the correct pronunciation.

6. Here are some examples of how "guardians" can be used in sentences:

- The guardians of the forest worked tirelessly to protect it from illegal logging.

- As a parent, it is my duty to be a guardian for my children and ensure their safety.

- The museum has strict security measures in place and employs trained guardians to protect its valuable artifacts.

- It is important for us to be responsible guardians of the environment and take care of our planet for future generations.

- In many cultures, it is believed that ancestors act as guardians and watch over their descendants from the spirit world.

7. In conclusion, "guardians" has multiple meanings and can refer to different types of protectors or guides. Its pronunciation is /ˈɡɑːrdiənz/ and it can be used in various contexts, both literally and figuratively


