

更新时间:2024-03-10 19:00:27作者:自考教育网



1. guarded的含义



2. guarded的定义


- 小心谨慎的;保守的;谨慎戒备的

- (言语、举止)谨慎的,留心的,不露怒色的

- 隐藏起来;保护起来

3. 同义词及例句

- cautious(谨慎的):He is always cautious in his business dealings.


- careful(小心的):Be careful not to drop the vase.


- watchful(警惕的):The police kept a watchful eye on the suspect.


4. 例句解析

a) The politician's speech was guarded, as he didn't want to reveal his true intentions.


b) She gave a guarded response, not wanting to give away too much information.


c) The celebrity is always surrounded by a group of guarded bodyguards.





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除了发音外,我们也需要了解guarded这个单词的意思。它是一个形容词,意为“谨慎的”、“小心翼翼的”。它的同义词包括cautious、careful、wary等。例如,She answered the questions with a guarded tone.(她带着谨慎的语气回答了问题。)


1. guarded是什么意思?


2. guarded怎么读?


3. guarded同义词有哪些?

谨慎的:cautious, careful, circumspect

小心的:careful, watchful, wary

保护的:protective, defensive, shielding

4. guarded用于句子中可以表示什么意思?

a. She gave a guarded response to the question.


b. The soldiers were guarding the entrance to the castle.


c. The celebrity's private life is always under close guard.


5. 例句:

a. The politician's answers were always guarded and carefully worded.


b. The security guards were on high alert after receiving a warning of a potential threat.


c. The actress was guarded about her personal life and rarely gave interviews.



1. Reserved

- Definition: characterized by caution and restraint in speech or action; not openly expressed or displayed

- Example: The politician gave a reserved statement about the controversial issue.

2. Cautious

- Definition: showing careful forethought; avoiding unnecessary risks or mistakes

- Example: The driver was cautious while driving on the icy roads.

3. Wary

- Definition: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

- Example: The hiker was wary of the steep cliff and took extra precautions.

4. Vigilant

- Definition: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties

- Example: The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night to ensure the safety of the building.

5. Prudent

- Definition: acting with or showing care and thought for the future; wise in handling practical matters

- Example: It is always prudent to save money for unexpected expenses.

6. Careful

- Definition: taking care to avoid potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.

- Example: The surgeon was very careful during the delicate operation.

7. Discreet

- Definition: careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid causing embarrassment.

- Example: She was discreet about her personal life and never shared too much information with others.

8. Circumspect

- Definition: wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious.

- Example: He was circumspect in his approach to investing money.

9. Leery

- Definition: cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions.

- Example: She was leery of strangers approaching her on the street at night.

10. Chary

- Definition: cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.

- Example: He was chary of lending money to his friends after being burned in the past


1. Be on guard: 保持警惕,提防

例句:You should always be on guard when walking alone at night.

2. Guard against: 防范,防备

例句:We must guard against making the same mistake again.

3. Keep guard: 守卫,看守

例句:The soldiers were ordered to keep guard at the border.

4. On your guard: 警惕,小心

例句:Be on your guard when dealing with strangers.

5. Guarded response: 谨慎的回答

例句:He gave a guarded response when asked about his plans for the future.

6. Guarded optimism: 谨慎乐观

例句:There is a sense of guarded optimism about the company's future prospects.

7. Guarded secret: 保密的秘密

例句:The details of their conversation remained a closely guarded secret.

8. Guard dog: 看门狗,警犬

例句:The house was protected by a fierce guard dog.

9. Bodyguard: 保镖,护卫

例句:The celebrity was surrounded by her bodyguards at all times.

10. Coastguard: 海岸警卫队,海岸巡逻队

例句:The coastguard rescued the stranded sailors from their sinking ship.

11. National Guard: 国民警卫队,民兵部队

例句:The national guards were called in to maintain order during the protest.

12. Security guard: 安全保安人员,保安员

例句:The security guard checked everyone's ID before allowing them into the building.

13. Guard duty: 守卫任务,警卫任务

例句:The soldiers were assigned to guard duty at the border for six months.

14. Guard rail: 护栏,护栏杆

例句:The guard rail along the highway prevented cars from going off the road.

15. Guard your words: 谨言慎行,小心说话

例句:You should always guard your words when speaking to someone in a position of authority.

16. Guard against danger: 防范危险

例句:We must always be on guard against potential dangers in our environment.

17. Guard one's privacy: 保护个人隐私

例句:Celebrities often have to hire bodyguards to guard their privacy from paparazzi.

18. Stand guard: 守卫,值班

例句:The soldiers stood guard at the entrance of the palace.

19. On high alert/on guard: 处于高度戒备状态

例句:The security team was on high alert after receiving a threat against the president.

20. Guarded approach/attitude: 谨慎的态度/方法

例句:The company took a guarded approach when entering into negotiations with their competitors



