
grow 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:48:18作者:自考教育网

"Grow是什么意思?" 这个行业标题引起了你的好奇心吗?是的,Grow不仅仅是一个单词,它还有更多的含义和用法。你知道它的拼音吗?怎么读?它在双语例句中的运用又是怎样的呢?除此之外,还有哪些与Grow相关的词组和同义词示例呢?让我们一起来探索Grow这个词背后隐藏的秘密吧。

grow 是什么意思


1. 拼音:g-r-o-w

2. 拼音解释:grow是一个英文单词,读作/groʊ/,表示“成长、增长、发展”的意思。

3. 发音示例:

- 英式发音:/grəʊ/

- 美式发音:/groʊ/

4. 词性:动词

5. 同义词:increase, develop, expand, thrive

6. 反义词:shrink, decrease, decline, wither

7. 搭配短语:

- grow up: 长大、成长

- grow old: 老去、变老

- grow into: 成为、变成

- grow out of: 发展出、脱离

- grow on: 对...越来越感兴趣或喜欢

8. 用法示例:

- Plants need water and sunlight to grow.


- Children grow quickly during their first few years.


- The company has grown into a successful business.


- He has grown out of his childish behaviors.


9. 相关词汇:

growth (名词):生长、增长、发展;增加的量;生长物;增长因素;生长条件等


1. “grow”是一个动词,读作/groʊ/,意思是生长、成长或增长。

2. 这个单词也可以用来形容人的发育或发展,例如:“She has grown into a confident young woman.”(她已经成长为一个自信的年轻女子。)

3. 在商业领域,我们也常用“grow”来指代公司或企业的发展和壮大,例如:“Our company has grown significantly in the past year.”(我们公司在过去一年里有了显著的发展。)

4. 除了指代实际的生长和发展,这个词还可以用来表示某种感情或态度的增强,“grow”+形容词的形式常被用来表达这种含义,例如:“Their friendship grew stronger over time.”(随着时间推移,他们的友谊变得更加坚固。)

5. 此外,“grow”也可以指代植物生长的过程,在这种情况下,它通常与介词“up”连用。“The plants are growing up towards the sun.”(植物们正在向着太阳生长。)

6. 最后值得一提的是,“grow”还可以表示变得越来越多或越来越大,“grow”+副词/形容词的结构通常被用来表达这种含义,例如:“The number of tourists is growing rapidly.”(游客数量正在迅速增长。)


1. 什么是grow?


2. grow作为动词时的用法

a. 表示植物生长

例句:Plants need sunlight and water to grow. (植物需要阳光和水才能生长。)

b. 表示人或动物的生长

例句:Children grow quickly in their first few years of life. (孩子在最初几年里生长得很快。)

c. 表示发展、增加、变大

例句:The company is growing rapidly. (这家公司正在迅速发展。)

d. 表示变得成熟或有经验

例句:He has grown into a responsible young man. (他已经成长为一个负责任的年轻人。)

e. 表示逐渐产生某种感觉或状态

例句:I grew tired of waiting for him. (我等他等得厌倦了。)

f. 与介词to连用,表示变得某种状态或性质

例句:The situation grew more and more complicated. (情况变得越来越复杂。)

3. grow作为名词时的用法

a. 指植物的生长部分,如树干、枝条等。

例句:The tree's grow was damaged by the storm. (树干被暴风雨损坏了。)

b. 指发展、增长的过程。

例句:The company's grow has been steady in recent years. (近年来,这家公司的发展一直很稳定。)

4. 双语例句

a. The economy of this country has grown rapidly in the past decade.


b. He grew up in a small village and moved to the city when he was 18.


c. The child's curiosity grows as he learns more about the world.


d. The flowers in my garden grow beautifully every spring.



1. Grow up: 成长;长大

2. Grow into: 逐渐发展成为;适合于

3. Grow out of: 由于成长而不再喜欢某事物/做某事;由...演变而来

4. Grow apart: 演变成为不同的人/想法;渐行渐远

5. Grow together: 共同发展;一起成长

6. Grow old: 老去;变老

7. Grow strong: 变得强壮;壮大

8. Grow weak: 变得虚弱;衰退

9. Grow fast/slow: 长得快/慢

10. Grow in size/number: 在尺寸/数量上增加

11. Grow in popularity/fame: 在受欢迎度/名气上增加

12. Grow in confidence/courage: 在信心/勇气上增加

13. Grow from strength to strength: 不断进步;日益强大

14. Growth mindset: 成长型思维,指相信自己的能力可以通过努力和学习来提升的思维方式。

15. Growing pains: 成长的烦恼/困难,指在发展过程中遇到的挑战和困难。

16. Growing economy/market: 增长的经济/市场,指持续增长、繁荣的经济或市场。

17. Growing trend: 不断增长的趋势,指某种现象或行为在逐渐流行或变得更普遍。

18. Growing season: 生长季节,指植物生长最旺盛的时期。

19. Growing pains of success: 成功带来的烦恼/困难,指成功所带来的挑战和压力。

20. Growing family: 增加成员的家庭,指家庭成员逐渐增多


1. Develop

- Definition: to grow or cause to grow and become more advanced or mature

- Example: The company aims to develop new products to meet the growing demands of its customers.

2. Expand

- Definition: to become or make larger or more extensive

- Example: The business has plans to expand its operations overseas in order to grow its market share.

3. Thrive

- Definition: to prosper or flourish, especially in a healthy and vigorous way

- Example: The company's innovative strategies have helped it thrive in a highly competitive market.

4. Flourish

- Definition: to grow or develop successfully and vigorously

- Example: With the support of its loyal customers, the small business has flourished and now has multiple branches across the country.

5. Progress

- Definition: to move forward or advance, especially towards a better state or condition

- Example: The company's goal is to progress and become a leader in the industry through continuous innovation and improvement.

6. Evolve

- Definition: to develop gradually over time, often into a more complex form

- Example: Technology is constantly evolving, and companies must adapt and evolve in order to stay relevant in the market.

7. Expand one's horizons

- Definition: to broaden one's perspective or experiences by trying new things or exploring new opportunities

- Example: Studying abroad can greatly expand one's horizons and help them grow both personally and professionally.

8. Cultivate

- Definition: to nurture, develop, or improve something through careful attention and effort

- Example: It takes time and effort for a small business owner to cultivate relationships with their clients, but it is essential for long-term growth.

9. Enhance

- Definition: to improve or increase something in quality, value, or extent

- Example: By implementing new marketing strategies, the company was able enhance its brand image and attract a larger customer base.

10. Advance

- Definition: to move forward or make progress in a purposeful way

- Example: The company's investment in research and development has advanced its technology and helped it stay ahead of its competitors



