

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:21:39作者:自考教育网


Definition of grossing


同义词方面,可以使用earnings、revenue、income等来替换grossing。例如,“The company's grossing has increased by 20% in the past year.”可以改为“The company's earnings/revenue/income has increased by 20% in the past year.”



1. The movie's grossing at the box office exceeded all expectations.


2. The restaurant's grossing for the month was lower than usual due to the pandemic.


3. The company's annual report showed a decrease in grossing compared to last year.


How to pronounce grossing

Grossing is a term commonly used in the translation and interpretation industry. It refers to the process of determining the total amount of money earned or received before any deductions are made. In other words, it is the total income or revenue before any expenses are taken into account.

Pronunciation: [grohs-ing]

Synonyms: earning, income, revenue

Example sentences:

1. The movie is grossing millions at the box office.

2. The company's grossing has increased by 20% this quarter.

3. She was shocked when she saw her paycheck and realized how much she was grossing.

4. The concert tickets were sold out within minutes, showing how much the artist is grossing in popularity.

5. The restaurant's grossing has been affected by the recent economic downturn.

So next time you come across the term "grossing", remember that it simply means the total amount of money earned or received before any deductions are made. Keep practicing its pronunciation and soon enough you'll be saying it like a pro!

Usage and examples of grossing

1. Grossing is a term used in the translation and interpretation industry to refer to the process of calculating the total amount of money earned from a particular project or service.

2. This term is often used in business and financial contexts, but it can also be applied to other industries, such as entertainment and sports.

3. When talking about grossing, it is important to understand that it refers to the total amount earned before any deductions or expenses are taken into account.

4. For example, if a movie grosses $100 million at the box office, it means that this is the total amount of money earned from ticket sales before any expenses, such as production costs or marketing fees, are subtracted.

5. Another way to think about grossing is as a measure of success or popularity. In the entertainment industry, movies and music albums are often ranked by their grossing numbers, with higher grossing projects considered more successful.

6. Some synonyms for grossing include revenue, income, earnings, and takings.

7. Here are some examples of how to use grossing in sentences:

- The new superhero movie has been grossing record-breaking numbers at the box office.

- The company's annual report showed a significant increase in their grossing compared to last year.

- The singer's latest album has been consistently grossing high numbers on streaming platforms.

- The sports team's merchandise sales have contributed greatly to their overall grossing for the year.

- The restaurant's daily specials have been a hit with customers, resulting in increased grossing for the business.

In conclusion, understanding what grossing means and how it is used can help you better navigate conversations and discussions related to finances and success in various industries. So next time you hear someone talking about their project's grossing numbers, you'll know exactly what they mean!

Phrases with grossing

1. "Grossing out": This phrase is often used to describe a feeling of disgust or revulsion. For example, "That movie really grossed me out with all the blood and gore."

2. "Grossing over": This phrase is commonly used in business to describe the total amount of money made from a particular product or service. For instance, "The new iPhone is expected to gross over $1 billion in sales."

3. "Grossing up": This phrase is used when adding additional amounts to a total, typically for tax purposes. For example, "The company will be grossing up employee salaries to cover the cost of healthcare benefits."

4. "Grossing someone out": Similar to the first phrase, this is used to describe causing someone to feel disgusted or repulsed. For instance, "I can't believe he eats bugs for fun, it totally grosses me out."

5. "Grossing margin": This term refers to the difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold and is often used as an indicator of a company's profitability.

6. "Grossing tonnage": This phrase is used in shipping and refers to the total weight of a ship's cargo and supplies.

7. "Grossing receipts": This term refers to the total amount of money collected from ticket sales for a movie or event.

8. "Grossing film": This phrase describes a movie that has made a high amount of money at the box office.

9. "Gross income": This term refers to an individual's total income before taxes and deductions are taken out.

10. "Gross domestic product (GDP)": This phrase is commonly used in economics and refers to the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders during a specific time period.

11. "Gross profit": Similar to gross margin, this term refers to the difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold, but is often used in reference to a specific product or service.

12. "Gross exaggeration": This phrase is used to describe a statement or claim that is greatly exaggerated or untrue. For example, "His story was a gross exaggeration of what really happened."

13. "Gross negligence": This term refers to extreme carelessness or recklessness that results in harm or damage. For instance, "The company was sued for gross negligence in their handling of hazardous materials."

14. "Gross misconduct": This phrase describes behavior that goes against accepted standards and can result in serious consequences such as termination from a job.

15. "Gross anatomy": This term refers to the study of the structure and organization of body parts visible to the naked eye.

16. "Gross weight": Similar to gross tonnage, this phrase refers to the total weight of an object including its packaging.

17. "Gross national product (GNP)": This phrase is similar to GDP but also includes income earned by citizens outside of their home country.

18. "Gross motor skills": This term refers to large movements involving the use of multiple muscle groups, such as running or jumping.

19. "Gross sales": This phrase refers to the total amount of goods or services sold before any deductions are made.

20. "Gross indecency": This phrase describes behavior that is considered lewd, offensive, or indecent by societal standards

Synonyms for grossing and their usage in sentences

1. Earning - This refers to the total amount of money made or received, usually in a specific period of time. For example, "The movie is expected to have a high earning at the box office."

2. Generating - This means to produce or create something, usually referring to income or profit. For instance, "The new product is generating a lot of revenue for the company."

3. Accumulating - This describes the process of collecting or amassing something, such as money or wealth. An example sentence could be, "The company has been accumulating profits for the past few years."

4. Raking in - This phrase is often used informally to mean making a lot of money quickly and easily. For example, "The concert tickets are raking in huge amounts of money."

5. Garnering - This means to gather or collect something, often used when talking about success or recognition. A sentence using this synonym could be, "The movie is garnering positive reviews and high grosses at the box office."

6. Reaping - This refers to receiving rewards or benefits as a result of one's actions or efforts. For instance, "The hard work put into promoting the event paid off and they are now reaping the rewards."

7. Profiting - This means making a financial gain from something, often used in business contexts. An example sentence could be, "The company is profiting greatly from their latest advertising campaign."

8. Netting - This term is commonly used in finance and refers to the amount remaining after deductions have been made (such as expenses). A sentence using this synonym could be, "After all expenses were accounted for, the event netted a significant profit."


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