

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:57:57作者:自考教育网



1. grown-up的定义



2. grown-up的同义词


- Adult:与grown-up意思相近,指代一个已经成年或者具备成年人身份的人。

- Mature:也可以用来形容一个已经成熟起来、有责任感和自律能力的人。

- Grown:这个形容词通常用来指代一个已经长大、发育完全的人。

3. grown-up在句子中的用法


- He is a grown-up man now, he should take responsibility for his own actions.


- My daughter has grown up into a smart and independent young lady.


- Being a grown-up means you have to make your own decisions and face the consequences.


4. grown-up的反义词


5. grown-up常见搭配


- Grown-up world:指代成人社会,强调与孩子时期不同的生活状态和责任。

- Grown-up behavior:指代成年人应有的行为举止。

- Grown-up decision:指代一个成年人应该做出的决定。

- Grown-up conversation:指代成人之间更加严肃和深刻的交流。









其次,在电影或者书籍中,“grown-up”也可以指代一个人的成长过程。比如,“Harry Potter”系列中的主角哈利·波特从一个小男孩成长为一名“grown-up”,这里的意思就是他已经变得更加成熟和自立了


1. 什么是grown-up?

- Grown-up指的是成年人,通常指的是已经成年并且有一定责任感和成熟度的人。

2. Grown-up的用法

- “Grown-up”可以作为名词,形容词或动词使用。

- 作为名词时,它指的是一个已经成年并且有一定责任感和成熟度的人。

- 作为形容词时,它可以用来形容一个人或事物已经发展到了成熟阶段。

- 作为动词时,它可以表示一个人或事物经历了发展和成熟的过程。

3. 双语例句:

- She is a grown-up now, she can take care of herself.(她现在已经是个大人了,她能够照顾自己。)

- I don't want to be a grown-up, it's too much responsibility.(我不想长大,那太多责任了。)

- Our relationship has grown up over the years.(我们的关系随着岁月变得更加成熟。)

- It's time for you to grow up and start taking responsibility for your actions.(该是你长大并开始对自己的行为负责的时候了。)


1. 老成人 - grown-up的字面意思,指成熟稳重、有责任感的人。

2. 成年人 - 指已经达到法定年龄,具有完全民事行为能力的人。

3. 大人物 - 指社会地位高、有影响力的人。

4. 成熟男女 - 指已经长大成人,具备相应的生理和心理发育,能够承担起更多责任的男性和女性。

5. 真正的大人 - 指那些在面对困难时能够冷静处理、在取得成功后仍保持谦虚、善良并尊重他人的人。

6. 老练之辈 - 指那些经历丰富、处事圆滑、善于解决问题的成熟人士。

7. 成长中的伙伴 - 指那些一起分享欢笑和泪水、一起成长和进步的朋友们。

8. 年迈之辈 - 指那些年纪较大,经历过风风雨雨,拥有丰富阅历和智慧的老年人


1. Adult - This is the most common synonym for grown-up, as it refers to someone who has reached the age of maturity and is no longer considered a child.

2. Mature - This word can be used to describe someone who has developed emotionally and intellectually, and is able to handle responsibilities and make sound decisions.

3. Grown - This word emphasizes the physical aspect of growing up, as it refers to someone who has reached their full size or height.

4. Fully-grown - Similar to "grown," this word also focuses on the physical aspect of growing up, but also implies that the person has reached a state of complete development.

5. Grown-up - This is another way to say "adult," but it can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is appropriate for adults.

6. Responsible - This word can be used to describe someone who is mature and capable of taking care of themselves and others.

7. Developed - Similar to "mature," this word can be used to describe someone who has advanced in their personal growth and abilities.

8. Grown-up person - This phrase is a more formal way of saying "adult" and can be used in more professional or academic contexts.

9. Full-grown - Similar to "fully-grown," this word emphasizes the physical aspect of growing up, but can also imply that the person has reached a state of full maturity in other aspects as well.

10. Grown-up individual - Similar to "grown-up person," this phrase is a more formal way of referring to an adult individual in a specific context or situation.

11. Grown-up human being - This phrase emphasizes the human aspect of being a grown-up, and can be used in discussions about human development or psychology.

12. Grown man/woman - These phrases are commonly used colloquially to refer to an adult male or female respectively, often with a sense of respect or admiration.

13. Grown-up citizen - This phrase can be used to refer to an adult member of society, highlighting their role and responsibilities as a citizen.

14. Grown-up generation - This phrase can be used to describe a group of adults who have reached maturity and are now responsible for shaping the future.

15. Grown-up world - This phrase can be used to refer to the world of adults, with its own set of rules, expectations, and challenges.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to say "grown-up" depending on the context and tone. These synonyms can help you express yourself more precisely and effectively when discussing the concept of maturity and adulthood



