

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:53:16作者:自考教育网



1. 定义:growl是指低沉而有力的咆哮声,通常是由于愤怒或不满而发出的。它可以作为动词和名词使用,表示咆哮或咆哮声。

2. 词源:growl一词最早出现在16世纪,来自于古英语的"gryllan",意为"咆哮"。它也与古德语的"grollen"和古挪威语的"gryla"有关,都有类似的含义。


3. 同义词:growl的同义词包括roar、snarl、grumble等。它们都可以用来描述类似的低沉而有力的声音。

4. 例句:

- He let out a deep growl of frustration when he couldn't open the jar.

- The dog gave a warning growl as the stranger approached.

- The lion's growl could be heard from miles away.

- She tried to suppress her growls of hunger during the long meeting


1. 发音


2. 读法


3. 同义词


4. 例句

a. The dog growled at the stranger, warning him to stay away.


b. The lion growled fiercely at the approaching hunters.


c. She could hear her stomach growling with hunger.


5. 常见用法


a. The thunder growled in the distance.


b. The car's engine growled as it struggled up the steep hill.


c. He growled his disapproval at the proposal.


6. 拓展用法


a. The thunderstorm grew closer, and the sky began to growl with thunder.


b. The motorcycle's engine growled as it roared down the highway.



1. growl的意思及读音


2. growl的同义词


3. growl的用法

(1) 作为动词时,growl可用来描述动物发出威胁性的声音,也可以表示人类愤怒或不满地说话。例如:

- The dog growled at the stranger approaching its territory.


- The boss growled at his employees for not meeting the deadline.


(2) 作为名词时,growl通常用来指动物发出的威胁性的声音。例如:

- The growl of a lion can be heard from miles away.


4. growl的双语例句

- The bear gave a low growl, warning us to stay away from its cubs.


- The customer growled at the waiter for bringing the wrong order.


- The cat let out a loud growl when the dog came too close to its food bowl.


- The thunder growled in the distance, signaling an approaching storm.



1. Snarl

- Definition: To make an aggressive or angry sound, often in a low and guttural tone.

- Example sentence: The dog began to snarl and bare its teeth when the stranger approached.

2. Roar

- Definition: To make a deep, loud, and prolonged sound, like that of a lion.

- Example sentence: The lion let out a loud roar to warn the other animals to stay away from its territory.

3. Grumble

- Definition: To complain or express discontent in a low, rumbling voice.

- Example sentence: The old man would often grumble about the state of the world while reading his newspaper.

4. Bark

- Definition: To make a sharp, explosive sound like that of a dog.

- Example sentence: The guard dog barked loudly at anyone who came near the house.

5. Growling

- Definition: A low, guttural sound made by an animal or person to show aggression or anger.

- Example sentence: The bear let out a growl as it approached the hiker in the woods.

6. Snort

- Definition: To make an explosive sound by forcing air through one's nose, often as an expression of anger or annoyance.

- Example sentence: The horse snorted and stomped its hoof when the rider tried to mount it.

7. Howl

- Definition: To make a long, mournful cry like that of a wolf or dog.

- Example sentence: The wolves began to howl in unison under the full moon.

8. Hiss

- Definition: To make a sharp sibilant sound like that of a snake or cat.

- Example sentence: The angry cat hissed at anyone who came near its food bowl.

9. Rumble

- Definition: To make a continuous deep sound like distant thunder.

- Example sentence: The approaching storm could be heard rumbling in the distance.

10. Murmur

- Definition: To speak or make a low, indistinct sound.

- Example sentence: The group of friends sat around the campfire, murmuring and laughing late into the night


1. Low growl - 低沉的咆哮

例句:The dog let out a low growl, warning the intruder to stay away.

2. Deep growl - 深沉的咆哮

例句:The lion let out a deep growl, signaling its dominance over the pride.

3. Angry growl - 愤怒的咆哮

例句:My stomach let out an angry growl, reminding me that it was time for lunch.

4. Guttural growl - 喉咙的咆哮

例句:The bear let out a guttural growl, showing its aggression towards the hunter.

5. Fierce growl - 凶猛的咆哮

例句:The tiger let out a fierce growl, scaring off its prey.

6. Low menacing growl - 低沉的恐吓性咆哮

例句:The wolf let out a low menacing growl, warning the other pack to stay away from their territory.

7. Throaty growl - 喉音的咆哮

例句:The car's engine let out a throaty growl as it sped down the highway.

8. Continuous growling - 连续的低吼声

例句:I could hear continuous growling coming from the bear's den as I walked by cautiously.

9. Guttural throaty growls - 喉音低吼声

例句:The dragon let out guttural throaty growls as it flew over the kingdom, spreading fear among the people.

10. Gruffly muttered growls - 粗暴的低声咆哮

例句:The old man gruffly muttered growls as he walked by, clearly annoyed by the noise around him.

11. Low, menacing growl - 低沉的威胁性咆哮

例句:The bear let out a low, menacing growl as it stood its ground, daring anyone to come closer.

12. Deep rumbling growls - 深沉的隆隆声

例句:The volcano let out deep rumbling growls before finally erupting.

13. Guttural snarling growls - 喉音的咆哮声

例句:The dog let out guttural snarling growls as it defended its territory from the intruder.

14. Fierce, aggressive growl - 凶猛的挑衅性咆哮

例句:The lion let out a fierce, aggressive growl as it challenged the other male for dominance over the pride.

15. Low, menacing growl - 低沉的恐吓性咆哮

例句:The dragon let out a low, menacing growl as it guarded its treasure from the brave knight.




