

更新时间:2024-03-10 18:02:11作者:自考教育网



grows的拼音是guǒ sī,它是grow的第三人称单数形式。在英语中,grow是一个常用的动词,意为“生长、成长、发展”。而grows则表示某物正在生长或发展的过程中。它可以用来描述植物、动物、人类以及各种事物的变化和进展。例如,“The plant grows slowly in the winter.”(这棵植物在冬天生长得很慢。)“His interest in photography grows stronger every day.”(他对摄影的兴趣每天都在增强。)所以,如果你想要表达某物正在不断发展或变化,可以用grows来表示


1. “grows”是一个英语单词,读作[ɡroʊz],音标为/groʊz/。


2. 它是动词“grow”的第三人称单数形式,意为“生长、增长”。

3. 在现代英语中,它通常用来描述植物或生物的生长过程。

4. 例如:The plant grows quickly in this climate.(这种植物在这种气候下生长很快。)

5. 它也可以用来表示事物的发展或变化过程。

6. 例如:The company grows bigger every year.(这家公司每年都在不断壮大。)

7. 此外,“grows”也可以指某种感觉或状态的增强。

8. 例如:Her confidence grows with each success she achieves.(她每次取得成功都会增强自信心。)

9. 在口语中,有时也会用“grows on”来表示某人开始喜欢上某件事或某个人。

10. 例如:At first I didn't like her, but she grew on me after a while.(起初我不喜欢她,但后来我开始喜欢上她了。)

11. 总的来说,“grows”是一个非常常用且多义的单词,在不同语境下具有不同的含义和用法。

12. 如果你想更准确地理解和使用它,可以多阅读相关的英语文章,积累更多的语言知识


1. Grows的意思


2. Grows的用法

a. 作为不及物动词,grows后面通常跟随名词或形容词作宾语。例如:

- The plant grows quickly in this climate.(这种气候下植物生长很快。)

- The population of the city grows every year.(这座城市的人口每年都在增加。)

b. 作为及物动词,grows后面通常跟随名词作宾语,并且需要加上介词into来表示生长或变成某种状态。例如:

- She grows roses in her garden.(她在花园里种玫瑰。)

- The child is growing into a fine young man.(这个孩子正在成长为一个出色的年轻人。)

c. 在口语中,grows也可以用来表示“变得更喜欢”、“越来越喜欢”的意思。例如:

- She grows on me with each passing day.(她每天都让我越来越喜欢。)

3. Grows的双语例句

- The company's revenue grows by 10% every year.(这家公司的收入每年增长10%。)

- As the tree grows, its roots become stronger and deeper.(随着树木的生长,它的根变得更强壮,更深入地下。)

- The child grows taller and taller every year.(这个孩子每年都在长高。)

- His love for her grows stronger with each passing day.(他对她的爱每天都在变得更强烈。)

- The city's population is growing at an alarming rate.(这座城市的人口正在以惊人的速度增长。)


1. Grows rapidly: 迅速增长

2. Grows steadily: 稳步增长

3. Grows exponentially: 呈指数增长

4. Grows continuously: 持续增长

5. Grows in popularity: 受欢迎度不断上升

6. Grows in size: 规模不断扩大

7. Grows in importance: 重要性日益增加

8. Grows in complexity: 复杂度不断提高

9. Grows in diversity: 多样性逐渐增加

10. Grows in demand: 需求量不断增加


1. Expands

- Definition: To become larger in size or volume; to increase in scope or extent.

- Example: The company's market share expands every year.

2. Develops

- Definition: To grow or progress; to advance in stages.

- Example: The child develops new skills as they grow older.

3. Flourishes

- Definition: To thrive or be successful; to grow vigorously.

- Example: The business flourishes due to its innovative ideas.

4. Multiplies

- Definition: To increase or reproduce in number; to become more numerous.

- Example: The population of the city multiplies every year.

5. Escalates

- Definition: To increase rapidly; to intensify or escalate.

- Example: The conflict between the two countries escalates with each passing day.

6. Burgeons

- Definition: To grow or develop quickly; to flourish or bloom.

- Example: The real estate market burgeons as more people move into the city.

7. Augments

- Definition: To make larger, greater, or stronger; to increase in size or amount.

- Example: The company augments its production capacity to meet the growing demand for its products.

8. Thrives

- Definition: To prosper and be successful; to grow and develop well.

- Example: The tourism industry thrives during peak season with an influx of visitors.

9. Surges

- Definition: To rise suddenly and strongly; to increase rapidly and forcefully.

- Example: The stock market surges after positive economic news is released.

10. Proliferates

- Definition: To increase rapidly in number; to reproduce quickly and abundantly.

- Example: With the rise of social media, fake news proliferates on the internet



