

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:43:02作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of groupie

1. Introduction


Groupie is a commonly used term in the entertainment industry, especially in the music world. It refers to a fan or follower of a particular band or celebrity, who often follows them to concerts and events. In this section, we will discuss the pronunciation of groupie and provide some examples to help you better understand its usage.

2. Pronunciation of Groupie

The word "groupie" is pronounced as "groo-pee". The emphasis is on the first syllable, with a long "oo" sound and a short "ee" sound at the end. It is important to note that the word is not pronounced as "group-ie" with two distinct syllables.

3. Examples of Usage

- I can't believe she's such a groupie, she follows every concert of her favorite band.

- He's not just a fan, he's a hardcore groupie who knows everything about the band.

- The lead singer was surrounded by groupies after the show.

4. Synonyms for Groupie

While there may not be an exact synonym for groupie, there are some words that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. These include:

- Fan: someone who admires and supports a particular person or team.

- Follower: someone who pays attention to and supports someone else's work or ideas.

- Devotee: an ardent follower or supporter of something or someone.

- Admirer: someone who has a high regard for someone else.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, groupie is pronounced as "groo-pee" and refers to a fan or follower of a particular band or celebrity. It is commonly used in the entertainment industry and has no exact synonym but can be replaced with words like fan, follower, devotee, or admirer depending on the context. We hope this section has helped you understand the pronunciation and usage of groupie better

Is groupie an idiom?

1. 什么是idiom?


2. groupie是一个idiom吗?


3. groupie的含义


4. groupie的发展与变化


5. groupie的同义词


6. groupie在句子中的使用


- She's just a groupie, she doesn't really care about the music.


- The singer was surrounded by a group of screaming groupies.


- He's such a groupie, he'll do anything to get close to his favorite celebrity.



Usage and examples of groupie

1. What does groupie mean?

- Groupie is a slang term that refers to a fan or follower of a particular celebrity or band, especially one who seeks out opportunities to meet and interact with them.

2. How do you pronounce groupie?

- Groupie is pronounced as "groo-pee".

3. Synonyms for groupie

- Some synonyms for groupie include fan, follower, admirer, devotee, enthusiast, and supporter.

4. Examples of usage

a) "She was such a big fan of the band that she became a groupie and followed them on tour."

b) "The lead singer was known for having many groupies who would do anything just to get close to him."

c) "Groupies often wait outside the venue after concerts in hopes of meeting their favorite celebrities."

5. Different types of groupies

- There are different types of groupies based on the type of celebrity or band they follow. For example:

a) Music groupies - These are fans who follow bands or musicians.

b) Sports groupies - These are fans who follow athletes or sports teams.

c) Celebrity groupies - These are fans who follow actors, actresses, models, or other famous personalities.

d) Bandwagoners - These are fans who only support a team or celebrity when they are popular or successful.

6. The negative connotation of being a groupie

- While being a fan is generally seen as positive, being a groupie can have negative connotations. It is often associated with obsessive behavior and the desire for personal gain by using their connection to the celebrity.

7. Groupie culture in the 1960s and 1970s

- The term "groupie" became popular in the 1960s and 1970s during the rise of rock music. It was used to describe young women who followed bands on tour and engaged in sexual relationships with band members.

8. The evolution of groupie culture

- With the rise of social media and the internet, groupie culture has evolved. Fans can now easily connect with their favorite celebrities through various online platforms, making it easier for them to become a part of their inner circle.

9. The impact of groupies on celebrities

- Groupies often have a significant impact on the lives of celebrities. They can provide support and validation for their work, but they can also become a source of stress and unwanted attention.

10. Conclusion

- In conclusion, groupie is a term used to describe fans who are dedicated to a particular celebrity or band. While it may have negative connotations, being a groupie is ultimately a way for fans to express their admiration and passion for their idols

Antonyms and synonyms of groupie

1. Antonyms of groupie:

- Individualist: Someone who values their independence and individuality, and does not conform to the norms or trends set by a particular group.

- Outsider: A person who is not part of a particular group or community, and may feel excluded or rejected by them.

- Nonconformist: An individual who does not conform to the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of a larger group or society.

2. Synonyms of groupie:

- Fanatic: A person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or devotion for something, often a celebrity or popular figure.

- Follower: Someone who supports and admires a particular person, group, or trend and may imitate their actions or beliefs.

- Admirer: A person who has a high regard for someone else's qualities, achievements, or talents.

Example sentences:

1. She was never one to follow the crowd; she was always an individualist at heart.

2. As an outsider in the music industry, it was hard for her to fit in with the other groupies.

3. He was known as a nonconformist in his circle of friends because he refused to dress like everyone else.

4. She was such a fanatic that she waited outside the concert venue for hours just to catch a glimpse of her favorite singer.

5. Being a follower of fashion trends, she always dressed in the latest styles favored by her favorite celebrities.

6. The actor had many admirers who would do anything just to meet him in person

Explanation of groupie

1. What does groupie mean?

Groupie is a slang term that refers to a fan or follower of a particular celebrity or band. These individuals are often dedicated and passionate about their favorite artist, and may go to great lengths to attend concerts, meet and interact with the celebrity, or even join their entourage.

2. How do you pronounce groupie?

Groupie is pronounced as "groo-pee."

3. Synonyms for groupie

- Fan: This is a more general term for someone who admires and supports a particular person or group.

- Follower: Similar to fan, this term can also be used to describe someone who follows and supports a celebrity or band.

- Devotee: This word emphasizes the strong dedication and loyalty of a groupie towards their favorite artist.

- Admirer: Another word for someone who greatly respects and appreciates a celebrity or band.

4. Examples of using groupie in a sentence

- "She's such a huge fan of this band, she's practically a groupie."

- "The lead singer always has a crowd of groupies following him wherever he goes."

- "I can't believe she's dating one of the band's groupies."

- "He's been collecting autographs from his favorite celebrities since he was young, he's definitely a groupie at heart."

In conclusion, groupie is an informal term used to describe someone who is an avid fan of a particular celebrity or band. They are often willing to go above and beyond to show their support and admiration for their favorite artist. While it may have negative connotations at times, being a groupie can also be seen as a sign of true dedication and passion towards music and entertainment



