

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:44:34作者:自考教育网



1. Group是什么意思



2. Group的发音及读音


3. Group的同义词

Group作为一个通用性较强的词汇,有许多同义词可以替代。比如:team, squad, crew, band, ensemble等都可以表示“团队”、“小组”。此外,还有gathering, assemblage, collection等表示“聚集”、“集合”的意思。

4. Group的例句

(1) The students were divided into groups for the project.


(2) Our company has a group of talented employees.


(3) The birds flew in a large group across the sky.


(4) The protesters formed a group to demand their rights.


(5) The paintings in this exhibition are grouped according to their themes.






- We have a group project due next week. (我们下周有一个小组项目要交)

- I joined a book club last month. (我上个月加入了一个读书会)

- The gang of friends went to the beach together. (朋友们一起去海边玩的那群人)


- We need to group these items according to their colors. (我们需要按照颜色把这些物品分组)

- The students were grouped into different teams for the competition. (学生们被分成不同的小组参加比赛)


1. Group的意思是什么?


2. Group的发音和读法


3. Group的同义词及例句

- Synonyms: team, crew, squad, band, company

- Example sentences:

a) She is part of a study group for her biology class.


b) The company has formed a new group to work on the project.


c) We need to divide the students into smaller groups for this activity.



1. 组合 (combination)

- 意思:指由不同的元素或成员组合而成的整体。

- 例句:This group is a combination of talented individuals from different backgrounds.

2. 团队 (team)

- 意思:指共同追求某一目标的一群人。

- 例句:Our group worked together as a team to achieve our project goals.

3. 集团 (corporation)

- 意思:指由多个公司或机构联合组成的大型企业。

- 例句:The group of companies formed a corporation to expand their business globally.

4. 社团 (club)

- 意思:指由志趣相投的人组成的社会团体。

- 例句:I joined a book club and met many interesting people in the group.

5. 小组 (team/group)

- 意思:指由少数几个人组成的小型团体。

- 例句:We divided into small groups to work on different tasks for the project.

6. 群体 (community)

- 意思:指具有共同特征、共同目标或共同利益的一群人。

- 例句:The online gaming community is a large and diverse group of players from all over the world.

7. 同伴 (companion)

- 意思:指一起做某事或共同经历某事的伙伴。

- 例句:My dog is my faithful companion who always joins me for walks and adventures.

8. 同事 (colleague)

- 意思:指在同一工作场所或职业领域工作的人。

- 例句:I have a great relationship with my colleagues in the marketing group.

9. 伙伴 (partner)

- 意思:指共同从事某项活动或合作的人。

- 例句:My business partner and I have been working together for over 10 years.

10. 联盟 (alliance)

- 意思:指为了共同利益而结成的组织或集团。

- 例句:The two companies formed an alliance to compete against their larger competitors


1. Team

- Definition: a group of people who work together to achieve a common goal

- Example sentence: The marketing team has been working hard to promote our new product.

2. Crew

- Definition: a group of people who work together on a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle

- Example sentence: The flight crew did an excellent job handling the turbulence during our flight.

3. Squad

- Definition: a small group of people who work closely together, often in a military or police context

- Example sentence: The SWAT squad was called in to handle the hostage situation.

4. Band

- Definition: a group of musicians who perform together, often with a specific genre or style of music

- Example sentence: My favorite band is playing at the concert tonight.

5. Ensemble

- Definition: a group of performers who work together to create a unified performance, such as in theater or music

- Example sentence: The ensemble put on an amazing performance of the classic play.

6. Company

- Definition: a group of people who work together in a business or organization

- Example sentence: Our company has been growing steadily over the past few years.

7. Association

- Definition: an organized group of people with similar interests or goals

- Example sentence: The local association for environmental protection is hosting a beach clean-up event this weekend.

8. Club

- Definition: an organized group of people who meet regularly for social or recreational activities

- Example sentence: I joined the book club at my local library to meet new people and discuss literature.

9. Society

- Definition: an organized group of individuals with shared values and beliefs

- Example sentence: The Humane Society works to protect and care for animals in need.

10. Coalition

- Definition: an alliance or partnership between different groups with similar goals

Example sentence:

The coalition of environmental organizations successfully lobbied for stricter pollution laws



