
ground 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:30:55作者:自考教育网



如果你是一个翻译工作者,那么你一定会经常遇到这样的情况:在翻译过程中,遇到了一个单词或短语,你不确定它的意思,但又不能随意猜测。这时候,你就需要去查找相关的资料来确认它的含义。而今天我们要讨论的就是其中一个常见的问题:ground 是什么意思?

ground 是什么意思

在英语中,“ground”这个单词有多种含义,可能是名词也可能是动词。但在翻译解释行业中,最常见的意思是“基础”或“根据”。比如,“on the ground”可以指“在现场”、“实地考察”,而“ground rules”则表示“基本规则”。

此外,“ground”还可以指“地面”,比如,“on the ground floor”表示“在一楼”。它也可以作为动词使用,意为“使接触地面”,比如,“The plane was grounded due to bad weather.”(飞机因天气恶劣被迫停飞)

除此之外,在特定领域内,“ground”还有其他不同的含义。比如,在电子学中,“ground”指电路中的零电位点;在军事上,“ground troops”指地面部队


1. 地面的意思

在英语中,ground一词既可以作名词,也可以作动词。作为名词时,它的基本意思是“地面”,指的是我们脚下的土地或者地表。例如,The ground is wet today.(今天地面很湿)。此外,它还可以指“土壤”、“土地”等。例如,The farmer tilled the ground for planting.(农民翻耕土地以便种植)。

2. 基础的含义

除了指物理上的“地面”,ground还有一个非常重要的含义就是“基础”或“根基”。这个含义通常用来形容某事物的最基本、最重要的部分。例如,The theory is grounded in scientific research.(这个理论建立在科学研究之上)。另外,ground还可以指“原因”或“根源”。例如,What's the ground for his anger?(他生气的原因是什么?)

3. 限制和约束的意思

作为动词时,ground有一个常见用法就是表示限制或约束某人或某事物。比如,在航空领域中,“ground”一词就表示禁止飞行。例如,All flights were grounded due to bad weather conditions.(由于天气恶劣,所有航班都被禁止起飞)。此外,它还可以指“限制”、“禁止”等。例如,The teacher grounded the student for a week.(老师让学生停学一周)。

4. 与电相关的含义

在电子领域中,ground还有一个非常重要的含义,就是“接地”。它指的是将电路中的某些部分与地面连接起来,以保证安全。例如,在家庭用电中,我们常常会使用接地插头来保证安全。此外,它还可以指“接地线”或“接地板”。例如,The electrician installed a new ground wire for the appliance.(电工为家用电器安装了一根新的接地线)。

5. 其他含义

除了以上几个常见的含义之外,ground还有一些其他的意思。比如,“ground”也可以表示“事实”或“真相”。例如,The police are trying to get to the ground of the case.(警方正在试图查明这起案件的真相)。此外,它还可以指作为名词时所在位置的下方部分。例如,在舞台上,“stage ground”就指舞台下方的区域


1. Ground作为名词,意为“地面;土地”,也可指“基础;根据”。作为动词,意为“使接触地面;建立基础”。在句中,ground可以用作主语、宾语或定语,下面将通过双语例句来详细解释其用法。

2. 作为名词时,ground常用来描述物体与地面的关系。例如:

- The ball fell to the ground.(球掉到了地上。)

- The house is built on solid ground.(这座房子建在坚实的土地上。)

3. Ground还可以表示某种特定的场所或区域。例如:

- This area is known as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.(这个地区被称为蚊子繁殖的场所。)

- The playground is a popular gathering ground for children.(操场是孩子们常去的聚集地。)

4. 作为动词时,ground指“使接触地面”,常用来描述物体的运动或位置变化。例如:

- The plane was grounded due to bad weather.(因恶劣天气,飞机被迫停飞。)

- He tripped and fell, his face hitting the ground hard.(他绊倒了摔倒了,脸狠狠地撞到了地上。)

5. Ground也可以表示“建立基础;打下根基”。例如:

- It's important to ground your arguments in facts and evidence.(把你的论点基于事实和证据是很重要的。)

- A strong education will ground you for a successful career.(良好的教育将为你成功的职业生涯打下基础。)

6. 除了以上用法,ground还有一些常见的搭配用法,如:

- break new ground(开创新局面)

- get off the ground(开始进行;起步)

- on the ground(在现场;在地面上)

7. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助理解ground的用法:

- The plane finally touched ground after a bumpy landing.(飞机终于在颠簸着陆后接触到地面。)

- The earthquake shook the ground, causing buildings to collapse.(地震震动了地面,导致建筑物倒塌。)

- The company is looking for ways to expand its business and gain more solid ground in the market.(公司正在寻找扩大业务、在市场上获得更稳固立足点的方法。)

- It's important to stay grounded and not let success get to your head.(保持脚踏实地很重要,不要让成功冲昏头脑。)


1. On the ground:在现场,实地

- The reporters were able to get firsthand information by being on the ground during the protest.


2. Common ground:共同点,共识

- Despite their differences, the two sides were able to find common ground and reach a compromise.


3. Groundbreaking:开创性的,突破性的

- The company's new product is expected to be groundbreaking in the tech industry.


4. Ground rules:基本原则,基本规则

- Before starting the project, we need to establish some ground rules to ensure smooth cooperation.


5. Lost ground:失去的领域,失地

- The company has been struggling to regain lost ground in the market after a series of setbacks.


6. Solid ground:稳固的基础,可靠的依据

- We need solid ground before making any important decisions regarding the merger.


7. Grounds for concern:令人担忧的原因

- The recent increase in crime rates is grounds for concern among the local residents.


8. Groundbreaking research:开创性的研究

- The scientist's groundbreaking research has revolutionized the field of medicine.


9. Common ground:共同利益,共同目标

- Both countries have a common ground in promoting economic growth and stability in the region.


10. Ground zero:灾难发生地,起始点

- The city has been slowly rebuilding after the terrorist attack that destroyed ground zero.



1. 意义:meaning, significance, sense

2. 含义:signification, connotation, implication

3. 定义:definition, explanation, interpretation

4. 解释:explanation, clarification, elucidation

5. 意图:intention, purpose, aim

6. 背景:background, context, setting

7. 基础:foundation, basis, groundwork

8. 根据地:stronghold, base, headquarters

9. 地面:surface, floor, terrain

10. 实质:essence, core, substance


