

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:24:42作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gross

1. What is the meaning of gross?


- Gross is an adjective used to describe something that is total, overall, or complete.

- It can also refer to something that is vulgar, disgusting, or offensive.

2. How do you pronounce gross?

- The word "gross" is pronounced as [grohs] with a silent "s" at the end.

- It rhymes with words like "dose" and "rose."

3. Synonyms for gross

- Some synonyms for gross include: total, entire, whole, overall, vulgar, disgusting, offensive.

4. Examples of using gross in a sentence

- The company's gross profits have increased by 10% this year.

- His jokes are always so gross and offensive.

- The movie was filled with scenes of gross violence and gore.

- I can't believe you actually ate that gross-looking food!

- The total cost of the project was a gross miscalculation.

5. Tips for pronouncing "gross" correctly

- Remember to pronounce it with a silent "s" at the end.

- Be careful not to confuse it with the word "gross" as in 144 items (which is pronounced [grohs]).

- Practice saying it out loud and listen to native speakers say it to improve your pronunciation.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "gross" has multiple meanings including total/overall and vulgar/disgusting. It is pronounced as [grohs] with a silent "s" at the end and can be used in various contexts in both formal and informal situations. Remember to practice saying it correctly to avoid any confusion!

Is gross an adjective or a noun?

1. Introduction

In the English language, words can be classified into different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Understanding the part of speech of a word is important in order to use it correctly and effectively in a sentence. In this article, we will explore the word "gross" and determine whether it is an adjective or a noun.

2. Definition of Gross

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "gross" has multiple definitions as both an adjective and a noun.

- As an adjective, "gross" can mean:

a) Coarse or vulgar; lacking refinement or sensitivity.

b) Extremely unpleasant or offensive.

c) Total amount before deductions; overall.

- As a noun, "gross" can mean:

a) The total amount before deductions.

b) A unit used to measure quantity (12 dozen).

c) A large sum of money.

3. Usage as an Adjective

Based on the definitions above, we can see that "gross" is commonly used as an adjective to describe something that is unpleasant or offensive. For example:

- The smell in the room was gross.

- The movie was filled with gross humor.

- He made a gross comment that offended everyone.

4. Usage as a Noun

As a noun, "gross" is often used to refer to the total amount before deductions or taxes are taken out. For example:

- Her annual salary was $100,000 gross.

- The company's gross profit for the year was $1 million.

- After taxes were deducted, his net income was only half of his gross salary.

5. Synonyms for Gross

There are several synonyms for "gross" depending on its usage as an adjective or a noun:

- Adjective: disgusting, repulsive, revolting

- Noun: total, aggregate, sum

6. Examples in Sentences

To further understand the usage of "gross" as an adjective or a noun, here are some examples in sentences:

- Adjective:

a) The food at the restaurant was gross and I couldn't finish it.

b) She made a gross joke that nobody found funny.

c) The movie was filled with gross scenes that made me cringe.

- Noun:

a) His gross income for the year was $80,000 before taxes.

b) The company's gross revenue increased by 20% this quarter.

c) After paying all the expenses, the net profit was only half of the gross amount.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "gross" can be used as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes something that is unpleasant or offensive. As a noun, it refers to the total amount before deductions. It is important to understand its usage in order to use it correctly in sentences. Other synonyms for "gross" include disgusting, repulsive, revolting (as an adjective), and total, aggregate, sum (as a noun)

Usage and examples of gross

1. What does gross mean?

Gross is an adjective that can have several meanings depending on the context. It can mean something disgusting, offensive or unpleasant, or it can refer to a total amount before expenses or deductions.

2. How to pronounce gross?

Gross is pronounced as "grohs" with a silent "s" at the end.

3. Synonyms for gross

Some synonyms for gross are disgusting, revolting, offensive, repulsive, and nauseating.

4. Examples of using gross in a sentence

- The garbage in the alleyway was so gross that I couldn't even walk past it.

- The company's annual revenue was $1 million, but after all the expenses were deducted, the net income was only $500,000.

- I can't believe you ate that pizza with all those toppings - it looks so gross!

- The comedian's jokes were so offensive and gross that many people walked out of the show.

- The total weight of the shipment was 10 kg, but after deducting packaging materials and containers, the net weight was only 8 kg.

5. Using gross in a non-serious way

Besides its literal meaning, gross is also commonly used in a non-serious or exaggerated way to express disgust or displeasure towards something. For example:

- Ew, did you see how much ketchup he put on his fries? Gross!

- That movie was so bad - it made me want to puke! It was just gross.

- I can't believe you're still wearing those shoes - they're so dirty and gross!

Antonyms and synonyms of gross

1. Antonyms of gross:

- Net: This refers to the amount of money or profit after deductions have been made. For example, "The net income for the company was much lower than the gross income."

- Delicate: This word is used to describe something that is subtle, fine or refined. For instance, "The delicate flavors of the dish were overpowered by the gross taste of the sauce."

- Minute: This means extremely small or precise. It can also be used to describe something that is insignificant. For example, "The details in her painting were so minute that they were easily overlooked by its gross composition."

2. Synonyms of gross:

- Total: This word is often used interchangeably with gross when referring to an overall amount or quantity. For instance, "The total cost of the project was much higher than we had anticipated."

- Coarse: This means rough, crude or lacking refinement. It can also refer to something that is vulgar or offensive. For example, "His jokes were often considered coarse and inappropriate for formal settings."

- Blatant: This word describes something that is obvious, often in a negative way. It can also mean something that is done without shame or embarrassment. For instance, "Her blatant disregard for the rules resulted in a gross violation of company policies."

3. Example sentences:

- The gross weight of the shipment was 500 pounds.

- He couldn't stomach the thought of eating such a gross combination of foods.

- The boss's behavior towards his employees was completely gross and unacceptable.

- Despite their differences, they managed to come up with a total agreement on the project.

- The comedian's coarse humor offended many members of the audience.

- His blatant disregard for safety regulations led to a serious accident on set.

In summary, while gross may have several negative connotations such as being unpleasant or excessive, its antonyms and synonyms offer a variety of ways to describe something that is the opposite of gross. Whether it's referring to an amount, taste, or behavior, there are many different words that can be used to convey a more subtle, refined or appropriate meaning

Explanation of gross

Gross, a commonly used term in English, has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. In this article, we will explore the different definitions of gross, how to pronounce it, and some synonyms and examples of its usage.

1. What does gross mean?

Gross can be used as an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it means something that is disgusting, unpleasant or offensive. For example:

- The smell of the garbage was gross.

- I can't believe you ate that gross sandwich.

As a noun, gross refers to a large amount or quantity of something. It is often used in business or financial contexts to describe total profits or income before any deductions. For example:

- The company's gross revenue for the year was over $1 million.

- After taxes and expenses, his net pay was significantly lower than his gross salary.

2. How do you pronounce gross?

Gross is pronounced as "grohs" with a silent "s" at the end. It rhymes with words like "close" and "dose."

3. Synonyms for gross

Some synonyms for gross include disgusting, revolting, repulsive, obscene, and vulgar.

4. Examples of its usage

- The movie was so gross that I had to cover my eyes.

- We need to calculate the net profit after deducting all the expenses from the gross revenue.

- His jokes were not funny at all; they were just plain gross.

- The company's CEO received a bonus of 10% of the annual gross profits.

- She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the amount on her paycheck - it was much lower than her expected gross salary.

In conclusion, while "gross" may have negative connotations when used as an adjective to describe something unpleasant, it also has a specific meaning in business and finance when used as a noun. Knowing these different definitions will help you understand the context in which it is used and avoid any misunderstandings



