

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:35:28作者:自考教育网




1. 简介


2. 概念解释


- 地面:这是最常见的用法,表示地面或土地。例如,“The grounds of the castle were beautifully landscaped.”(城堡的周围环境被精心布置了。)

- 理由、依据:表示某事发生或某事情正确性的原因或根据。例如,“He had good grounds for suspicion.”(他有充分的理由怀疑。)

- 场所、场地:指特定活动或事件发生的场所。例如,“The concert will be held on the grounds of the university.”(音乐会将在大学校园内举行。)

- 范围、领域:指某一特定范围或领域内的事物。例如,“This book covers a wide ground of topics.”(这本书涵盖了广泛的话题范围。)

3. 发音


4. 同义词

- reasons:表示理由或原因的同义词。例如,“The grounds for her decision were unclear.”(她做出决定的理由不明确。)

- basis:表示依据或根据的同义词。例如,“The report was written on the basis of extensive research.”(这份报告是基于广泛的研究撰写的。)

- premises:表示场所或建筑物的同义词。例如,“The premises of the company were well-maintained.”(公司的场所保养得很好。)

5. 例句

1) The grounds of the park are open to the public for picnics and walks.


2) She had no grounds to support her argument.


3) The wedding will be held on the beautiful grounds of a historic mansion.


4) The discussion covered a lot of ground but didn't reach a conclusion.



1. grounds的发音及含义


2. grounds的同义词


3. grounds的例句

(1) The company has grounds for dismissing the employee.


(2) There are no grounds for your complaint.


(3) The decision was based on solid grounds.


4. 关于grounds的常见疑问

Q: grounds是什么意思?

A: grounds是一个名词,意为“理由、根据、场地”等。

Q: 如何正确读音grounds?

A: grounds的发音为/ɡraʊndz/,重读在第一音节。

Q: grounds和reasons有什么区别?

A: 二者都指某件事情或观点的根据或依据,但grounds更强调具体而明确的原因,而reasons则更广泛地指一切可能导致某件事情发生或某个观点成立的原因。

Q: grounds的同义词有哪些?

A: grounds的同义词包括reasons、basis、justification等。

Q: 能否举几个grounds的例句?

A: (1) The company has grounds for dismissing the employee.


(2) There are no grounds for your complaint.


(3) The decision was based on solid grounds.



1. Grounds的意思:

Grounds一词可以指地面、土地,也可以表示理由、根据。在英语短语中,也有一些固定用法,比如“grounds for divorce”(离婚理由)、“grounds for dismissal”(解雇的理由)等。

2. Grounds的发音:


3. Grounds的同义词:


4. Grounds的例句:

- The children were playing on the grounds of the park.


- She had no grounds for accusing him of stealing.


- The company has grounds to terminate your contract.


5. Grounds的双语例句:

- There is a beautiful garden on the grounds of the palace.


- The lawyer argued that there were no legal grounds for the arrest.



1. On/Upon ground:在某个地方,基于某种理由

例句:On what grounds do you claim that you are right? 你凭什么说你是对的?

2. Grounds for concern:值得关注的事情,引起担忧的原因

例句:His recent behavior is grounds for concern. 他最近的行为让人担忧。

3. Common ground:共同点,共识

例句:We need to find some common ground in order to reach an agreement. 我们需要找到一些共同点才能达成协议。

4. Groundbreaking:开创性的,突破性的

例句:This new technology is groundbreaking in the field of medicine. 这项新技术在医学领域具有突破性。

5. Stand your ground:坚持立场,不退缩

例句:Even when faced with criticism, she always stands her ground and defends her beliefs. 即使面对批评,她也总是坚持自己的立场并捍卫自己的信仰。

6. Ground rules:基本原则,规定

例句:Before we start the project, let's establish some ground rules to ensure everyone is on the same page. 在我们开始这个项目之前,让我们制定一些基本原则以确保每个人都明白。

7. Solid ground:稳固的基础,可靠性

例句:The company's financial situation is finally on solid ground after years of struggle. 经过多年的奋斗,公司的财务状况终于稳定下来。

8. Break new ground:开辟新天地,创新

例句:This research project has the potential to break new ground in the field of science. 这个研究项目有可能在科学领域开辟新天地。

9. Groundswell:民意的涌动,声势浩大的运动

例句:The groundswell of support for the new policy was overwhelming. 对这项新政策的支持声势浩大。

10. Get off the ground:开始进行,起步

例句:We need to get this project off the ground as soon as possible. 我们需要尽快启动这个项目


1. Basis - 基础

例句:The grounds for his argument were based on solid evidence.

2. Foundation - 基础

例句:The grounds for their relationship were built on trust and mutual respect.

3. Justification - 理由

例句:He provided valid grounds for his actions.

4. Reason - 理由

例句:I see no grounds for you to be upset about this decision.

5. Cause - 原因

例句:The grounds for the delay in the project were due to unforeseen circumstances.

6. Motive - 动机

例句:The detective was trying to uncover the murderer's grounds for committing the crime.

7. Rationale - 合理性

例句:The company's decision was based on sound business grounds.

8. Grounding - 根据

例句:Her argument lacked proper grounding and was therefore dismissed by the court.

9. Basis of belief - 信仰的基础

例句:The grounds of their faith were deeply rooted in their cultural traditions.

10. Footing - 地位

例句:He lost his job and now has no financial footing to support himself or his family.

11. Substructure - 基础结构

例句:The architect designed a strong substructure as the grounds for the skyscraper.

12. Underpinning - 支撑物,基础原理

例句:The theory has a strong scientific underpinning, providing solid grounds for further research.

13. Bedrock - 基石,根本原则

例句:Honesty is the bedrock of any successful relationship, and should be the grounds for all interactions between individuals.

14. Groundwork - 基础工作

例句:The team laid the groundwork for their project by conducting thorough research and analysis.

15. Premise - 前提

例句:The premise of his argument was flawed, and therefore his grounds were not convincing.

16. Foundation stone - 基石

例句:The new school was built on the foundation stone of community support and involvement.

17. Basis of support - 支持的基础

例句:The politician's policies were not strong enough to provide a solid basis of support from the public.

18. Cornerstone - 角石,基础

例句:Education is often considered the cornerstone of a successful society, providing the grounds for progress and development.

19. Grounds for concern - 令人担忧的原因

例句:The recent increase in crime rates is a major grounds for concern among citizens.

20. Logical basis - 逻辑基础

例句:Her argument lacked a logical basis, making it difficult for others to understand her reasoning


